Luxuylan Neighbourhood Development Plan

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The Luxulyan Neighbourhood Development Plan was successful at the poll on 8 Aug 2019.


Luxulyan Neighbourhood Development Plan
with Recommended Examination Modifications Final.pdf

The rest of the page is an archive in reverse chronological order of the documents and process of the Luxulyan NDP from 2016-2019.



Referendum - Thursday, 8th August 2019

Read the

Quick Guide to the Luxulyan Neighbourhood Development Plan. Hard copies of the Luxulyan Neighbourhood Development Plan are available at: ~ The Church of St Cyriacus and St Julitta, Luxulyan ~ The Methodist Chapel, Gunwen ~ Luxulyan Village Hall ~ Luxulyan Memorial Institute ~ Luxulyan Village Shop and Post office ~ The Kings Arms, Luxulyan, and ~ Both Ladies Hairdressing Salons.

Notice of Referendum - Luxulyan

Luxulyan Information for voters

Luxulyan Information Statement 

“Do you want Cornwall Council to use the neighbourhood plan for Luxulyan to help it decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area?”

The "neighbourhood area" is the whole of Luxulyan Parish. 


Referendum Decision documents

1) Luxulyan NDP Proceed to referendum report post examination

2) Luxulyan NDP APP1 Luxulyan NP Examination Report Apr19 final v2 002

3) Luxulyan NDP APP2 Luxulyan NDP Recommended Modifications Table

4) Luxulyan NDP APP3 Luxulyan Neighbourhood Development Plan with Recommended Examination Modifications

5) Luxulyan NDP APP4 Luxulyan NDP Consultation Statement with Recommended Examination Modificatons

6) Signed Decision Sheet- Luxulyan NDP Proposal – Post Exam Mods & Ref

May 2019. A document added below: 4c9 — PRO-FORMA COMMENTS ON LUXULYAN'S NDP.docx

Jan 2019. Another document: Landscape Character Assessment. The document is over 5 MB and cannot be uploaded to the website. If you would like to see it, please request it by email from the Clerk.

 Formal Submission of the Neighbourhood Plan 

to Cornwall Council and Independent Examiner

Download: Revised November 2018 – Draft Luxulyan Neighbourhood Plan - PDF 

PA18/00022/NDP | Plan Proposal submitted for the designated Luxulyan Neighbourhood Area. The consultation will run for seven weeks (due to the Christmas period) and end on 7th February 2019. | Luxulyan Cornwall

Other documents submitted November 2018:

1) Luxulyan NP basic-condition-statement Nov2018 - PDF

2) Luxulyan NP consultation-statement Nov 2018 - PDF

3) Luxulyan NP EIA Nov 2018 - PDF

4) Luxulyan NP Pro-forma comments Nov 2018 - PDF

Draft – Luxulyan Neighbourhood Development Plan

Download: Revised August 2018 – Draft Luxulyan Neighbourhood Plan - PDF 

Two new documents, Aug-18:

1) Luxulyan basic-condition-statement-(2)

2) Lux NP EIA

Date: 03-09-2018

Please find an updated version of the draft Luxulyan Neighbourhood Plan - AUGUST 2018. This amended version follows suggestions and comments received from Cornwall Council.These were reviewed by the Steering Group and, we feel, the changes made improve the draft Plan.

Date: 24-07-2018

As you will be aware, the draft Neighbourhood Plan went out to consultation in February 2018. We received a few responses from individuals, organisations and Cornwall Council. We have redrafted the Neighbourhood Plan to reflect comments that we felt improved it, whilst still fitting in with the wishes of the people of the Parish as set out in the responses to the questionnaire in Autumn 2017.

The main alterations were to reduce some of the Plan, as parts just re-emphasised items that are Cornwall Council's responsibilities, and the advice we received was to avoid these potential duplications.

This final draft will now go to Cornwall Council for an opinion on whether there is a need for a full Strategic Environmental Assessment. The advice we have is that this is unlikely, and if so, we will then continue the process to independent assessment. If we do require one, then this will take some time.

