Planning Guidelines

Planning on this webpage goes back to mid-2013 in chronological order – the latest at the top.

  • Some major applications from neighbouring parishes are also included.  
  • Applications in blue (date of meeting) will be discussed by Luxulyan Parish Council (LPC) and, when appropriate, it will send its comments to the planning authority.
  • You can find the Parish Council's comments in the meeting minutes.

For further details about any planning application, note the reference number (in bold below) and go to  If you would like to comment on a planning application online you must register on the Cornwall Council website.

Download planning documents. First use the 'online-applications' link above to find the planning application on the Online Planning Register and then click on the 'Documents' tab. Multiple documents may be downloaded at once.

Only material planning considerations will affect the outcome of the decision by Cornwall Council. The Royal Town Planning Institute ( offers this brief explanation of material planning considerations

Parish Planning 2022

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Parish Planning 2019-2021


LUXULYAN decision. PA21/07754 | APPROVED | Proposed 2 storey extension with first floor recessed balcony, raised decking area with side privacy screens and formation of parking area | 7 Fairview Lockengate St Austell Cornwall PL26 8RX. [revised plans].

LUXULYAN decision. PA21/07107 | APPROVED | Construction of a new dwelling house | Land South East Of Treskilling Farm Cottage Treskilling Luxulyan Cornwall PL30 5EJ.

LUXULYAN. PA21/10484 (11 Nov'21) | Proposal Two storey extension and alterations to existing porch | Rose In Valley Higher Menadue Bugle St Austell.

LUXULYAN. PA21/09236 (11 Nov'21) | Change of Use. Strip of land to become garden and extending existing single garage to form a double garage with driveway access | The Bungalow Bridges Luxulyan Bodmin Cornwall PL30 5EF.

LUXULYAN. PA21/08493 (11 Nov'21) | Proposed Erection of 4no. Holiday Lodges | Site To The North Of South Barn Luxulyan Bodmin Cornwall PL30 5DR.

LUXULYAN. PA21/07754 (11 Nov'21) | Proposed 2 storey extension with first floor recessed balcony, raised decking area with side privacy screens and formation of parking area | 7 Fairview Lockengate St Austell Cornwall PL26 8RX. [revised plans]

LUXULYAN. PA21/02482/PREAPP (11 Nov'21) | Pre application advice for 9 new dwellings - Land South West Of Luxulyan Village Hall Luxulyan Cornwall PL30 5EE

LUXULYAN. PA21/07308 (11 Nov'21) | Change of use of land for up to 6 glamping units | Tredinnick Fields Access To Tredinnick Fields Luxulyan PL30 5DT.

LANIVET. PA21/08947 | Construction of 15 new affordable homes (Re-submission of Application No. PA20/06666) | Land South Of Clann Lane Lanivet Bodmin Cornwall PL30 5HD

LUXULYAN decision. PA21/08804 | APPROVED | Change of use from a redundant calf barn to a 1No. 2bed 3person private residential dwelling | Lower Harros Farm Roche St Austell PL26 8LN

LUXULYAN decision. PA21/08665 | APPROVED | Extension forming school classroom | Luxulyan School Road From Hill Bunkers To Post Office At Luxulyan Luxulyan PL30 5EE

LUXULYAN. PA21/09387 (10 Oct'21) | Proposed erection of two detached dwellings with integral garages, the provision of a new vehicular access serving each dwelling and the installation of two septic tanks | Land North West Of 12 St Cyriac St Cyriac Luxulyan Cornwall PL30 5QA

LUXULYAN. PA21/09236 (10 Oct'21) | Change of Use. Strip of land to become garden and extending existing single garage to form a double garage with driveway access | The Bungalow Bridges Luxulyan Bodmin Cornwall PL30 5EF

LUXULYAN. PA21/08804 (10 Oct'21) | Change of use from a redundant calf barn to a 1No. 2bed 3person private residential dwelling | Lower Harros Farm Roche St Austell PL26 8LN

LUXULYAN. PA21/08665 (10 Oct'21) | Extension forming school classroom | Luxulyan School Road From Hill Bunkers To Post Office At Luxulyan Luxulyan PL30 5EE.

LUXULYAN decision. PA21/07179 | APPROVED | Proposed first floor infill extension | The Cottage Canna Bugle St Austell Cornwall PL26 8RW.

LUXULYAN decision. PA21/02006/PREAPP | CLOSED ADVICE GIVEN | Pre application advice for construction of 2/3 bedroom home, with parking. | 1 St Sulien Luxulyan Bodmin Cornwall PL30 5EB.

ROCHE decision. PA21/06201 | APPROVED | Construction of a small multifunctional wheeled sport / skate board park. | Roche Sports And Social Complex Trezaise Road Roche St Austell PL26 8HD

TREVERBYN decision. PA21/03666 | APPROVED | Reserved Matters application for the construction of a one form entry primary school, access, landscaping, sports pitch, parking and all associated infrastructure and works. | Land At West Carclaze Garden Village Primary School Site St Austell

LUXULYAN. PA21/07754 (6 Sep'21) | Proposed 2 storey extension with first floor recessed balcony, raised decking area with side privacy screens and formation of parking area | 7 Fairview Lockengate St Austell Cornwall PL26 8RX.

LUXULYAN. PA21/07353 (6 Sep'21) | Change of use of former agricultural building to residential use (re-submission of withdrawn application PA20/10105) | Land North Of Penrose Farm Luxulyan Cornwall PL30 5EQ

LUXULYAN. PA21/07179 (6 Sep'21) | Proposed first floor infill extension | The Cottage Canna Bugle St Austell Cornwall PL26 8RW.

LUXULYAN. PA21/07107 (6 Sep'21) | Construction of a new dwelling house | Land South East Of Treskilling Farm Cottage Treskilling Luxulyan Cornwall PL30 5EJ.

LUXULYAN decision. PA20/07022 | Addition of 5 Mobile Homes (Statics) to existing Traveller Site | Eden Meadows Carne Cross St Blazey Par Cornwall PL24 2SX. APPROVED at Planning Committee.

LUXULYAN decision. PA21/01670/PREAPP | CLOSED ADVICE GIVEN |Pre-application advice for the conversion or replacement of redundant farm buildings into two holiday accommodation units, including alterations and improvements to access.|The Piggeries Okewoon Farm Lanivet Bodmin PL30 5HU.

LUXULYAN decision. PA21/01855/PREAPP | CLOSED ADVICE GIVEN |Pre-application advice for a new dwelling. | Land East Of Patara Lanivet Bodmin PL30 5JA

ROCHE decision. PA18/09982 – APPROVED - Land At Edgcumbe Road Roche PL26 8TR. Outline permission (with all matters reserved except for access) for up to 150 dwellings including children's play area, public open space, supporting infrastructure and associated works. - Tregothnan Estates

LUXULYAN. PA21/02006/PREAPP (12 Aug'21) | Pre application advice for construction of 2/3 bedroom home, with parking. | 1 St Sulien Luxulyan Bodmin Cornwall PL30 5EB

LUXULYAN. PA21/01855/PREAPP (12 Aug'21) | Pre-application advice for a new dwelling. | Land East Of Patara Lanivet Bodmin Cornwall PL30 5JA

LUXULYAN. PA21/01670/PREAPP (12 Aug'21) |Pre-application advice for the conversion or replacement of redundant farm buildings into two holiday accommodation units, including alterations and improvements to access.|The Piggeries Okewoon Farm Lanivet Bodmin PL30 5HU

LUXULYAN. PA21/07107 (12 Aug'21) | Construction of a new dwelling house | Land South East Of Treskilling Farm Cottage Treskilling Luxulyan Cornwall PL30 5EJ.

LUXULYAN. PA21/07179 (12 Aug'21) | Proposed first floor infill extension | The Cottage Canna Bugle St Austell Cornwall PL26 8RW 

ROCHE decision. PA21/04865 | APPROVED | The development of an electric vehicle charging hub and associated works. | Cornish Gateway Services Victoria PL26 8UF

LUXULYAN decision. PA21/02427 | APPROVED | Change of use for part time dog grooming salon within an existing room at home address. No exterior changes. | Inner Tredennick Luxulyan Bodmin PL30 5DS.

LUXULYAN decision. PA21/05138 | APPROVED | Construction of detached dwelling with variation of condition 2 in respect of decision PA18/07889 | Land At Sunnyside Rosemelling Luxulyan Bodmin Cornwall PL30 5EQ.

LUXULYAN decision. PA21/00499/PREAPP | CLOSED-ADVICE GIVEN | Pre-application advice for conversion of a redundant Calf barn to a 1No. private residential dwelling. - Lower Harros Farm Roche St Austell PL26 8LN.

LUXULYAN decision. PA21/03429 | APPROVED | Proposed rear single storey extension | Aidenetha House Bodwen PL26 8RP.

LUXULYAN decision. PA21/01063/PREAPP| CLOSED-ADVICE GIVEN | Pre application advice for a single dwelling | Carminnow Farm Luxulyan Bodmin Cornwall PL30 5EA.

ROCHE. PA21/04865 | The development of an electric vehicle charging hub and associated works. | Cornish Gateway Services Victoria Cornwall PL26 8UF

LUXULYAN. PA21/05138 (24 Jun'21) | Construction of detached dwelling with variation of condition 2 in respect of decision PA18/07889 | Land At Sunnyside Rosemelling Luxulyan Bodmin Cornwall PL30 5EQ.

LUXULYAN. PA21/00733 (10 Jun'21) | EIA Scoping Opinion Request for St Austell China Clay Area ROMP. | St Austell China Clay Area ROMP. | Inner Tredennick Luxulyan Bodmin PL30 5DS.

LUXULYAN. PA21/02427 (10 Jun'21) | Change of use for part time dog grooming salon within an existing room at home address. No exterior changes. | Inner Tredennick Luxulyan Bodmin PL30 5DS.

LANLIVERY. PA21/01341/PREAPP | Pre-application advice for development of 7 (No.) dwellings (4 (No.) affordable and 3 (No.) self build plots) with village parking. | Land North West Of Churchtown Cottage Lanlivery Bodmin Cornwall PL30 5BT

TREVERBYN. PA21/03666 | Reserved Matters application for the construction of a one form entry primary school, access, landscaping, sports pitch, parking and all associated infrastructure and works. | Land At West Carclaze Garden Village Primary School Site St Austell

TREVERBYN. PA21/01060/PREAPP | Pre-application advice for residential development. | Land South East Of Blue Anchor Scredda St Austell Cornwall PL26 8XP

TREVERBYN. PA21/00413/PREAPP | Decision: CLOSED - ADVICE GIVEN | Pre-application advice for 51 affordable houses. | Land South West Of Scredda Cottage Scredda St Austell Cornwall PL26 8XW

LUXULYAN. PA21/03429 (29 Apr'21) | Proposed rear single storey extension | Aidenetha House Bodwen PL26 8RP.

LUXULYAN. PA21/03156 (29 Apr'21 & 20 May'21) | Outline permission for the construction of 2 detached dwellings with all matters reserved | Atwell Gardens Road From Junction North Of St Cyriac To Atwell Gardens Luxulyan PL30 5DW.

LUXULYAN. PA21/01063/PREAPP (29 Apr'21) | Pre application advice for a single dwelling | Carminnow Farm Luxulyan Bodmin Cornwall PL30 5EA

LUXULYAN decision. PA20/10105 | WITHDRAWN | Conversion of agricultural building to residential dwelling | Land North Of Penrose Farm Luxulyan Cornwall PL30 5EQ.

TREVERBYN. PA21/02845 | EIA screening opinion request for a wind turbine | Land At Wheal Martyn China Clay Works Carthew St Austell Cornwall

LUXULYAN decision. PA21/01250 | APPROVED | Non material amendment to decision PA20/05053 for changes to walls, doors, windows and roof. | Lower Harros Farm Access To Lower Harros Farm Roche PL26 8LN.

LUXULYAN decision. PA21/00384/PREAPP | CLOSED - ADVICE GIVEN |Pre application advice for erection of four holiday lodges on site Land North Of South Barn Luxulyan Bodmin PL30 5DR

LUXULYAN. PA21/01250 (11 Mar'21) | Non material amendment to decision PA20/05053 for changes to walls, doors, windows and roof. | Lower Harros Farm Access To Lower Harros Farm Roche PL26 8LN.

LUXULYAN. PA21/00499/PREAPP Pre-application advice for conversion of a redundant Calf barn to a 1No. private residential dwelling. - Lower Harros Farm Roche St Austell PL26 8LN

LUXULYAN. PA21/00384/PREAPP Pre application advice for erection of four holiday lodges on site Land North Of South Barn Luxulyan Bodmin PL30 5DR

TREVERBYN. PA21/00413/PREAPP. Land South West Of Scredda Cottage Scredda St Austell Cornwall PL26 8XW. Pre-application advice for 51 affordable houses.

LUXULYAN decision. PA19/10862. APPROVED. Land North West Of Appletree Farm Conce Moor Bugle St Austell The proposed removal of a storage unit, the erection of one affordable dwelling and the installation of a septic tank

LUXULYAN decision. PA21/00662. PRIOR APPROVAL NOT REQ'D (AF/TEL/DEM) Newgate Farm (Kernow Grain) Lanivet Bodmin Cornwall PL30 5HX. Proposal: Prior approval for an agricultural steel portal framed building to be used for the storage of agricultural commodities and machinery.

LUXULYAN decision. PA21/00056. WITHDRAWN. The Cottage Canna Bugle St Austell. Proposed first floor infill extension.

TREVERBYN decision. PA20/06276 APPROVED. Application for reserved matters approval for sub-phase of phase 2 of the development. The application seeks consent for the development of 127 residential units, associated landscaping and site infrastructure.The application covers all matters of design, scale, layout, access, drainage and landscaping. The outline application was accompanied by an Environmental Statement which was submitted to the Local Planning Authority and used in the determination of the proposal.(Details following Outline application PA14/12186 dated 21/09/18). Land North Of West Carclaze Solar Farm Carluddon St Austell PL26 8XW.

LUXULYAN. PA20/10105 (11 Feb'21) | Conversion of agricultural building to residential dwelling | Land North Of Penrose Farm Luxulyan Cornwall PL30 5EQ

LUXULYAN. PA21/00056 (11 Feb'21) | Proposed first floor infill extension. | The Cottage Canna Bugle St Austell Cornwall PL26 8RW

LUXULYAN. PA21/00662 | Prior approval for an agricultural steel portal framed building to be used for the storage of agricultural commodities and machinery. | Newgate Farm (Kernow Grain) Lanivet Bodmin Cornwall PL30 5HX

LUXULYAN decision. PA20/10168 | DECIDED | Tree works to Hedge 1, Beech trees (T1), (T2), (T3) and (T4), Sycamore (T5) and Beech (T6) To fell and remove some of the understory trees including poorly formed Cherry and Sycamore. Felling of Ash tree (T7). All subject to a TPO. | Carveighe Road From Hill Bunkers To Post Office At Luxulyan Luxulyan PL30 5EE

LUXULYAN decision. PA20/07964 | APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS | Proposal to regularise the change of use (retrospective) for camping and glamping. | Acorn Camping And Glamping Prideaux St Blazey Par Cornwall PL24 2SS

LUXULYAN decision. PA20/07078 | APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS | Replacement of existing domestic garage and carport with new domestic garage with room over for domestic office amenity as an annexe to main dwelling incorporating balcony. | Cross Cottage (formerly 1 And 2 Cross) Luxulyan Bodmin Cornwall PL30 5DP

LUXULYAN decision. PA20/02819/PREAPP | CLOSED - ADVICE GIVEN | Pre-application advice for the conversion of a redundant open front barn to a private residential dwelling. | Lower Harros Farm Roche St Austell Cornwall PL26 8LN

LUXULYAN. PA20/02819/PREAPP (14 Jan'21) | Pre-application advice for the conversion of a redundant open front barn to a private residential dwelling. | Lower Harros Farm Roche St Austell Cornwall PL26 8LN


TREVERBYN. PA20/11189 | Variation of Condition 1 (approved plans) of Application No. PA19/11041 dated 1st June 2020 (Application for reserved matters approval for sub-phase of phase 1 of the development. The application seeks consent for the development of 169 residential units, associated landscaping and site infrastructure. The application covers all matters of design, scale, layout, access, drainage and landscaping (outline application PA14/12186)) | Land At West Carclaze And Baal A391 Between Stannary Road And Scredda Roundabout Carluddon St Austell Cornwall PL26 8TX

LUXULYAN decision. PA20/08275 | APPROVED | Outline with All Matters reserved for the Erection of a single two-storey three bed house | Carminnow Road From Junction South Of Roseney Mill To Gattys Bridge Luxulyan PL30 5EA

LUXULYAN decision. PA20/07413 | APPROVED | Retrospective Householder Application for single storey rear extension to form play room incorporating raised decking and access steps down to garden level. | 4 Beswetherick Field Luxulyan Bodmin Cornwall PL30 5FD

LUXULYAN decision. PA20/02706/PREAPP | CLOSED - ADVICE GIVEN | Pre-application advice for the carrying out of land filling with inert material from local develop sites to reinstate and reshape a small section of Prideaux Woods. Link the fill with an existing old tip. | Wood View St Blazey Par Cornwall PL24 2SR

LUXULYAN. PA20/10105 (10 Dec'20) | Conversion of agricultural building to residential dwelling | Land North Of Penrose Farm Luxulyan Cornwall PL30 5EQ.

LUXULYAN. PA20/10168 (10 Dec'20) | Tree works to Hedge 1, Beech trees (T1), (T2), (T3) and (T4), Sycamore (T5) and Beech (T6) To fell and remove some of the understory trees including poorly formed Cherry and Sycamore. Felling of Ash tree (T7). All subject to a TPO. | Carveighe Road From Hill Bunkers To Post Office At Luxulyan PL30 5EE.

LUXULYAN. PA20/02819/PREAPP | Pre-application advice for the conversion of a redundant open front barn to a private residential dwelling. | Lower Harros Farm Roche St Austell Cornwall PL26 8LN

LUXULYAN. PA20/03153 | WITHDRAWN | Outline application with some matters reserved for the construction of 5 affordable dwellings | Land Off Beswetherick Field Luxulyan

LUXULYAN. PA20/08722 | Approval of details reserved by conditions 7, 8, 9 and 10 of PA19/07333 dated 02.09.2020.|Land At Okewoon Farm Luxulyan Bodmin PL30 5HU [Consultee comments are not requested.]

LUXULYAN. PA20/02706/PREAPP | Pre-application advice for the carrying out of land filling with inert material from local develop sites to reinstate and reshape a small section of Prideaux Woods. Link the fill with an existing old tip. | Wood View St Blazey Par Cornwall PL24 2SR

LUXULYAN. PA20/08275 (18 Nov'20) | Erection of a single two-storey three bed house | Carminnow Road From Junction South Of Roseney Mill To Gattys Bridge Luxulyan PL30 5EA.

LUXULYAN. PA20/07413 (18 Nov'20) | Retrospective Householder Application for single storey rear extension to form play room incorporating raised decking and access steps down to garden level. | 4 Beswetherick Field Luxulyan Bodmin Cornwall PL30 5FD

LUXULYAN. PA20/06870 (18 Nov'20) | Retrospective application for the construction of sunroom and proposed porch to existing dayroom. | Pitch 2 Eden Meadows Carne Cross St Blazey Par PL24 2SX.

LUXULYAN. PA20/07022 (18 Nov'20) | Addition of 5 Mobile Homes (Statics) to existing Traveller Site | Eden Meadows Carne Cross St Blazey Par Cornwall PL24 2SX.

LUXULYAN. PA20/07078 (18 Nov'20) | Replacement of existing domestic garage and carport with new domestic garage with room over for domestic office amenity as an annexe to main dwelling incorporating balcony. | Cross Cottage (formerly 1 And 2 Cross) Luxulyan Bodmin Cornwall PL30 5DP.

TYWARDREATH AND PAR decision. PA20/04892 | APPROVED | Delivery of a series of flood protection improvement works at Par and St Blazey, consisting of the following: Construction of new sheet pile wall north of St Andrews Road; Construction of new sheet pile wall and embankment south of St Andrews Road; Installation of 252m of set-back sheet piles at EA Asset 5798; and Rebuild of the existing embankment at EA Asset 5803/5804. | Flood Defences Located At Treffry Canal, Par And St Blazey St Blazey Cornwall.

LUXULYAN decision. PA20/01577/PREAPP | CLOSED - ADVICE GIVEN | Pre application advice for change of use of land from stationing of 18 static holiday caravans and 15 seasonal pitches to the stationing of 20 residential park homes, | Croft Farm Luxulyan Cornwall PL30 5EQ.

LUXULYAN decision. PA20/06217 | APPROVED | Replacement dwelling including detached garage (Demolition of existing dwelling).|Tredinnick Fields Luxulyan Bodmin Cornwall PL30 5DT.

LUXULYAN decision. PA20/01996/PREAPP | CLOSED - ADVICE GIVEN | Pre application advice for a two storey, three bedroom detached property.|Sunnyside Trescoll Lockengate Bugle St Austell PL26 8SB

LUXULYAN. PA20/07964 (8 Oct'20) | Proposal to regularise the change of use (retrospective) for camping and glamping. | Acorn Camping And Glamping Prideaux St Blazey Par PL24 2SS

LUXULYAN decision. PA20/05053 | APPROVED | Change of use from a redundant agricultural barn to a 1No. 2bed private residential dwelling | Lower Harros Farm Tremodrett Roche St Austell PL26 8LN.

LUXULYAN decision. PA20/06268 | APPROVED | Proposed demolition of existing dwelling and conservatory and the construction of a new two-storey dwelling and attached garages.|The Grange Lockengate Bugle St Austell Cornwall PL26 8RU.

LANIVET. PA20/06666 | Construction of 15 new sustainable, affordable homes | Land South Of Clann Lane Clann Lane Lanivet Bodmin Cornwall PL30 5HD.

ST BLAISE decision. PA20/00171 | APPROVED | Construction of attenuation basin with associated highway drainage works, and relocation of existing skate park | Bull Engine Park Lamellyn Road Par PL24 2DD.

TREVERBYN decision. PA19/05937 | APPROVED | Application for approval of reserved matters in relation to revision to the local centre, including the creation of traffic-free space, health facility, community centre, retail facilities and mix of residential units with 15 apartments and 8 houses.The creation of experience centre to include cafe, restaurant and creche in the heart of the Local Centre. Land At West Carclaze And Baal Carluddon St Austell Cornwall.

LUXULYAN decision. PA20/02971 | GRANTED (CAADs, PIPs and LUs only) | Application for a Lawful Development Certificate for Existing Use for residential caravan site on family owned land. | 1 - 8 Conce Moor Conce Bugle St Austell Cornwall PL26 8RT

LUXULYAN. PA20/01996/PREAPP (10 Sept'20) | Pre application advice for a two storey, three bedroom detached property.|Sunnyside Trescoll Lockengate Bugle St Austell Cornwall PL26 8SB

LUXULYAN PA20/06217 (10 Sept'20) | Replacement dwelling including detached garage (Demolition of existing dwelling).|Tredinnick Fields Luxulyan Bodmin Cornwall PL30 5DT

LUXULYAN PA20/06268 (10 Sept'20) | Proposed demolition of existing dwelling and conservatory and the construction of a new two-storey dwelling and attached garages.|The Grange Lockengate Bugle St Austell Cornwall PL26 8RU

TREVERBYN. PA20/06663 | Listed Building Consent for a Grade II Milestone at SX 200 566' (NHLE 1379512) located on the verge of a late 20th century roundabout to the west of Stenalees at the intersection of the A391 and B3274. The application seeks the removal, storage and re-location of the Milestone in connection with the construction of a new larger roundabout for the A30 Link Road Scheme (Application No. PA18/11986) | Milestone At SX 200566 Stenalees Carbean St Austell.

ST BLAISE. PA20/00174/PREAPP | Planning performance agreement for site wide master plan and relocation of nursery | The Eden Project Bodelva Road Bodelva Par Cornwall PL24 2SG

TREVERBYN. PA20/05673 | Reserved matters of appearance, landscaping and layout following outline approval PA17/05051 (10 no. detached dwellings) to vary Condition 1 (approved plans) of Decision Notice PA18/11664 dated 15th May 2019 | 36 Rosevear Road Bugle St Austell PL26 8PJ

TREVERBYN. PA20/06276 | Application for reserved matters approval for sub-phase of phase 2 of the development. The application seeks consent for the development of 127 residential units, associated landscaping and site infrastructure. The application covers all matters of design, scale, layout, access, drainage and landscaping. The outline application was accompanied by an Environmental Statement which was submitted to the Local Planning Authority and used in the determination of the proposal. (Details following Outline application PA14/12186 'West Carclaze Eco-community' dated 21/09/18). | Land North Of West Carclaze Solar Farm Carluddon St Austell Cornwall PL26 8XW 

LUXULYAN decision. PA20/04012 | APPROVED | Change of use of ground floor workshop space to residential floor space, and associated works | Land At The Workshops Station Yard The Bridges Luxulyan PL30 3EF. 

LUXULYAN decision. PA19/07333| APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS |Proposed change of use of land to an extended family Traveller pitch including 6 no. mobile homes, 6 no. touring caravans, 1 no. day room, hardstanding, and associated works | Land At Okewoon Farm Luxulyan Bodmin PL30 5HU.

TREVERBYN decision. PA19/09225 | APPROVED | The approval of the reserved matters (appearance, landscaping, layout and scale) following approval of outline application [for 82 houses] PA16/11319 at Appeal (APP/D0840/W/17/31847210) and discharge of conditions No. 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17 of the Appeal decision | Development Land At Carclaze Carclaze Road St Austell Cornwall.

LUXULYAN decision. PA19/10492 | APPROVED | Demolition of garage and construction of residential annexed accommodation for family members and holiday letting. | Old Stone Cottage Treskilling Luxulyan Bodmin Cornwall PL30 5EL.

LUXULYAN PA20/01577/PREAPP (13 Aug'20 - consultee comments are not requested) | Pre application advice for change of use of land from stationing of 18 static holiday caravans and 15 seasonal pitches to the stationing of 20 residential park homes, | Croft Farm Luxulyan Cornwall PL30 5EQ.

PA20/00006/NDP (13 Aug'20) | Plan Proposal and Strategic Environmental Assesment submitted for Tywardreath and Par Neighbourhood Development Plan. | Tywardreath And Par Parish Cornwall.

LUXULYAN PA20/05538 (13 Aug'20) | Extension of steel framed building for use as hobby / workshop | Little Oaks Carne Cross St Blazey PL24 2SX.

LUXULYAN PA20/05053 (13 Aug'20) | Change of use from a redundant agricultural barn to a 1No. 2bed private residential dwelling | Lower Harros Farm Tremodrett Roche St Austell Cornwall PL26 8LN.

LUXULYAN decision. PA20/01437 | APPROVED | To remove planning condition 2 in respect of decision notice no. C/SAR/61/15608 dated 26 June 1961 namely agricultural occupancy restriction. | Tredinnick Fields Luxulyan Bodmin Cornwall PL30 5DT.

LUXULYAN decision. PA20/04307 | APPROVED | Proposed new all-weather exercise area for horses and ponies | Land At Rosemullion Farm Rosemelling Luxulyan Cornwall PL30 5EQ

LUXULYAN decision. PA20/02942 | Granted (CAADs, PIPs and LUs only) | Application for a Certificate of Lawful Use in respect of an Existing use for part of workshop as residential dwelling (Class C3) | The Workshops Station Yard The Bridges Luxulyan PL30 5EF

LUXULYAN. PA20/03153 (27 Jul'20) | Outline application with some matters reserved for the construction of 5 dwellings | Land Off Beswetherick Field Luxulyan [NB: the application has been resubmitted for 5 affordable dwellings.]

TYWARDREATH AND PAR. PA20/04892 | Delivery of a series of flood protection improvement works at Par and St Blazey, consisting of the following: Construction of new sheet pile wall north of St Andrews Road; Construction of new sheet pile wall and embankment south of St Andrews Road; Installation of 252m of set-back sheet piles at EA Asset 5798; and Rebuild of the existing embankment at EA Asset 5803/5804. | Flood Defences Located At Treffry Canal, Par And St Blazey St Blazey Cornwall.