We will update the website when we know the outcome and our likely way forward together with estimated timescales.

Also below is the documentation (Evidence Files) that supports the process and the decision making.

    Luxulyan Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group

Evidence Files - 7 Groups

* Files larger than 5 MB cannot be uploaded to this website. The clerk can email you the file by request. 

1. Parish Council 

1a — Terms of Reference Steering Committee LNP-Nov16
1b — luxulyan-designation-report
1c — luxulyan-designation-decision-notice
1d * — Luxulyan Plan 2005
1e — NP REGISTRATION REQUEST letter 1-6-16
1f — np-registration-request-letter-4-6-16
1g — luxulyan-np-parish-map
1h — St-Blazey-Fowey-and-Lostwithiel-Community-Network-proof-5

2.  Steering Group Meetings

LNDP Minutes:

2019:  2019.01.15   Draft 2019.02.20 Draft 2019.03.19 Draft 2019.04.16 Draft 2019.05.21 Draft 2019.06.18

2018:  2018.01.16   2018.02.20 amended   2018.03.20   2018.04.17   2018.05.15   2018.06.19
2018.07.17   2018.12.18 Draft

2017:  2017.01.17   2017.02.21   2017.03.21   2017.04.18   2017.05.16   2017.06.13 
2017.07.18   2017.08.15   2017.09.19   2017.10.17   2017.11.21    2017.12.12   2017.12.17

2016:  2016.04.21   2016.11.14   2016.11.29   

LNDP Agendas:

2018:    2018.01.16   2018.02.20   2018.03.20   2018.04.17   2018.05.15   2018.06.19   2018.07.17

2017:   2017.05.16   2017.06.13   2017.07.18   2017.08.15   2017.09.19   2017.10.17   2017.11.21   

3. Neighbourhood Plan

3a — Draft outline for Luxulyan NDP 28 Apr 2017 ver1
3b — Draft outline for Luxulyan NDP 28 Apr 2017 ver2
3c — Luxulyan draft NP 15 Feb 2018 Final
3d — Luxulyan draft NP June 2018 v2 without markup MIN SIZE
3e — Luxulyan draft NP June 2018 v2 without markup STANDARD
3f — Luxulyan draft NP June 2018 v2 without markup
3g — Agreement with Tony Lee

4. Consultation and Communications

4a Communications 

4a1 — Article for Neighbourhood planning 10 05
4a2 — Email to Cornwall Council 13 July 2017
4a3 — Luxulyan Neighbourhood Plan GT article 07 11 17 tweaked version 2

4b Consultation Autumn 2017 

4b1 — consultation summer 2017
4b2 — Tasks for Luxulyan Neighbourhood Plan consultation Sep 2017
4b3— Basic information for handout
4b4 — Questionnaire for printing
4b5 — Analysis of responses latest ver22 11 17
4b6 — Quest. results summary 29 11 17 amended

4c Final Consultation Winter 2017-18 

4c1 — Final consultation plan winter 2018
4c2 — Comments for final consultation
4c3 — Comments for final consultation apr 2018
4c4 — Comments from Organisations
4c5 — 20180419 - Luxulyan Draft NDP - CC NP Team Comments - SEA Screening Stage
4c6 — 20180501 - Draft Luxulyan NDP - CC Officer Comments - Reg 14 Stage
4c7 — e-mail Zoe Apr2018
4c8 — Additional responses as the 10th May

4d Initial Consultation

4d3 — Luxulyan initial scoping survey Volunteer sheet finalised all black
4d4 — Luxulyan initial scoping survey Volunteer sheet finalised
4d5 — Name badges
4d6 — Neighbourhood Plan - what it is - display
4d7 — POSTER - 9 July 2016
4d8 — Further Revision Granite Towers N.Plan article 22 Apr 2016 cbwII
4d9 — NP Analysis Oct 2016
4d10 — NP analysis sorted
4d11 —   Key points July 2016 first consultation