CONSULTATION (27 Jul'20): Launceston Southern Growth Area Concept Plan. More information available here:

CONSULTATION (27 Jul'20): Hayle Growth Area Concept Plan. More information available here:

TREVERBYN decision. PA19/11041 | APPROVED | Application for reserved matters approval for sub-phase of phase 1 of the development. The application seeks consent for the development of 169 residential units, associated landscaping and site infrastructure. The application covers all matters of design, scale, layout, access, drainage and landscaping (outline application PA14/12186) | Land At West Carclaze And Baal A391 Between Stannary Road And Scredda Roundabout Carluddon St Austell Cornwall PL26 8TX

LUXULYAN PA20/04307 (11 Jun'20) | Proposed new all-weather exercise area for horses and ponies | Land At Rosemullion Farm Rosemelling Luxulyan Cornwall PL30 5EQ

LUXULYAN PA20/03552 (11 Jun'20) | To erect a Light Industrial (Use Class B1) and Retail Building (Use Class A1) | Annears Garage Tywardreath Highway Par Cornwall PL24 2RN.

LUXULYAN PA20/02971 (11 Jun'20) | Application for a Lawful Development Certificate for Existing Use for residential caravan site on family owned land. | 1 - 8 Conce Moor Conce Bugle St Austell Cornwall PL26 8RT

LUXULYAN PA20/04012 (11 Jun'20 & 3 Jul'20) | Change of use of ground floor workshop space to residential floor space, and associated works | Land At The Workshops Station Yard The Bridges Luxulyan PL30 3EF.

LUXULYAN PA20/02942 (11 Jun'20 & 3 Jul'20) | Application for a Certificate of Lawful Use in respect of an Existing use for part of workshop as residential dwelling (Class C3) | The Workshops Station Yard The Bridges Luxulyan PL30 5EF

LUXULYAN decision. PA20/01440 | APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS | Construction of a general purpose agricultural building. Savath Farm Savath Lane Lockengate Bugle St Austell

LUXULYAN PA20/03153 (14 May'20)  | Outline application with some matters reserved for the construction of 5 dwellings | Land Off Beswetherick Field Luxulyan

LUXULYAN decision. PA19/10429 | DISCH OF COND NOT ALL CONDITIONS AGREED | Submission of details to discharge conditions 5, 6, 7, 9, 10 and 13 in respect of decision notice PA19/00098. - Bodmin Radio Station Lanivet Bodmin PL30 5HY

ST BLAISE. PA20/01777 | Provision of two open surface water storage features (ponds) and an offline attenuation basin (pond); with associated highway works and outfall into the St Blazey Stream | Parcels Of Land To East And West Of Aberdeen Close At Junction With Bridge Street (A390), St Blazey And Land To The South Of Aberdeen Close, Adjacent To Football Pitch, St Blazey.

LUXULYAN   PA20/01440 (16 Apr'20)  | Construction of a general purpose agricultural building | Savath Farm Savath Lane Lockengate Bugle St Austell Cornwall PL26 8SA.

LUXULYAN   PA20/01437 (16 Apr'20)  | To remove planning condition 2 in respect of decision notice no. C/SAR/61/15608 dated 26 June 1961 namely agricultural occupancy restriction. | Tredinnick Fields Luxulyan Bodmin Cornwall PL30 5DT.

Tywardreath and Par PC Neighbourhood Development Plan: Pre-Submission Consultation Neighbourhood Planning Regulations 2012 (Part 5, regulation 14). All the documents are available on the Tywardreath and Par Parish Council website in the NP section under Neighbourhood Plan Key Documents.

LUXULYAN decision. PA20/01060 | APPROVED | Retrospective permission for proposed Traveller site for 5 no. static homes | Tall Trees Bodwen Bugle St Austell Cornwall PL26 8RP.

LUXULYAN. PA19/03352/PREAPP | CLOSED ADVICE GIVEN | Pre application advice for change of use of redundant agricultural farm building to residential dwelling |Lower Harros Farm Roche St Austell Cornwall PL26 8LNP

LUXULYAN decision. PA19/10726 | APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS | Construction of single-storey extension, cladding, installation of new balcony, construction of new entrance porch, reconfiguration of windows and doors. removal of existing chimney, installation of new stainless steel flue, reinstatement of boundary wall and installation of 3kW solar panel array. | 29 St Sulien Luxulyan PL30 5EB.

LUXULYAN  PA20/01060 (13 Feb'20) | Retrospective permission for proposed Traveller site for 5 no. static homes | Tall Trees Bodwen Bugle St Austell Cornwall PL26 8RP.

LUXULYAN  PA19/07333 (13 Feb'20) | Proposed change of use of land to an extended family Traveller pitch including 6 no. mobile homes, 6 no. touring caravans, 1 no. day room, hardstanding, and associated works | Land At Okewoon Farm Luxulyan Bodmin PL30 5HU.

LUXULYAN. PA19/03352/PREAPP |Pre application advice for change of use of redundant agricultural farm building to residential dwelling |Lower Harros Farm Roche St Austell Cornwall PL26 8LNP

LUXULYAN decision. PA19/03139/PREAPP | STATUS: CLOSED - ADVICE GIVEN | Pre-application advice for the creation of dwelling from former pigshed. | Penrose Farm Luxulyan Bodmin Cornwall PL30 5EQ

LUXULYAN decision.18/00281/REF | APPEAL ALLOWED | APP/D0840/W/18/3210209. REF:PA17/08193. Change of use of land to 4 no. Gypsy / Traveller pitches with associated works including 3 no. mobile homes, 4 no. touring caravans, 3 no. day rooms, 3 no. sealed septic tanks, 5 no. sheds, and hardstanding | Land South East Of Minorca Lane Bugle Cornwall PL26 8QN

LUXULYAN  PA19/10492 (9 Jan'20)  | Demolition of garage and construction of residential annexed accommodation for family members and holiday letting. | Old Stone Cottage Treskilling Luxulyan Bodmin Cornwall PL30 5EL.

LUXULYAN  PA19/10726 (9 Jan'20)  | Construction of single-storey extension, cladding, installation of new balcony, construction of new entrance porch, reconfiguration of windows and doors. removal of existing chimney, installation of new stainless steel flue, reinstatement of boundary wall and installation of 3kW solar panel array. | 29 St Sulien Luxulyan PL30 5EB.

LUXULYAN  PA19/10862 (9 Jan'20) | The proposed removal of a storage unit, the erection of one affordable dwelling and the installation of a septic tank | Land North West Of Appletree Farm Conce Moor Bugle St Austell Cornwall PL26 8RT.

LUXULYAN  PA19/07333 (9 Jan'20) | Proposed change of use of land to an extended family Traveller pitch including 6 no. mobile homes, 6 no. touring caravans, 1 no. day room, hardstanding, and associated works | Land At Okewoon Farm Luxulyan Bodmin PL30 5HU. 


LUXULYAN  PA19/03139/PREAPP  | Pre-application advice for the creation of dwelling from former pigshed. | Penrose Farm Luxulyan Bodmin Cornwall PL30 5EQ

LUXULYAN decision. PA19/09850 | APPROVED | Construction of new agricultural general purpose store building. | Land North East Of Luxulyan FC Rosemelling Luxulyan Cornwall PL30 5EQ.

LUXULYAN decision. PA19/09181 | APPROVED | Single storey extension for Bedroom with en-suite facilities - 32 St Julitta Luxulyan PL30 5ED.

LUXULYAN  PA19/03139/PREAPP  | Pre-application advice for the creation of dwelling from former pigshed. | Penrose Farm Luxulyan Bodmin Cornwall PL30 5EQ

LUXULYAN  PA19/09850 (12 Dec'19) | Construction of new agricultural general purpose store building. | Land North East Of Luxulyan FC Rosemelling Luxulyan Cornwall PL30 5EQ.

LUXULYAN  PA19/09542 (12 Dec'19) | Demolition of existing dwelling and construction of new dwelling | Lower Bodelva Farm Prideaux Road St Blazey PL24 2SR.

LUXULYAN  PA19/09181 (12 Dec'19) | Single storey extension for Bedroom with en-suite facilities - 32 St Julitta Luxulyan PL30 5ED.

LUXULYAN  PA19/07333 (12 Dec'19)  | Proposed change of use of land to an extended family Traveller pitch including 6 no. mobile homes, 6 no. touring caravans, 1 no. day room, hardstanding, and associated works | Land At Okewoon Farm Luxulyan Bodmin PL30 5HU.

TREVERBYN PARISH. PA19/09225 | The approval of the reserved matters (appearance, landscaping, layout and scale) following approval of outline application [for 82 houses] PA16/11319 at Appeal (APP/D0840/W/17/31847210) and discharge of conditions No. 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17 of the Appeal decision | Development Land At Carclaze Carclaze Road St Austell Cornwall.

LUXULYAN  PA19/09542 (14 Nov'19) | Demolition of existing dwelling and construction of new dwelling | Lower Bodelva Farm Prideaux Road St Blazey PL24 2SR

LUXULYAN  PA19/09181 (14 Nov'19) | Single storey extension for Bedroom with en-suite facilities - 32 St Julitta Luxulyan PL30 5ED

LUXULYAN  PA19/08981 (14 Nov'19) | Proposed removal of existing conservatory and replace with new day room extension and new entrance extension and garage/utility/store extension. | Accommo-dation At Barguse Riding Centre Lockengate Bugle St Austell PL26 8RU

LUXULYAN  PA19/08569 (14 Nov'19) | Submission of reserved matters (appearance, landscaping, layout and scale) following outline approval PA18/10874 for a single dwelling | Land North Of Fairhaven Rosemelling Luxulyan Bodmin Cornwall PL30 5EQ

ROCHE. PA19/02547/PREAPP | Pre application advice for residential development scheme. | Land North East Of Glebe Quarry Trezaise Road Roche Cornwall

TREVERBYN. PA19/02477/PREAPP | Pre-application advice for potential outline planning application for c. 26 dwellings with garages. | Singlerose Depot Singlerose Road Stenalees St Austell PL26 8TD.

TREVERBYN decision. PA19/07931 | SCREENING OPINION - EIA NOT REQUIRED | EIA Screening Opinion Request for flood defence measures | Land NW Of Lavrean Farm OS Grid Ref 202828 59411 Bugle Cornwall

19/00086/ENAPP (APP/D0840/C/18/3202328) Appeal against enforcement notice - STATUS: APPEAL WITHDRAWN. The material change of use of the land for the stationing of four gypsy/traveller pitches including 4 static caravans, 6 touring caravans, for the pruposes of independent human habitation. Also the provision of an access and hardstanding. - Land South East Of Minorca Lane Bugle PL26 8QN

LUXULYAN decision. PA19/06622 |APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS| Repair of roof of lean to extension, slates to match those on chapel building. Laying of new floor with damp proof membrane inside lean to. Building of partition wall inside lean to extension with lockable internal door to create secure storage for tools. Portable chemical toilet to be placed in front part of lean to. Insertion of glass panel in top of existing external door to enable natural light to enter front part of lean to extension. Relocation of calor gas bottle from lean to extension into a new secure store (base 2 foot square) outside the lean to extension. | Innis Methodist Church Innis Moor Lanivet Bodmin PL30 5HZ

LUXULYAN decision. PA19/06396 |APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS|Two residential caravans for travellers. - Higher Field Conce Moor Lockengate PL26 8RT

LUXULYAN decision. PA19/07493 |APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS| Proposed dwelling and parking and alterations to existing entrance - Land South East Of Treskilling Farm Cottage Treskilling Luxulyan Cornwall PL30 5EJ

LUXULYAN decision. PA19/07532 |GRANTED|Certificate of lawfulness for existing use as a residential dwelling. - Heywards Heath Prideaux Road St Blazey PL24 2SB

LUXULYAN  PA19/08569(10 Oct'19) | Submission of reserved matters (appearance, landscaping, layout and scale) following outline approval PA18/10874 for a single dwelling | Land North Of Fairhaven Rosemelling Luxulyan Bodmin Cornwall PL30 5EQ

LUXULYAN  PA19/06622 (10 Oct'19) | Repair of roof of lean to extension, tiles to match those on chapel building. Laying of new floor with damp proof membrane inside lean to. Building of partition wall inside lean to extension with lockable internal door to create secure storage for tools. Portable chemical toilet to be placed in front part of lean to. Insertion of glass panel in top of existing external door to enable natural light to enter front part of lean to extension. Relocation of calor gas bottle from lean to extension into a new secure store (base 2 foot square) outside the lean to extension. | Innis Methodist Church Innis Moor Lanivet Bodmin PL30 5HZ.

Luxulyan decision. PA19/07230 | DISCHARGE OF COND NOT ALL CONDITIONS AGREED | Submission of details in order to part discharge condition 10 of decision notice PA19/00098. | Bodmin Radio Station Route Of Old A30 From Wireless Road To Innis Downs Interchange Lanivet Bodmin PL30 5HY.

LUXULYAN decision. PA19/07503 | APPROVED (Statutory/one condition only) | Proposed conversion and extension of Garage into 2 Bedrooms and ensuite | 7 St Cyriac Luxulyan PL30 5QA 5DS.

LUXULYAN  PA19/07532 (10 Oct'19) | |Certificate of lawfulness for existing use as a residential dwelling.|Heywards Heath Prideaux Road St Blazey PL24 2SB

LUXULYAN decision. PA19/07103 | APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS | Installation of timber frame classroom extension building | Luxulyan School Luxulyan PL30 5EE.

LUXULYAN  PA19/07503 (4 Sep '19 - since posting agenda) | | Proposed conversion and extension of Garage into 2 Bedrooms and ensuite | 7 St Cyriac Luxulyan PL30 5QA 5DS.

LUXULYAN  PA19/07493 (4 Sep '19 - since posting agenda) | | Proposed dwelling and parking and alterations to existing entrance | Land South East Of Treskilling Farm Cottage Treskilling Luxulyan PL30 5EJ 5DS.

LUXULYAN  PA19/06078 (4 Sep '19) | Change of use of agricultural buildings to single residential dwelling (Barn Conversion) and change of use of agricultural land to domestic garden space | Gunwen Farm Access To Gunwen Farm Luxulyan PL30 5DS.

LUXULYAN  PA19/06396 (4 Sep '19) | Two residential caravans for travellers. | Higher Field Conce Moor Lockengate Cornwall PL26 8RT.

LUXULYAN  PA19/07103 (4 Sep '19) | Installation of timber frame classroom extension building | Luxulyan School Luxulyan PL30 5EE.

LUXULYAN decision. [Was to be discussed but was APPROVED UNCONDITIONAL before meeting on 4th Sept.] PA19/06792 (4 Sep '19) | Non-Material Amendment for the relocation of outside steps, small buttress wall addition for stability/safety, lowering of ground levels in respect of decision C2/05/01037. | Harpers Cottage Access To Harpers Cottage Bugle Cornwall PL26 8RT .

LUXULYAN decision. PA19/04301 | APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS | Consent to extend the permission for the siting of a static caravan for a farm worker. In respect of three year approval reference PA16/02471. | Trevanney Farm St Blazey Cornwall PL24 2SU.

LUXULYAN decision. PA19/05625 | PRIOR APPROVAL NOT REQUIRED | Prior notification for the excavation of 75m x 70m of unused top soil and to increase the height by 2m by means of compacted sub soil to create a flat hard surface for the storage of bales|Trevanney Farm St Blazey Par Cornwall PL24 2SU

LUXULYAN decision. PA/05005 | DISCHARGED | Discharge of Condition 3 of decision notice PA19/02696 dated 06/06/2019 regarding Boundary fencing details - Trelowen Luxulyan Bodmin Cornwall PL30 5DW

LUXULYAN decision. PA19/03778 | APPROVED | Outline permission with some matters reserved for the construction of a dwelling | Land North Of South Barn Luxulyan Bodmin Cornwall PL30 5DR.

TYWARDREATH & PAR Parish. PA19/05500 | Change of use of part of WC to multi-functional use ie retail | Public Conveniences Par Cornwall. APPLICANT: Tywardreath & Par Parish Council.

LUXULYAN decision. PA19/00098 | APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS | Part demolition and conversion of the former Bodmin Radio Station to form a workshop and offices for the storage, repair, maintenance and distribution of plant and tool hire equipment (B1/B8/sui generis use), along with associated parking, provision of hardstanding, and landscaping | Bodmin Radio Station Lanivet Bodmin PL30 5HY.

LUXULYAN decision. PA18/05947 | APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS | Replacement of 6 no. static holiday caravans and 7 no. seasonal pitches with 9 no. park homes for permanent residential use (one of which is an existing unit to be retained) | Croft Farm Holiday Park Luxulyan Bodmin Cornwall PL30 5EW

LUXULYAN PA19/05625 (of note 11 Jul'19) | Prior notification for the excavation of 75m x 70m of unused top soil and to increase the height by 2m by means of compacted sub soil to create a flat hard surface for the storage of bales|Trevanney Farm St Blazey Par Cornwall PL24 2SU

LUXULYAN PA19/05005 (of note 11 Jul'19) | Discharge of Condition 3 of decision notice PA19/02696 dated 06/06/2019 regarding Boundary fencing details | Trelowen Luxulyan Bodmin Cornwall PL30 5DW.

LANLIVERY Parish. PA19/05232 (of note 11 Jul'19) | The provision of rooflights, solar panels and photovoltaic panels on the roof of the holiday unit and the retention of the battery store adjacent to the holiday unit  Land North East Of Rock Mill Prideaux St Blazey Cornwall PL24 2SS

LUXULYAN decision. PA19/01041/PREAPP | CLOSED - ADVICE GIVEN.Pre application advice for proposed development of one dwelling to replace an existing storage building. | Land North West Of Appletree Farm Conce Moor Bugle Cornwall PL26 8RT

ROCHE decision. PA18/11322 | APPROVED | Construction of 10 Exemplar Sustainable Self Build Plots and 1 B1 Unit with access and layout (Outline Consent) with variation of condition 3 of decision PA17/02121 dated 08.05.2017 relating to the AHC contribution|Land At Mount Pleasant West Of Auberge Asterisk Withiel Road Roche Cornwall

LUXULYAN decision. PA19/02696 | GRANTED (CAADs, PIPs and LUs only) | Technical Details Consent following the Permission in Principle for one dwelling dated 29/10/2018 | Land Adj Ivy Cottage Luxulyan Bodmin Cornwall PL30 5DW

LUXULYAN decision. PA18/10907 | APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS | Construction of one affordable dwelling | Land Adj. Mandalay Access To Rosemullion Farm Rosemelling Luxulyan PL30 5EQ

ST BLAISE. PA19/00927/PREAPP. CLOSED - ADVICE GIVEN. Land Off Mountside Road Plot 1 Mountside Road Par. Proposal: Pre application advice for major residential development, the existing consent allows up to 189 properties.

LUXULYAN decision. PA19/03155 | APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS | Single storey extensions. | Old Walled Gardens Prideaux St Blazey Par Cornwall PL24 2SS

LUXULYAN. 19/00086/ENAPP | APPEAL AGAINST ENFORCEMENT NOTICE: APP/D0840/W/18/3202328. - The material change of use of the land for the stationing of four gypsy/traveller pitches including 4 static caravans, 6 touring caravans, for the pruposes of independent human habitation. Also the provision of an access and hardstanding. | Land South East Of Minorca Lane Bugle Cornwall PL26 8QN [Overall Expiry Date: Mon 17 Jun 2019]

LUXULYAN. 18/00281/REF | APPEAL AGAINST REFUSAL: APP/D0840/W/18/3210209. REF: PA17/08193. Change of use of land to 4 no. Gypsy / Traveller pitches with associated works including 3 no. mobile homes, 4 no. touring caravans, 3 no. day rooms, 3 no. sealed septic tanks, 5 no. sheds, and hardstanding | Land South East Of Minorca Lane Bugle Cornwall PL26 8QN[Overall Expiry Date: Mon 17 Jun 2019]

LUXULYAN  PA19/04301 (13 Jun '19) | Consent to extend the permission for the siting of a static caravan for a farm worker. In respect of three year approval reference PA16/02471. | Trevanney Farm St Blazey Cornwall PL24 2SU.

LUXULYAN  PA19/03778 (13 Jun '19) | Outline permission with some matters reserved for the construction of a dwelling | Land North Of South Barn Luxulyan Bodmin Cornwall PL30 5DR.

LUXULYAN. PA19/01041/PREAPP | Pre application advice for proposed development of one dwelling to replace an existing storage building.|Land North West Of Appletree Farm Conce Moor Bugle Cornwall PL26 8RT

LUXULYAN decision. PA19/01357 | APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS |Proposed annexe and workshop | Catch 22 New Road St Blazey PL24 2SB.

LUXULYAN decision. PA19/00506 | APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS | Replacement of existing outbuilding with a two storey garage, incorporating a store and workshop above and inclusion of a lean-to greenhouse on the southern elevation | Marks Cottage Chimney Tops Bugle St Austell Cornwall PL26 8RT

LUXULYAN decision. PA18/10874 APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS | Outline planning permission with all matters reserved: Infill dwelling | Land North Of Fairhaven Rosemelling Luxulyan Cornwall.

LUXULYAN. PA19/00982/PREAPP | Planning Performance agreement for a programme of capital interventions for the Par and St Blazey Catchment area to reduce flood risk and provide the catalyst for future economic growth and allow for additional residential development | Land South Of White House Farm Prideaux Road St Blazey Cornwall PL24 2SR. Applicant: Cormac

LUXULYAN  PA19/03155 (9 May '19) | Single storey extensions. | Old Walled Gardens Prideaux St Blazey Par Cornwall PL24 2SS 

ROCHE decision. PA18/11986. APPROVED. Corridor Of Land Between Stenalees And Victoria. St Austell to A30 Link Road - provision of a single carriageway road from Stenalees to Victoria designed to a 100kph (60mph) standard; with associated footpaths, footways, bridleways and cycle paths for improved non-motorised user facilities. To include: a replacement roundabout at Stenalees; a new access road between Stannary Road (A391) and Roche Road (the existing B3274) in Stenalees; an improved access to the Blockworks site; two underbridges; and three new roundabouts.

TREVERBYN decision. PA19/01233 | GRANTED (CAADs, PIPs and LUs only) | Valley View Park Station Road Bugle PL26 8QQ. That for a period in excess of 10 years there have been 43 residential park homes sited within the area outlined in red on plan 1 attached to this application.

LUXULYAN decision. PA18/11404 | APPROVED | Proposed construction of steel framed building for use as hobby/workshops including change of use where domestic curtilage is extended | Little Oaks Carne Cross St Blazey PL24 2SX.

TREVERBYN decision. PA18/09691. APPROVED. Land At West Carclaze And Baal Carluddon St Austell Cornwall. Application for the first reserved matters application for phase 1 of the development. The application seeks consent for the development of 338 residential units plus local centre, health and retail facilities. The application covers all matters of design, scale, layout, access, drainage and landscaping. The outline application was accompanied by an environmental statement which was submitted to the Local Planning Authority and used in the determination of the proposal.

LUXULYAN  PA19/00506 (11 Apr'19) | Replacement of existing outbuilding with a two storey garage, incorporating a store and workshop above and inclusion of a lean-to greenhouse on the southern elevation | Marks Cottage Chimney Tops Bugle St Austell Cornwall PL26 8RT

LUXULYAN  PA19/02696 (11 Apr'19) | Technical Details Consent following the Permission in Principle for one dwelling dated 29/10/2018 | Land Adj Ivy Cottage Luxulyan Bodmin Cornwall PL30 5DW

LUXULYAN  PA18/10874 (11 Apr'19) | Outline planning permission with all matters reserved: Infill dwelling | Land North Of Fairhaven Rosemelling Luxulyan Cornwall.

LUXULYAN  PA19/01357 (11 Apr'19)  | Proposed annexe and workshop | Catch 22 New Road St Blazey PL24 2SB.

LUXULYAN decision. PA19/00292/PREAPP. CLOSED - ADVICE GIVEN | Pre-application advice for partial demolition of leanto barn building and conversion of redundant farm barns to residential use. | Gunwen Farm Luxulyan Bodmin Cornwall PL30 5DS.

TYWARDREATH & PAR decision. PA19/00057/PREAPP. CLOSED - ADVICE GIVEN | Street Record St Blazey. Pre-application advice for flood defence improvement works 1) new piled flood wall and river restoration, 2) new gravity flood walls/ground raising - Environment Agency.

LUXULYAN  PA19/01357 (14 Mar'19)  | Proposed annexe and workshop | Catch 22 New Road St Blazey PL24 2SB.

LUXULYAN  PA19/00098 (14 Mar'19)  | Part demolition and conversion of the former Bodmin Radio Station to form a workshop and offices for the storage, repair, maintenance and distribution of plant and tool hire equipment (B1/B8/sui generis use), along with associated parking, provision of hardstanding, and landscaping | Bodmin Radio Station Lanivet Bodmin PL30 5HY. 

ROCHE decision. PA18/11505. APPROVED. Solar Park Gilleys Mica Dam (disused) New Road Roche Cornwall. Solar farm, comprising the erection of solar arrays, equipment housing, fencing and ancillary equipment with variation of condition 13 in respect of decision PA17/09127 to allow an additional 15 years of operational life.

LUXULYAN decision. PA18/10438 | APPROVED with conditions | Continuation of use of outbuilding as a residential annexe | New Property On Land At Little Gillies Conce Bugle St Austell Cornwall PL26 8RT

LUXULYAN  PA19/00292/PREAPP (14 Feb'19) | Pre-application advice for partial demolition of leanto barn building and conversion of redundant farm barns to residential use. | Gunwen Farm Luxulyan Bodmin Cornwall PL30 5DS

LUXULYAN  PA19/00098 (14 Feb'19)  | Part demolition and conversion of the former Bodmin Radio Station to form a workshop and offices for the storage, repair, maintenance and distribution of plant and tool hire equipment (B1/B8/sui generis use), along with associated parking, provision of hardstanding, and landscaping | Bodmin Radio Station Lanivet Bodmin PL30 5HY. 

LUXULYAN  PA18/11404 (14 Feb'19)  | Proposed construction of steel framed building for use as hobby/workshops including change of use where domestic curtilage is extended | Little Oaks Carne Cross St Blazey PL24 2SX.

ROCHE. PA18/11986. Corridor Of Land Between Stenalees And Victoria. St Austell to A30 Link Road - provision of a single carriageway road from Stenalees to Victoria designed to a 100kph (60mph) standard; with associated footpaths, footways, bridleways and cycle paths for improved non-motorised user facilities. To include: a replacement roundabout at Stenalees; a new access road between Stannary Road (A391) and Roche Road (the existing B3274) in Stenalees; an improved access to the Blockworks site; two underbridges; and three new roundabouts.

LUXULYAN decision. PA18/11859 APPROVED Splitting of one dwelling into two dwellings for residential use. - Rowan Barn Lockengate St Austell Cornwall PL26 8RY

LUXULYAN decision. PA18/11889 APPROVED Non-material amendment (No. 1) for: raising of the ridge height over part of the proposed houses/workshops to create greater headroom at first floor level; inclusion of additional dormer window and two additional rooflights and minor changes to window design to decision notice C2/96/00589 (Erection of four houses with workshops for small craft/light industry; Erection of four domestic garages.) - Land Adjacent To Luxulyan Station Bridges Luxulyan PL30 5EF

LUXULYAN decision. PA18/11791  APPROVED | Two storey side extension. | 26 St Julitta Luxulyan Bodmin PL30 5ED

ROCHE. PA18/09982. Land At Edgcumbe Road Roche PL26 8TR. Outline permission (with all matters reserved except for access) for up to 150 dwellings including children's play area, public open space, supporting infrastructure and associated works. - Tregothnan Estates

LANIVET decision. PA18/08550 APPROVED. Applicant: Prime Resort Development Ltd / Waterside Villages Limited. Location: Waterside Bar And Grill Lakeview Country Club Lanivet Bodmin Cornwall. Proposal: Proposed redevelopment of existing resort, comprising 118 additional units of holiday accommodation; extensions and alterations to the existing main facilities building including restaurant and function suite; leisure building; multi-use hall and climbing centre; extension and refurbishment of existing 7 bedroom guest accommodation building to form a 10 room hotel and spa; staff accommodation (4 flats) and service/storage building; Energy Centre and Grounds Maintenance building; multi-use games area (MUGA), tennis courts, climbing wall and children's play areas. New temporary secondary access from U6126 (North of Old Coach Road); drainage; parking; landscaping and associated infrastructure.