5. Timetables, etc.

5a — LNP-PP-V1.0 - In progress
5b — Luxulyan_PP_V2.0
5c — Luxulyan_PP_V2.1
5d —Luxulyan_PP_V2.2
5e — Luxulyan_PP_V3
5f — Luxulyan_PP_V4
5g — Luxulyan_PP_V5
5h — Luxulyan_PP_V6
5i — Luxulyan_PP_V7
5j — Luxulyan_PP_V8
5k — Luxulyan_PP_V9

6. Information about Parish

6a * — Local Insight-Luxulyan
6b — Coleen advice
6c — Housing zone
6d — Colleen re number of homes required
6e — Area to south of village
6f — areaCA39 Landscape character St Austell bay & Lux Valley
6g — Luxulyan Affordable Housing numbers
6h * — Luxulyan CP Wildlife Resource Map 2016
6i — Luxulyan Industrial Settlements link
6l * — Printable Luxulyan CP Wildlife Resource Map [Hedges Data] 2018 - 17MB
6m * — Layered Luxulyan CP Wildlife Resource Map [Hedges Data] 2018 - 15MB
6m — 'How to' - view map layers in PDF
6o — Wildlife Resource Map - Guidance notes
6p — Lighting in the countryside - towards good practice (ODPM)
6q — Homes for people and wildlife - how to build housing in a nature-friendly way
6r * — Biodiversity_and_Geological_Conservation_Planning_Good_Practice_Guidance_for_Cornwall

7. Miscellaneous

7a — Grant offer Aug 2017
7b — Grant Offer June 18

* Files larger than 5 MB cannot be uploaded to this website. The clerk can email you the file by request. 

 Luxulyan Neighbourhood Plan.   Like us to find out about events and to see the Plan develop.

Thank you to everyone who replied to the questionnaire in September/October 2017. The Steering Group has taken your views into account and we now have a final written draft. We would appreciate it if you could read through this draft and let us know of any thoughts/comments you might have.

Download in PDF format – Draft Luxulyan Neighbourhood Plan.

Download in DOC format – Draft Luxulyan Neighbourhood Plan.

Please could you respond to the parish council clerk by 10th May 2018. Thank you.

Mrs C Wilson, Clerk

Telephone:     01208 831 283
Mobile:           07543 427 141

Luxulyan Parish Council
Lower Burlorne Tregoose
PL30 3AJ

Luxulyan Neighbourhood Plan
2017 Parish Questionnaire: The Results!

November 2017.  The excellent response to this questionnaire has enabled the Steering Committee to draw firm conclusions on a number of issues.

Analysis of Responses (20 pages). Download here in DOC or PDF format

Questionnaire Results summary (2 pages). Download here in DOC or PDF format 

Luxulyan Neighbourhood Plan Steering Committee, or LNP.

The LNP meets every third Tuesday of the month at 6.45 pm in the Luxulyan Memorial Institute. Contact Cllr Justine Rowe or Cllr Francis Payne if you would like to attend the next meeting or join the committee. The Steering Committee adopted these Terms of Reference in November 2016.

LNP Minutes:

2018:  2018.01.16    2018.02.20 amended  2018.03.20  2018.04.17

2017.  2017.01.17    2017.02.21    2017.03.21   2017.04.18   2017.05.16    2017.07.18 
           2017.08.15    2017.09.19    2017.10.17   2017.11.21   2017.12.17

2016.  2016.04.21    2016.11.14    2016.11.29    

Find out more

  • Saturday, 2 September 2017, 10.00 am to 12 noon

  • Saturday, 9 September 2017, 10.30 am to 4.30 pm
      Community Information leaflet in PDF format HERE.

If you haven't done so yet, you can still send us your ideas and register your interest.  Just click on the title or the image to download the form.  

Love where you live.

Neighbourhood Plan REGISTER OF INTEREST 

Love where you live questionnaire   Register your interest in the Luxulyan ND Plan

4 Aug 2016. Luxulyan Parish is designated a Neighbourhood Area with the authority to develop a Neighbourhood Plan.


Saturday, 9th July 2016, 2-5 pm at the Village Hall.