ROCHE. PA18/11505. Solar Park Gilleys Mica Dam (disused) New RoadRocheCornwall. Solar farm, comprising the erection of solar arrays, equipment housing, fencing and ancillary equipment with variation of condition 13 in respect of decision PA17/09127 to allow an additional 15 years of operational life.

TREVERBYN. PA18/09691. Land At West Carclaze And Baal Carluddon St Austell Cornwall.Application for the first reserved matters application for phase 1 of the development. The application seeks consent for the development of 338 residential units plus local centre, health and retail facilities. The application covers all matters of design, scale, layout, access, drainage and landscaping. The outline application was accompanied by an environmental statement which was submitted to the Local Planning Authority and used in the determination of the proposal.

LUXULYAN  PA18/11859 (10 Jan'19) | Splitting of one dwelling into two dwellings for residential use.|Rowan Barn Lockengate St Austell Cornwall PL26 8RY

LUXULYAN  PA18/11889 (10 Jan'19) | Non-material amendment (No. 1) for: raising of the ridge height over part of the proposed houses/workshops to create greater headroom at first floor level; inclusion of additional dormer window and two additional rooflights and minor changes to window design to decision notice C2/96/00589 (Erection of four houses with workshops for small craft/light industry; Erection of four domestic garages.) | Land Adjacent To Luxulyan Station Bridges Luxulyan PL30 5EF

LUXULYAN  PA18/11791 (10 Jan'19) | Two storey side extension. | 26 St Julitta Luxulyan Bodmin Cornwall PL30 5ED

LUXULYAN  PA18/00022/NDP (10 Jan'19) | Plan Proposal submitted for the designated Luxulyan Neighbourhood Area. The consultation will run for seven weeks (due to the Christmas period) and end on 7th February 2019. | Luxulyan Cornwall 

LUXULYAN  PA18/10438 (10 Jan'19) | Continuation of use of outbuilding as a residential annexe | New Property On Land At Little Gillies Conce Bugle St Austell Cornwall PL26 8RT

Parish Planning 2018-2016


LUXULYAN decision. PA18/09727 | Status: APPROVED. Change of use from a holiday unit to a permanent let residential use - Atwell Farm Luxulyan Bodmin Cornwall PL30 5DW

LUXULYAN decision. PA18/07928 | Status: APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS | Amendments To approved application No PA16/07890 For a new dwelling - Land North Of Fairhaven Rosemelling Luxulyan PL30 5EQ

LUXULYAN decision. PA18/08627 | APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS | Conversion and extension of agricultural building to form 1 bedroom annexe for holiday letting or family accommodation | Tretharrup Farm Tretharrup Farm Treskilling Luxulyan PL30 5EL

LUXULYAN  PA18/10438 (13 Dec'18) | Continuation of use of outbuilding as a residential annexe | New Property On Land At Little Gillies Conce Bugle St Austell Cornwall PL26 8RT

LUXULYAN  PA18/10907(13 Dec'18) | | Construction of one affordable dwelling | Land Adj. Mandalay Access To Rosemullion Farm Rosemelling Luxulyan PL30 5EQ

LUXULYAN  PA18/10874(13 Dec'18) || Outline planning permission with all matters reserved: Infill dwelling | Land North Of Fairhaven Rosemelling Luxulyan Cornwall

LUXULYAN  PA18/09727(13 Dec'18) || Change of use from a holiday unit to a permanent let residential use | Atwell Farm Luxulyan Bodmin Cornwall PL30 5DW.

LUXULYAN decision. PA18/08528 | Status: GRANTED. Application for Permission in Principle for 1 dwelling on land north of Ivy Cottage as shown on Drawing DS 1687 LP01 - Ivy Cottage Luxulyan Bodmin Cornwall PL30 5DW

LUXULYAN decision. PA18/09449 | Status: APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS | Listed Building Consent for alterations and repairs to the dwelling with associated works including re-pointing the stone walls, replacement windows and renewal of tapered lead valley gutter and installation of thermodynamic panel - Trevillyn Manor Farm Bugle St Austell Cornwall PL26 8RT

LUXULYAN  PA18/00003/SPD (22 Nov'18) | Cornwall Council is publishing the draft Housing Supplementary Planning document for a six week consultation period between Friday 19th October and 5pm 30th November 2018. | Cornwall 

LUXULYAN  PA18/08627 (22 Nov'18) | Conversion and extension of agricultural building to form 1 bedroom annexe for holiday letting or family accommodation | Tretharrup Farm Tretharrup Farm Treskilling Luxulyan PL30 5EL 

LUXULYAN  PA18/07928 (8 Nov'18) | Amendments To approved application No PA16/07890 For a new dwelling | Land North Of Fairhaven Rosemelling Luxulyan Cornwall

LUXULYAN  PA18/05947 (8 Nov'18) | Replacement of 6 no. static holiday caravans and 7 no. seasonal pitches with 9 no. park homes for permanent residential use (one of which is an existing unit to be retained) | Croft Farm Holiday Park Luxulyan Bodmin Cornwall PL30 5EW

LUXULYAN  PA18/08627 (8 Nov'18) | Conversion and extension of agricultural building to form 1 bedroom annexe for holiday letting or family accommodation | Tretharrup Farm Tretharrup Farm Treskilling Luxulyan PL30 5EL

LUXULYAN  PA18/00003/SPD (8 Nov'18) | Cornwall Council is publishing the draft Housing Supplementary Planning document for a six week consultation period between Friday 19th October and 5pm 30th November 2018. | Cornwall

LUXULYAN. PA18/07489 | WITHDRAWN | Certificate of lawfulness for existing occupation of Tredinnick Fields bungalow without compliance with the agricultural occupancy condition imposed on planning application C/SAR/61/15608 dated 28th August 1961 | Tredinnick Fields Access To Tredinnick Fields Luxulyan PL30 5DT.

LANLIVERY decision. PA18/04994 | APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS | Variation of condition 2 in respect of decision notice PA18/01771 (Approved plans) | Land North East Of Rock Mill Prideaux St Blazey Cornwall PL24 2SS

LUXULYAN decision. PA18/07889 APPROVED| Construction of detached dwelling | Sunnyside Access To Rosemullion Farm Rosemelling Luxulyan PL30 5EQ.

LUXULYAN  PA18/08528 (11 Oct'18) |Application for Permission in Principle for a dwelling | Ivy Cottage Luxulyan Bodmin Cornwall PL30 5DW.

LUXULYAN  PA18/07889 (11 Oct'18) | Construction of detached dwelling | Sunnyside Access To Rosemullion Farm Rosemelling Luxulyan PL30 5EQ. 

LUXULYAN PA18/02331/PREAPP (11 Oct'18) | Pre application advice for six glamping units | Tredinnick Fields Luxulyan Bodmin Cornwall PL30 5DT

TREVERBYN decision. PA14/12186 | APPROVED | Outline application for 'West Carclaze Eco-community' comprising the demolition, site clearance and associated earthworks and the phased development of up to 1500 dwellings, a local centre, incorporating local retail, health and community facilities, a primary school, employment floorspace and associated areas of open space, renewable energy provision and energy centre(s), drainage and associated infrastructure. All matters reserved with points of access from the A391 only to be agreed. | Land At West Carclaze And Baal Carluddon St Austell Cornwall. Applicant: Eco-Bos Development Ltd.

LUXULYAN decision. PA18/07577 | APPROVED | Non-material amendment for design change of conservatory; walling at dwarf level to be cavity blockwork rendered and painted cream to match existing in respect of decision notice PA17/11149 - Conversion of existing barn store to form a granny annexe bedroom and en-suite together with oak frame conservatory - 2 Millbridge Cottages Pontsmill Road Pontsmill Par Cornwall PL24 2RR

LUXULYAN decision. PA18/07312 | APPROVED | Rear extension to kitchen. | 11 St Julitta Luxulyan PL30 5ED.

LUXULYAN decision. PA18/05563 | APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS | Creation of photovoltaic solar park, including installation of modular photovoltaic units, inverter stations and attendant infrastructure with variation of condition 2 (plans approved) of decision PA10/07114 dated 15/02/2011 to allow the installation of a shunt reactor kiosk - Photovoltaic Installation at Trenoweth Luxulyan Cornwall.

LUXULYAN PA18/02176/PREAPP | CLOSED ADVICE GIVEN | Pre-application advice for construction of one affordable dwelling (self build) | Mandalay Rosemelling Luxulyan PL30 5EQ.

LUXULYAN PA18/07577 (13 Sep'18) | Non-material amendment for design change of conservatory; walling at dwarf level to be cavity blockwork rendered and painted cream to match existing in respect of decision notice PA17/11149 - Conversion of existing barn store to form a granny annexe bedroom and en-suite together with oak frame conservatory | 2 Millbridge Cottages Pontsmill Road Pontsmill Par Cornwall PL24 2RR.

LUXULYAN PA18/07489 (13 Sep'18) | Certificate of lawfulness for existing occupation of Tredinnick Fields bungalow without compliance with the agricultural occupancy condition imposed on planning application C/SAR/61/15608 dated 28th August 1961 | Tredinnick Fields Access To Tredinnick Fields Luxulyan PL30 5DT.

LUXULYAN PA18/07312 (13 Sep'18) | Rear extension to kitchen. | 11 St Julitta Luxulyan PL30 5ED.

LUXULYAN PA18/02176/PREAPP (13 Sep'18) | Pre-application advice for construction of one affordable dwelling (self build) | Mandalay Rosemelling Luxulyan PL30 5EQ.

LUXULYAN decision. PA18/04635. APPROVED. Proposed dormer extension to existing dwelling and continued use of ancillary residential annexe as holiday letting accommodation - Holly Lodge Bodiggo Luxulyan PL30 5DR

LUXULYAN decision. PA18/04942. REFUSAL - ONE REASON FOR REFUSAL. The proposed erection of a new dwelling, a detached garage, the provision of a new vehicular access and the installation of a septic tank - Land to The North of Damareris Treskilling Luxulyan Cornwall.

LUXULYAN. PA18/04635 (9 Aug'18) | Proposed dormer extension to existing dwelling and continued use of ancillary residential annexe as holiday letting accommodation | Holly Lodge Bodiggo Luxulyan PL30 5DR.

Decision TREVERBYN. PA18/02536. WITHDRAWN. Development Land At Carclaze Carclaze Road St Austell. Proposal: Residential development of up to 82 dwellings and associated infrastructure (outline with some matters - appearance, landscaping, scale and layout reserved) - Resubmission of PA16/11319

LUXULYAN decision. PA17/08193 REFUSED | Change of use of land to 4 no. Gypsy / Traveller pitches with associated works including 3 no. mobile homes, 4 no. touring caravans, 3 no. day rooms, 3 no. sealed septic tanks, 5 no. sheds, and hardstanding | Land South East Of Minorca Lane Bugle PL26 8QN

LUXULYAN decision. PA18/05419 | APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS. Extension to property to create a garage with bedrooms above - ancillary works including re-siting of oil tank with protection walls - 11 St Julitta Luxulyan PL30 5ED.

LANLIVERY. PA18/04994 (26 Jul'18) | Variation of condition 2 in respect of decision notice PA18/01771 (Approved plans) | Land North East Of Rock Mill Prideaux St Blazey Cornwall PL24 2SS

LUXULYAN. PA18/05419 (26 Jul'18) | Extension to property to create a garage with bedrooms above - ancillary works including re-siting of oil tank with protection walls | 11 St Julitta Luxulyan PL30 5ED. This is a resubmission by the case officer for consultee comments with a new description.

LUXULYAN. PA18/05563(12 Jul'18) | Creation of photovoltaic solar park, including installation of modular photovoltaic units, inverter stations and attendant infrastructure with variation of condition 2 (plans approved) of decision PA10/07114 dated 15/02/2011 to allow the installation of a shunt reactor kiosk | Photovoltaic Installation At Trenoweth Luxulyan.

LUXULYAN. PA18/04635(12 Jul'18) | Proposed dormer extension to existing dwelling and continued use of ancillary residential annexe as holiday letting accommodation | Holly Lodge Bodiggo Luxulyan PL30 5DR.

LUXULYAN. PA18/05419 (12 Jul'18) | Extension to property to create a garage with bedrooms above. | 11 St Julitta Luxulyan PL30 5ED.

LUXULYAN. PA18/04942 (14 Jun'18) | The proposed erection of a new dwelling, a detached garage, the provision of a new vehicular access and the installation of a septic tank | Land To The North Of Damareris Treskilling Luxulyan Cornwall

LUXULYAN. PA18/01393/PREAPP (14 Jun'18) | Pre application advice for construction of a single dwelling | Sunnyside Rosemelling Luxulyan Bodmin Cornwall PL30 5EQ

LANLIVERY decision. PA18/01771  | APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS. Partial retention of existing building and construction of an additional unit of holiday accommodation with the footprint of former cottages - Land North East Of Rock Mill Prideaux St Blazey Cornwall PL24 2SS

LUXULYAN decision. PA18/01727 APPROVED. Vehicle Workshop Penince Ind Estate Penince St Blazey Cornwall. Demolition of single storey workshops and stores, proposed steel framed engineering workshop.

LUXULYAN. PA18/01025/PREAPP (10 May'18) | Pre-application advice for proposed construction of a residential dwelling | Land South East Of Treskilling Farm Cottage Treskilling Luxulyan Cornwall PL30 5EJ.

LUXULYAN. PA18/01727 (10 May'18) | Demolition of single storey workshops and stores, proposed steel framed engineering workshop | Vehicle Workshop Penince Ind Estate Penince St Blazey Cornwall PL24 2SU

LUXULYAN decision. PA18/01835 APPROVED | Change of use of a residential garage into an outbuilding with ancillary use. | Dove Cottage Lockengate Bugle St Austell Cornwall PL26 8RU

LUXULYAN decision. PA18/02618 DECISION: Screening Opinion - EIA Not Required. Screening opinion request for a flood defence improvement scheme in the towns of Par and St. Blazey |Par And St. Blazey. [The applicant, Mott MacDonald is working on behalf of the Environment Agency and Cornwall Council on a flood defence improvements scheme in the towns of Par and St Blazey, near St Austell in Cornwall.]

LUXULYAN decision. PA18/00193 APPROVED | The proposed development is to replace a mobile home with a three bedroom bungalow and detatched garage. | Tregonning Farm Luxulyan Bodmin Cornwall PL30 5EQ.

LUXULYAN decision. PA18/00773/PREAPP. CLOSED - ADVICE GIVEN| Exception Notice for the removal of a mature Oak Tree | Water Meadow Luxulyan Bodmin Cornwall PL30 5DW

LUXULYAN decision. PA17/11149. APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS | Conversion of existing barn store to form a granny annexe bedroom and en-suite together with oak frame conservatory | 2 Millbridge Cottages Pontsmill Road Pontsmill Par Cornwall PL24 2RR

TREVERBYN. PA18/02454. South Of Goonvean WorksGreensplatSt AustellCornwallPL26 8XYVariation of condition 2 (approved plans) and condition 3 (date for decommissioning of wind turbine) in respect of decision PA14/07230 for a single wind turbine of max 61m to tip, along with associated infrastructure including an access track and electrical housing. Clean Earth- Mr Gareth Davies

TREVERBYN. PA18/02446. Gunheath QuarryCarbeanSt AustellCornwallPL26 8XS Variation of condition 2 (requiring dismantling and removal of turbine within a limited time period) in respect of decision PA14/07230 dated 05.03.2015 to allow extension of the limiting period from 20 years and six months from the date when electricity from the development was first supplied to the grid, up to 25 years and six months- Clean Earth - Mr Gareth Davies

TREVERBYN. PA18/02536 Development Land At CarclazeCarclaze RoadSt AustellCornwallResidential development of up to 82 dwellings and associated infrastructure (outline with some matters - appearance, landscaping, scale and layout reserved) - Resubmission of PA16/11319- Trustees of the Stanley Martin Estate

ROCHE. PA18/03255. Land North Of Harmony RoadEdgcumbe RoadRocheCornwallPL26 8ET. Pre application advice for the development of circa 150 dwellings (use class C3) and associated access, infrastructure, landscaping and public open space- Tregothnan Estate.

TREVERBYN. PA18/00833/PREAPP | Pre-application advice request for mixed residential scheme | Land North East Of Little Hallaze Carbis Moor St Austell Cornwall PL26 8YJ. [in the region of 4 no. affordable, and 5 no. open-market dwellings.] Statutory Expiry Date: Fri 27 Apr 2018. Determination Deadline: Fri 04 May 2018.

LUXULYAN. PA18/02618 |Screening opinion request for a flood defence improvement scheme in the towns of Par and St. Blazey |Par And St. Blazey Cornwall. Case Officer: Stephen Kirby. Determination Deadline: Fri 30 Mar 2018

LUXULYAN. PA17/06519. APPROVED | Change of use of land to 3 no. Traveller pitch with associated works including, 3 no. mobile homes, 3 no. touring caravans, 3 no. dayrooms and hardstanding | Carne Cottages Carne Cross St Blazey Cornwall PL24 2SX.

LANLIVERY. PA18/01771 (12 Apr'18)  | Partial retention of existing building and construction of an additional unit of holiday accommodation with the footprint of former cottages | Land North East Of Rock Mill Prideaux St Blazey Cornwall PL24 2SS

LUXULYAN. PA18/00004/NDP (12 Apr'18) Plan proposal submitted for Lanlivery Neighbourhood Development Plan.

LUXULYAN. PA18/01835 (12 Apr'18) | Change of use of a residential garage into an outbuilding with ancillary use. | Dove Cottage Lockengate Bugle St Austell Cornwall PL26 8RU.

LUXULYAN. PA18/01427 (8 Mar'18) | Variation of condition 2 (restricting number of caravans on site to 6 of which no more than 3 shall be static caravans) in respect of decision notice 04/00338 appeal APP/Q0830/A/06/2012361 to allow up to 8 caravans of which no more than 6 shall be a static caravan or mobile home | Middle Gillies, Conce Moor Bugle St. Austell PL26 8RT

LUXULYAN. PA17/11149 (8 Feb'18)  | Conversion of existing barn store to form a granny annexe bedroom and en-suite together with oak frame conservatory | 2 Millbridge Cottages Pontsmill Road Pontsmill Par Cornwall PL24 2RR.

LUXULYAN. PA18/00193 (8 Feb'18)  | The proposed development is to replace a mobile home with a three bedroom bungalow and detatched garage. | Tregonning Farm Luxulyan Bodmin Cornwall PL30 5EQ

LUXULYAN. PA17/11728 | Change of use of a residential garage into a self-contained dwelling house | Dove Cottage Access To El Joyita Lockengate Bugle St Austell PL26 8RU. APPLICATION WITHDRAWN.

LUXULYAN. PA17/10585 | Variation of condition 11 (25-year operational life) of decision APP/D0840/A/14/2217727 (PA13/03710) to allow for an additional five years of electricity generation | Land South Of A391 Near Bodwen Access To Higher Menadew Bugle PL26 8R. APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS.

LUXULYAN. PA18/00310/PREAPP | Exception notice for works to a tree subject to a tree preservation order, removal of an Elm. | The Vicarage Luxulyan Bodmin PL30 5EE. CLOSED – ADVICE GIVEN.

LANLIVERY. PA17/03363/PREAPP (11 Jan'18)  | Pre-application advice for erection of holiday accommodation | Land North East Of Rock Mill Prideaux St Blazey Cornwall PL24 2SS. Case Officer:John Rudge. Parish: Lanlivery. Determination Deadline: Mon 29 Jan 2018. Related Cases: EN17/02310 | Status: Ongoing Investigation


LUXULYAN. PA17/10585 (14 Dec'17)  | Variation of condition 11 (25 year operational life) of decision APP/D0840/A/14/2217727 (PA13/03710) to allow for an additional five years of electricity generation | Land South Of A391 Near Bodwen Access To Higher Menadew Bugle PL26 8R.

LUXULYAN decision. PA16/09846. Status: Approved with conditions. Siting of two mobile homes, two touring caravans (for nomadic use) and construction of one utility dayroom for use by extended family - Apondarose Minorca Lane Bugle St Austell Cornwall PL26 8QN

LUXULYAN decision. PA17/09036. Status: Approved. Ground floor extension to rear of property. - El-Carim Bridges Luxulyan Bodmin Cornwall PL30 5EF |

LUXULYAN decision. PA17/06411. Status: Approved with conditions. Change of use of ancillary accommodation to holiday accommodation - The Mowhay Lower Gurtla Farm Road From Moor Lane To Junction West Of Roseney Farm Luxulyan PL30 5DU

LUXULYAN decision. PA17/05103. Status: Approved with conditions. Proposed MOT bay at existing motor vehicle workshop business, plus associates works - Highway Garage Tywardreath Highway Par PL24 2RN

Pre-application. Mr A De Havilland attended the 9 November meeting. 23 parishioners also attended. During the public session he explained his company's intention to develop a field near the village with approximately 30 houses. Details of the session are in the meeting minutes. Three photos from Mr De Havilland and a letter from R Smith were discussed at the meeting and are available here: Tregarrick001; Tregarrick002; Tregarrick003; letter from R Smith

LUXULYAN.  PA17/09036 (9 Nov'17) . Ground floor extension to rear of property. - El-Carim Bridges Luxulyan Bodmin Cornwall PL30 5EF |

LUXULYAN decision. PA17/02473/PREAPP. Status: Closed - advice given. Pre-application advice for change of use of land from stationing six static holiday caravans and seven seasonal pitches to the stationing of ten park homes - Croft Farm Holiday Park Croft Farm Luxulyan Bodmin Cornwall PL30 5EQ

LUXULYAN decision. PA17/08134 Status: Approved with conditions. | Extensions and Improvements | Catch 22 New Road St Blazey PL24 2SB.

LUXULYAN decision. PA17/08074.  Approved (Statutory/one condition only) Sunville Lockengate St Austell Cornwall PL26 8RY. Erection of pitched roof, single-storey front extension

LUXULYAN.  PA17/06411 (12 Oct'17)  | Change of use of ancillary accommodation to holiday accommodation | The Mowhay Lower Gurtla Farm Road From Moor Lane To Junction West Of Roseney Farm Luxulyan PL30 5DU. Case Officer: Rosilyn Baker.    Standard Consultation Expiry Date: Thu 05 Oct 2017.    Determination Deadline: Tue 07 Nov 2017

LUXULYAN.  PA17/06519 (12 Oct'17)  | Change of use of land to 3 no. Traveller pitch with associated works including, 3 no. mobile homes, 3 no. touring caravans, 3 no. dayrooms and hardstanding | Carne Cottages Carne Cross St Blazey Cornwall PL24 2SX. Case Officer: Jonathan Luker.    Standard Consultation Expiry Date: Fri 06 Oct 2017.    Determination Deadline: Thu 09 Nov 2017

LUXULYAN.  PA17/09036(12 Oct'17)  | Ground floor extension to rear of property. | El-Carim Bridges Luxulyan Bodmin Cornwall PL30 5EF. Case Officer: Myra Trust.    Standard Consultation Expiry Date: Tue 17 Oct 2017.    Determination Deadline: Mon 20 Nov 2017

LUXULYAN.  PA17/08134 (14 Sept'17) | Extensions and Improvements | Catch 22 New Road St Blazey PL24 2SB. Case Officer:Myra Trust Standard Consultation Expiry Date:Fri 29 Sep 2017 Determination Deadline:Fri 27 Oct 2017

LUXULYAN.  PA17/07621 (14 Sept'17) | Proposal Modification and Discharge of a Section 106 Agreement for the conversion of barn to holiday cottage. Location Bokiddick Farm Lanivet Bodmin Cornwall. Applicant M A And M J Northcott Grid Ref 205123 / 62225. Case Officer:Richard White Standard Consultation Expiry Date:not posted Determination Deadline:Mon 02 Oct 2017

LUXULYAN.  PA17/08074 (14 Sept'17) | Sunville Lockengate St Austell Cornwall PL26 8RY. Erection of pitched roof, single-storey front extension - Mr and Mrs Culley Case Officer:Myra Trust Standard Consultation Expiry Date:Thu 14 Sep 2017 Determination Deadline:Tue 17 Oct 2017

LUXULYAN.  PA17/07737 (14 Sept'17) | EIA Screening Opinion Request for Proposed Variation of Condition 11 in respect of Solar Park Approved on Appeal APP/D0840/A/14/2217727 (Planning ref PA13/03710) | Land South Of A391 Near Bodwen Bugle Cornwall [Condition 11: Within 25 years and 6 months following the first date of electricity generation, or within 6 months of the cessation of electricity generation by the facility, whichever is the sooner, the solar photovoltaic panels, frames, foundations, inverter housings and all associated structures and fencing approved shall be dismantled and removed from the site.] Case Officer: Tim Warne. Determination Deadline: has been extended

LUXULYAN decision. PA17/07125. APPROVED UNCONDITIONAL.Non-material amendment (No. 3) for amendment to fencing to provide security to substation to (PA13/03710) Construction of solar photovoltaic park with attendant infrastructure (application accompanied by an environmental statement) - Land South Of A391 Near Bodwen Bugle Cornwall

LUXULYAN decision. PA17/01993/PREAPP | CLOSED ADVICE GIVEN. | Pre-application advice for proposed erection of a new dwelling and the provision of a new vehicular access|Land NNE OF Damarcris Treskilling Luxulyan Cornwall

LUXULYAN and LANLIVERY.  PA17/07459 (10 Aug'17) . Repairs to the Fowey Consols and Carmears leats located between the two abstraction points and the entrance to the Carmears tunnel; New weir, fish screen, automated screen cleaning rake, fish pass and sluice structures located at Gatty's Weir abstraction point: Alterations to existing weir, new channel training walls, fish screen, automated screen cleaning rake, fish pass and sluice structures located at Cam Bridges abstraction point; and New fish screen, automated screen cleaning rake and sluice structures located adjacent to the Carmears tunnel entrance.
Case Officer: Jonathan Luker
Standard Consultation Expiry Date: Wed 30 Aug 2017
Determination Deadline: Mon 06 Nov 2017

LUXULYAN.  PA17/07125 (10 Aug'17) . Non-material amendment (No. 3) for amendment to fencing to provide security to substation to (PA13/03710) Construction of solar photovoltaic park with attendant infrastructure (application accompanied by an environmental statement)
Case Officer: Tim Warne
Standard Consultation Expiry Date: Tue 22 Aug 2017
Determination Deadline: Wed 23 Aug 2017

LUXULYAN decision. PA17/06260. STATUS: Prior approval not required. Agricultural prior notification for proposed erection of farm agricultural building for storage of feed, bales and machinery - Corgee Farm Strawberry Lane Luxulyan Bodmin Cornwall PL30 5DS

LUXULYAN decision. PA17/02856. APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS. Creation of a purpose built wedding venue with associated works (re-submission of previously refused application PA16/07440) - Corgee Farm Strawberry Lane Luxulyan Bodmin Cornwall PL30 5DS

ST BLAISE decision. PA17/02752 APPROVED | Variation of condition 7 (The development hereby approved shall not commence until detailed plans have been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority and layout of off-site highways works to service the site, the proposed road junctions and associated means of construction and surface water drainage. The approved access road junction shall be laid out and constructed in accordance with the requirements of a Section 278 Agreement under the provisions of the Highways Act 1980 prior to the first occupation of any part of the development and retained as such thereafter unless otherwise agreed in writing by the local planning authority) of application no. PA14/01614 allowed on appeal dated 22/06/15 to read Prior to the 10th occupation of any part of the development and retained as such thereafter unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority. | Land East Of Mount Crescent Mount Crescent Par Cornwall. — PA14/01614 | Demolition of 1 existing dwelling and erection of 44 New Dwellings, associated Highway and Landscape Works together with provision of Open Space and associated Infrastructure | Land East Of Mount Crescent Mount Crescent Par Cornwall

LUXULYAN.  PA17/05103 (6 Jul'17)  | Proposed MOT bay at existing motor vehicle workshop business, plus associates works | Highway Garage Tywardreath Highway Par PL24 2RN
Standard Consultation Expiry Date:Thu 29 Jun 2017
Determination Deadline:Fri 28 Jul 2017

TREVERBYN. PA17/0505136 Rosevear Road Bugle PL26 8PJ Outline planning permission with some matters reserved: Proposal for ten detached dwellings - Mr Dylan Myers.

ST BLAISE decision. PA17/02296 APPROVED Applicant: Mr Brian Phelps Location: Hangloose The Eden Project Bodelva Road Bodelva Par Proposal: The retention of existing adventure activity structures and the construction of additional structures.

LUXULYAN decision. PA16/11625. APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS.Removal of the mobile home and the erection of a dwellinghouse - Lower Gillies Road From Newgate To Conce Conce Bugle Cornwall PL26 8RT.

LUXULYAN decision. PA17/00618. PRIOR APPROVAL NOT REQUIRED. Telecommunications prior notification for proposed 12.5m Phosco 4.5 Monopole with 3no antennas fixed to headframe. Proposed 2no 0.3m dishes, proposed HUAWEI BTS3900AL Cabinet, proposed TSC Cabinet and proposed associated equipment. - Site For Telecommunications Equipment South East Of Tregarrick Farm Luxulyan Cornwall PL30 5EQ.

LANLIVERY PARISH decision. 08.06.2017 PA17/01066/PREAPP.  CLOSED - ADVICE GIVEN. Applicant:Cornwall Council. Location:Luxulyan Valley Lanlivery Luxulyan. Proposal:Pre-application advice for restoration of Treffry Viaduct and leat system. Installation of a new hydroelectric turbine replacing the old.

LUXULYAN decision. PA17/03667 Status: DISCHARGED | Submission of details to discharge condition 5 in respect of decision notice PA13/03710 allowed on appeal APP/D0840/A/14/2217727 | Land South Of A391 Near Bodwen Access To Higher Menadew Bugle PL26 8RP

ST BLAISE.  PA17/01511/PREAPP Former Ice Cream Factory Middleway St Blazey Cornwall Pre-application for a residential development of town houses for approximately 30 units with 10 affordable homes. - Amy Properties Ltd - (Case Officer - Gemma Dunn)

ROCHE decision.  PA17/01150  APPROVED Mr Alun Kitts. Land And Lake North Of Rosemellyn Cottage Roche Cornwall PL26 8LB. Change of use of land for fee paying fishery, construction of septic tank and field drain, placement of mobile portakabin style toilet module and portable shower module.

LUXULYAN decision. PA17/00660/PREAPP CLOSED- ADVICE GIVEN. | Pre application advice for Residential development (outline) for the development of 60 units | Land North Of Tregarrick Farm Luxulyan Cornwall PL30 5EQ.Case Officer Stephen Kirby.Determination Deadline Thu 25 May 2017.[The PREAPP was closed before it could be discussed at the 18 May meeting.]

TYWARDREATH AND PAR decision.  PA17/02450 APPROVED.  Land South West Of Hillbrough Porcupine Road Porcupine Par Cornwall. Variation of condition 1 in respect of decision PA16/11537 dated 20.02.17 for outline planning permission with some matters reserved for development of up to 8 self-build dwellings. - Taylor, Taylor, And Chapman

TREVERBYN decision. PA17/00843. APPROVED. Thomas Storage Land Red Lane Bugle Cornwall. Outline planning permission with some matters reserved: Residential development up to 10 self build dwellings

ROCHE decision. PA17/02121. APPROVED.  Land At Mount Pleasant West Of Auberge Asterisk Withiel Road Roche Cornwall. Outline consent for the construction of 10 Exemplar Sustainable Self Build Plots and 1 B1 Unit with access and layout.

LUXULYAN decision. PA17/02994.  DISCHARGED.Submission of details to discharge condition 4 relating to PA15/03708 (Allowed at appeal ref: APP/D0840/W/15/3139576) - Land South East Of The Mill Prideaux Road St Blazey Cornwall

LUXULYAN.  PA17/00618 (18 May'17) Revised proposal: Telecommunications prior notification for proposed 12.5m high 1S lattice tower with 3no antennas fixed to headframe. Proposed 2no 0.3m dishes, proposed HUAWEI BTS3900AL Cabinet, proposed TSC Cabinet and proposed associated equipment. Location: Site For Telecommunications Equipment South East Of Tregarrick FarmLuxulyanCornwallPL30 5EQ

LUXULYAN.  PA17/00660/PREAPP (18 May'17) | Pre application advice for Residential development (outline) for the development of 60 units | Land North Of Tregarrick Farm Luxulyan Cornwall PL30 5EQ
Case Officer Stephen Kirby
Determination Deadline Thu 25 May 2017

LANLIVERY. PA17/01066/PREAPP Luxulyan Valley Lanlivery Luxulyan Cornwall Pre-application advice for restoration of Treffry Viaduct and leat system. Installation of a new hydroelectric turbine replacing the old. - Cornwall Council - (Case Officer - Jonathan Luker)

PA17/02856 (18 May'17) | Creation of a purpose built wedding venue with associated works (re-submission of previously refused application PA16/07440) | Corgee Farm Strawberry Lane Luxulyan Bodmin Cornwall PL30 5DS
Case Officer:Jonathan Luker
Standard Consultation Expiry Date: Tue 09 May 2017
Determination Deadline:Fri 02 Jun 2017

LUXULYAN decision. PA17/02117 APPROVED. Mr Richard Stephenson. Rosemullion Farm Access To Rosemullion Farm Rosemelling Luxulyan PL30 5EQ. Construction of 3 bedroom timber framed house

PA17/03667 (Parish Meeting 11 May'17 and Parish Council Meeting18 May'17) | Submission of details to discharge condition 5 in respect of decision notice PA13/03710 allowed on appeal APP/D0840/A/14/2217727 |Land South Of A391 Near Bodwen Access To Higher Menadew Bugle PL26 8RP

PA17/02117 (13 Apr'17)  | Construction of a 3 bedroom timber framed house | Rosemullion Farm Access To Rosemullion Farm Rosemelling Luxulyan PL30 5EQ. Case Officer:Rosilyn Baker Neighbour Consultation Expiry Date:Wed 05 Apr 2017 Determination Deadline:Wed 10 May 2017

PA16/11625 (13 Apr'17)  | Removal of the mobile home and the erection of a dwellinghouse | Lower Gillies Road From Newgate To Conce, Conce Bugle Cornwall PL26 8RT Case Officer:Rosilyn Baker Standard Consultation Expiry Date:Wed 19 Apr 2017 Determination Deadline:Fri 03 Feb 2017 (postponed)  

LUXULYAN decision. PA17/01774 APPROVED | Non-material amendment (1) to insert the new gated entrance further into the field by possibly approximately 3-4 metres in respect of decision notice PA16/11329 - opening a new gated entrance into field | Harpers Cottage Access To Harpers Cottage Bugle PL26 8RT Case Officer:Julie Mitchell Standard Consultation Expiry Date:Wed 15 Mar 2017 Determination Deadline:Thu 23 Mar 2017 

LUXULYAN.  PA17/02994 Submission of details to discharge condition 4 relating to PA15/03708 (Allowed at appeal ref: APP/D0840/W/15/3139576) - Land South East Of The Mill Prideaux Road St Blazey Cornwall

LUXULYAN decision. PA17/00722/PREAPP Closed - advice given. Mr Swiggs. Land West Of Treveth Prideaux Road St Blazey Cornwall PL24 2SR Pre application advice for construction of new dwelling and garage

LUXULYAN decision. PA16/07890. APPROVED.  Mr And Mrs Age And Rosie Rundle And Rowe-Best. Land North Of Fairhaven Rosemelling Luxulyan Bodmin Cornwall Construction of new dwelling.

LUXULYAN decision. PA17/00814 GRANTED (CAADS AND LUS ONLY) Mr David William Tamblin. Land North Of Quarry Park Bodelva St Blazey Cornwall PL24 2SZ Application for Certificate of Lawfulness Existing Use for caravan site for 5 residential caravans.

TREVERBYN. PA17/02014 Land North Of Landview Penwithick Road St Austell Cornwall PL26 8TY. Residential development (outline consent with all matters reserved) - Mr D Rundle - (Case Officer - Paul Webber)

ST BLAISE.  PA17/02296 Hangloose The Eden Project Bodelva Road Bodelva Par Cornwall. The retention of existing adventure activity structures and the construction of additional structures

TYWARDREATH AND PAR. PA17/03432. Land South Of Annears Garage Tywardreath Highway Par Cornwall. Outline application for 10 dwellings and associated works with all matters reserved - Mr & Mr Kevin & David Retallick

ROCHE. PA17/02121. Land At Mount Pleasant West Of Auberge Asterisk Withiel Road Roche Cornwall. Outline consent for the construction of 10 Exemplar Sustainable Self Build Plots and 1 B1 Unit with access and layout. - Mr Ian Armstrong - (Case Officer - John Rudge)

ST BLAISE. PA17/02752 | Variation of condition 7 (The development hereby approved shall not commence until detailed plans have been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority and layout of off-site highways works to service the site, the proposed road junctions and associated means of construction and surface water drainage. The approved access road junction shall be laid out and constructed in accordance with the requirements of a Section 278 Agreement under the provisions of the Highways Act 1980 prior to the first occupation of any part of the development and retained as such thereafter unless otherwise agreed in writing by the local planning authority) of application no. PA14/01614 allowed on appeal dated 22/06/15 to read Prior to the 10th occupation of any part of the development and retained as such thereafter unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority. | Land East Of Mount Crescent Mount Crescent Par Cornwall. — PA14/01614 | Demolition of 1 existing dwelling and erection of 44 New Dwellings, associated Highway and Landscape Works together with provision of Open Space and associated Infrastructure | Land East Of Mount Crescent Mount Crescent Par Cornwall

ROCHE. PA17/00890 Land North East Of Tregarrick Fields Farm Edgcumbe Road Roche Cornwall PL26 8JH. Prior notification to construct a 21 metre galvanised steel mast, dark green steel cabinets, grey plastic antennas and green weld mesh fencing. - Vodafone Ltd -

TREVERBYN. PA17/00843. Thomas Storage Land Red Lane Bugle Cornwall. Outline planning permission with some matters reserved: Residential development up to 10 self build dwellings - Mr Thomas

ST BLAISE decision. PA16/10409 APPROVED Mr David Harland The Eden Project Bodelva Road Bodelva Par Cornwall New build hotel accommodation.

TYWARDREATH AND PAR decision. PA16/11537 APPROVED. Taylor, Taylor, and Chapman. and South West Of Hillbrough Porcupine Road Porcupine Par Cornwall. Outline planning permission with some matters reserved: Development up to eight self-build dwellings.

TYWARDREATH AND PAR decision. PA17/00629 PRIOR APPROVAL NOT REQ'D (AF/TEL/DEM). Telefonica UK Limited. Land For Proposed Base Station North Of Trelispen Polpey Lane Tywardreath Cornwall PL24 2TW. Proposed base station installation at CTIL241499_VF12980_TEF51073 land on the East side of Polpey Lane

TREVERBYN decision. PA16/11319 REFUSED. Trustees Of The Stanley Martin Estate. Kernow Veor Carclaze Road St Austell PL25 3TA. Residential development of up to 82 dwellings and associated infrastructure - Outline with some matters (appearance, landscaping, scale and layout reserved).

TREVERBYN decision. PA17/00981 PRIOR APPROVAL NOT REQ'D (AF/TEL/DEM) Telefonica UK Ltd. Land North Of 46 Turnavean Road St Austell Cornwall PL25 5NX Prior Notification for a 17.5m mast complete with 3 antennas, two dish antenna, associated radio equipment cabinets and development works ancillary thereto.

TYWARDREATH AND PAR PA17/02450 Land South West Of Hillbrough Porcupine Road Porcupine Par Cornwall. Variation of condition 1 in respect of decision PA16/11537 dated 20.02.17 for outline planning permission with some matters reserved for development of up to 8 self-build dwellings. - Taylor, Taylor, And Chapman

LANLIVERY decision. PA16/12133 APPROVED. Yata Power Ltd. Rew Farm Sweetshouse Bodmin Cornwall PL30 5AW. Variation of condition 11 in respect of decision notice PA12/08097 and appeal ref APP/D/840/A/12/2188929 to extend the operational period of the solar farm by 5 years by extending the planning permission term from 25.5 to 30.5 years from the date of commissioning the solar farm


TREVERBYN decision. PA17/00267/PREAPP CLOSED - ADVICE GIVEN| Pre-application advice for proposed residential development | Land North Of Ballarat House Red Lane Bugle Cornwall

PA14/12186 (9 Mar'17) | Outline application for 'West Carclaze Eco-community' comprising the demolition, site clearance and associated earthworks and the phased development of up to 1500 dwellings, a local centre, incorporating local retail, health and community facilities, a primary school, employment floorspace and associated areas of open space, renewable energy provision and energy centre(s), drainage and associated infrastructure. All matters reserved with points of access from the A391 only to be agreed. | Land At West Carclaze And Baal Carluddon St Austell Cornwall. Case Officer:Gavin Smith.  Standard Consultation Expiry Date:Thu 16 Mar 2017. Determination Deadline:not available

PA17/01774 (9 Mar'17) | Non-material amendment (1) to insert the new gated entrance further into the field by possibly approximately 3-4 metres in respect of decision notice PA16/11329 - opening a new gated entrance into field | Harpers Cottage Access To Harpers Cottage Bugle PL26 8RT Case Officer:Julie Mitchell Standard Consultation Expiry Date:Wed 15 Mar 2017 Determination Deadline:Thu 23 Mar 2017

PA17/00618 (23 Feb'17)  | Telecommunications prior notification for proposed 12.5m high 1S lattice tower with 3no antennas fixed to headframe. Proposed 2no 0.3m dishes, proposed HUAWEI BTS3900AL Cabinet, proposed TSC Cabinet and proposed associated equipment. | Site For Telecommunications Equipment South East Of Tregarrick Farm Luxulyan Cornwall PL30 5EQ. Case Officer:Julie Mitchell. Standard Consultation Expiry Date:Tue 14 Feb 2017. Determination Deadline:Wed 15 Mar 2017

LUXULYAN Decision. PA16/11329. APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS. Opening a new gated entrance into field. - Harpers Cottage Access To Harpers Cottage Bugle PL26 8RT.

TREVERBYN. PA17/00981. Land North Of 46 Turnavean Road St Austell Cornwall PL25 (Bugle Electoral 5NX Division) Prior Notification for a 17.5m mast complete with 3 antennas, two dish antenna, associated radio equipment cabinets and development works ancillary thereto - Telefonica UK Ltd

PA17/00618 (9 Feb'17) | Telecommunications prior notification for proposed 12.5m high 1S lattice tower with 3no antennas fixed to headframe. Proposed 2no 0.3m dishes, proposed HUAWEI BTS3900AL Cabinet, proposed TSC Cabinet and proposed associated equipment. | Site For Telecommunications Equipment South East Of Tregarrick Farm Luxulyan Cornwall PL30 5EQ.

PA17/00814 (9 Feb'17) PA17/00814 | Application for Certificate of Lawfulness Existing Use for caravan site for 5 residential caravans | Land North Of Quarry Park Bodelva St Blazey PL24 2SZ.

TREVERBYN. PA17/00884. Land South Of Poldurn Penhale Road Penwithick Cornwall PL26 8UP Prior notification for telecommunications development for new 17.5 metre monopole mast with associated antennas, dishes, cabinets and ancillary development. - Vodafone Ltd.

LANLIVERY decision. PA16/10532 APPROVED Mr Steven Dustow Colwith Farm Distillery Ltd Crewell Moor Pelyn Cross Near Lanlivery Cornwall Proposed small distillery to be situated adjacent to existing potato storage shed.

LANLIVERY.  PA16/12133. Rew Farm Sweetshouse Bodmin Cornwall PL30 5AW Variation of condition 11 in respect of decision notice PA12/08097 and appeal ref APP/D/840/A/12/2188929 to extend the operational period of the solar farm by 5 years by extending the planning permission term from 25.5 to 30.5 years from the date of commissioning the solar farm - Yata Power Ltd.

LUXULYAN Decision. PA16/11437. APPROVED. Conversion of loft space to form additional bedroom, bathroom and sitting area, creation of small roof terrace. - The Bungalow Bridges Luxulyan Bodmin Cornwall PL30 5EF

PA16/11625 (12 Jan'17)  | Removal of the mobile home and the erection of a dwellinghouse | Lower Gillies Conce Bugle St Austell Cornwall PL26 8RT


LUXULYAN Decision. PA16/09961. REFUSED |Outline application for the construction of a single storey dwelling and detached garage with formation of access with all other matters reserved |Land North Of Penhallow Bodwen Bugle Cornwall

PA16/11437 (8 Dec'16)  | Conversion of loft space to form additional bedroom, bathroom and sitting area, creation of small roof terrace. | The Bungalow Bridges Luxulyan Bodmin Cornwall PL30 5EF Case Officer:Myra Trust Standard Consultation Expiry Date:Wed 28 Dec 2016 Determination Deadline: Wed 25 Jan 2017

PA16/09846 (8 Dec'16)  | Siting of two mobile homes, two touring caravans (for nomadic use) and construction of one utility dayroom for use by extended family | Apondarose Minorca Lane Bugle St Austell Cornwall PL26 8QN Case Officer:Jonathan Luker Standard Consultation Expiry Date:Tue 27 Dec 2016 Determination Deadline: Mon 09 Jan 2017

PA16/02983/PREAPP (8 Dec'16). Land North Of Appletree Farm Conce Moor Bugle Cornwall PL26 8RT Pre-application for glamping site for up to 6 x 1 bed pods (log effect tents) on land currently used for shelter for 2 horses - Mrs Christina Roberts - (Case Officer - Jonathan Luker) Determination Deadline:Tue 17 Jan 2017

PA16/11329 (8 Dec'16)  | Opening a new gated entrance into field. | Harpers Cottage Access To Harpers Cottage Bugle PL26 8RT Case Officer:Julie Mitchell Standard Consultation Expiry Date:Fri 23 Dec 2016 Determination Deadline:Fri 27 Jan 201

PA16/11001 (8 Dec'16)  | Non material amendment (2) for NMA approved 4th October 2016 (PA16/08129) to show fence with 20cm gap to the ground, as specified within the LEMP submitted with conditions discharge application (PA16/09317). One gate initially planned will also be removed, and a reference to a green coloured fence has been removed (as per attached plans) to (PA13/03710) for Construction of solar photovoltaic park with attendant infrastructure (application accompanied by an environmental statement). | Land South Of A391 Near Bodwen Bugle Cornwall. Case Officer:Tim Warne Standard Consultation Expiry Date:Thu 08 Dec 2016 Determination Deadline:Thu 15 Dec 2016

TREVERBYN parish. PA16/03305/PREAPP Land South East Of Poldurn Penhale Road Penwithick Cornwall PL26 8UP Pre-application advice for the installation of a 17.5m mast complete with three internal antennas, two dish antennas, radio equipment cabinets and development works ancillary thereto. - Vodafone Ltd - (Case Officer - Hilary Gooch)

TREVERBYN parish. PA16/03304/PREAPP Land North Of 46 Turnavean Road St Austell Cornwall PL25 5NX Pre-application advice for the installation of a 17.5m mast complete with three internal antennas, two dish antennas, radio equipment cabinets and development works ancillary thereto. - Telefonica UK Ltd - (Case Officer - Hilary Gooch)

ROCHE parish. PA16/03300/PREAPP Land North East Of Tregarrick Fields Farm Edgcumbe Road Roche Cornwall PL26 8JH Pre-application advice for proposed base station installation - Vodafone Ltd - (Case Officer - Hilary Gooch)

LUXULYAN Decision. PA16/07577 | Submission of details to discharge conditions 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 in respect of decision notice PA15/03708 (allowed at appeal) - Land South East Of The Mill Prideaux Road St Blazey Cornwall.STATUS: DISCH OF COND NOT ALL CONDITIONS AGREED

LUXULYAN Decision. PA16/07743 APPROVED. Applicant: Mr And Mrs D A And J G Blackshire.Location: Windsor Cottage Higher Menadue Bugle St Austell Cornwall.Proposal: Removal of condition 2 attached to decision PA10/07013 (change of use from ancillary bedrooms to self contained two person holiday home) to allow permanent residential tenure.

LUXULYAN Decision.  PA16/07440 REFUSED  Applicant: M I and P J Hugo and Son.Location: Corgee Farm Strawberry Lane Luxulyan Bodmin Cornwall.Proposal: Creation of a purpose built wedding venue.

LUXULYAN Decision.  PA16/08909 APPROVED.  Applicant: Mr Richard Stephenson.Location: Rosemullion Farm Rosemelling Luxulyan Bodmin Cornwall.Proposal: Construction of a 3-bedroom, storey and a half, timber frame dwelling on a parcel of land within the hamlet of Rosemelling.

LUXULYAN Decision. PA16/02648/PREAPP Closed - advice given.Applicant: Mr And Mrs S S Crocker.Location: Land Adjacent To Little Oaks Carne Cross St Blazey Par Cornwall.Proposal: Pre-application advice for one dwelling house.

PA16/09961 (10 Nov'16) |Outline application for the construction of a single storey dwelling and detached garage with formation of access with all other matters reserved |Land North Of Penhallow Bodwen Bugle Cornwall

PA16/09020 (10 Nov'16)  | First floor timber framed extension for bathroom and dressing room | Ennisvath Savath Lane Lockengate Bugle St Austell Cornwall PL26 8SA . Case Officer:Myra Trust Standard Consultation Expiry Date:Wed 09 Nov 2016 Determination Deadline:Tue 22 Nov 2016

PA16/09317 (10 Nov'16)  | Submission of details to discharge condition 4, 6, 7, 8 and 9 in respect of solar park approved on Appeal APP/D0840/A/14/2217727 (LPA Ref PA13/03710) at Bodwen, near Bugle | Land South Of A391 Near Bodwen Bugle Cornwall. Case Officer:Tim Warne Determination Deadline:Wed 30 Nov 2016

LUXULYAN decision. PA16/08129. APPROVED UNCONDITIONAL. Non-material amendment for various amendments to the scheme in respect of PA13/03710 (appeal decision APP/D0840/A/14/2217727) - Land South Of A391 Near Bodwen Bugle Cornwall.

LUXULYAN decision. PA16/07148 APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS | Construction of a livestock barn - Methrose Farm Carne Cross St Blazey PL24 2SX.

LANLIVERY decision. PA16/07287 SCREENING OPINION - EIA NOT REQUIRED. Cornwall Council And Cornwall Heritage Trust. Luxulyan Valley Lanlivery Luxulyan Cornwall. Screening Opinion for historic restoration works and replacement hydro-electric plant.

PA16/02648/PREAPP (13 Oct'16) | Pre-application advice for one dwelling house | Land Adjacent To Little Oaks Carne Cross St Blazey Par Cornwall PL24 2SX. Applicant Name: Mr And Mrs S S Crocker.Case Officer: Tracy Young.

PA16/08909 (13 Oct'16) | Construction of a 3-bedroom, storey and a half, timber frame dwelling on a parcel of land within the hamlet of Rosemelling.| Rosemullion Farm Rosemelling Luxulyan Bodmin Cornwall PL30 5EQ. Case Officer: Rosilyn Baker.
-- Standard Consultation Expiry Date Thu 20 Oct 2016
-- Determination Deadline Wed 16 Nov 2016

PA16/07743 (13 Oct'16) | Variation of condition 2 attached to decision PA10/07013 (change of use from ancillary bedrooms to self contained two person holiday home) to allow permanent residential tenure | Windsor Cottage Higher Menadue Bugle St Austell Cornwall PL26 8QW. Case OfficerTracy Young.
-- Standard Consultation Expiry Date  Mon 26 Sep 2016
-- Determination Deadline Fri 21 Oct 2016

PA16/07859 (13 Oct'16) | To erect a Light Industrial and retail building | Annears Garage Tywardreath Highway Par Cornwall PL24 2RN. Case Officer: Jonathan Luker 
-- Parish: Tywardreath And Par [sent to Luxulyan PC for consultee comments]
-- Standard Consultation Expiry Date:Mon 26 Sep 2016 
-- Determination Deadline Fri 28 Oct 2016

PA16/07440 (13 Oct'16) | Creation of a purpose built wedding venue | Corgee Farm Strawberry Lane Luxulyan Bodmin Cornwall PL30 5DS. Case OfficerHelen Blacklock.
-- Standard Consultation Expiry Date Fri 09 Sep 2016
-- Determination Deadline Fri 18 Nov 2016

LUXULYAN decision. PA16/07148 APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS | Construction of a livestock barn - Methrose Farm Carne Cross St Blazey PL24 2SX.

LUXULYAN decision. PA16/07401 APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS.Resubmission of existing permission. PA16/02117 - Demolition of the existing single block garage and replacement with a double width double block garage, changes to the existing planning permission, namely - 1 Square up the building front and back to be the same size, 2. Resize garage to 6.550mm wide, 9350mm to fit on foundations laid and 3. Add stairs to first floor storage, 4 raise the roof to 5358mm overall height 5. Add extra window to ground floor end wall 6. Add extra door to front of garage - Savath Bungalow Savath Lane Lockengate Bugle PL26 8SA.

LUXULYAN decision. PA16/07506 APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS. Listed building consent for removal of rear lean to roof and replacement with new flat roof to blockwork lavatory block to enable more effective weathering to original window and enhancement of window as a feature - Gunwen Chapel Luxulyan Bodmin Cornwall PL30 5DU

TREVERBYN parish. PA16/02763/PREAPP Rose Meadows Molinnis Road Bugle St Austell Cornwall PL26 8QJ. Proposed erection of 12 age restricted dwellings - Mr D Lee - (Case Officer - Gemma Dunn).

TYWARDREATH AND PAR parish. PA16/08844. Land At Elmsleigh Care Home St Andrews Road Par Cornwall PL24 2LX Outline application for erection of up to 10 age restricted dwellings together with amenity areas and associated open space and infrastructure - Mr G Thomas -

ST BLAISE decision. PA16/04955 REFUSED. Applicant: Mr Ian Roach. Location: Land North Of Mountlea Drive Mountside Road Par Cornwall. Proposal: Hybrid Planning Application comprising: Outline planning application (all matters reserved apart from access) for 5.44ha of land for approximately 103 dwellings, extension to Kingdom Hall for additional parking, 2,500m2 of allotments, provision of school drop off with turning facilities including additional parking for allotments, in addition to footpath/cycle connection from Mountside Road to Lamellyn Road and detailed application for 86 no residential dwellings with associated access roads, footways, parking, landscaping, drainage and open spaces.

TREVERBYN Parish. PA16/04030 APPROVED. Ocean Housing. Land Surrounding West Carclaze Cottage Scredda St Austell Cornwall. Residential development of 34 Dwellings including 76% affordable units.

TREVERBYN Parish. PA16/04788 REFUSED. Applicant: Ashdown Company. Location: DS1485 St Austell Enterprise Park Treverbyn Road Carclaze St Austell. Proposed change of use from B1, B2 and B8 to C2. Proposed 63 bedroom, Level 5+ dementia care unit with hospice and end of life wing.

TREVERBYN Parish. PA14/01406/PREAPP CLOSED - ADVICE GIVEN. Applicant: Ruth Ormella – CC. Land At West Carclaze And Baal Carluddon St Austell Cornwall. PPA for mixed use community including minimum of 1500 homes, primary school and associated community infrastructure

LANLIVERY decision. PA16/05679 APPROVED. Mr David Wright. Location: Middle Greadow Lanlivery Luxulyan Bodmin Cornwall Proposal: Demolition of bungalow and construction of a three bedroom house and garage

PA16/05198. GRANTED.Certificate of lawfulness existing use: Useage of caravan as a dwelling - The Caravan Moorland Cottage Conce Moor Bugle Cornwall PL26 8RT.

PA16/07577.Submission of details to discharge conditions 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 in respect of decision notice PA15/03708 (allowed at appeal) - Land South East Of The Mill Prideaux Road St Blazey Cornwall. Status: Pending Consideration. [Consultee comments are not requested.]

PA16/07401 (8 Sept'16).  Resubmission of existing permission PA16/02117 - Demolition of the existing single block garage and replacement with a double width double block garage, changes to the existing planning permission, namely - 1 Square up the building front and back to be the same size, 2. Resize garage to 6.550mm wide, 9350mm to fit on foundations laid and 3. Add stairs to first floor storage, 4 raise the roof to 5358mm overall height 5. Add extra window to ground floor end wall 6. Add extra door to front of garage. Case Officer Myra Trust.
-- Standard Consultation Expiry Date Wed 14 Sep 2016
-- Determination Deadline Tues 4 Oct 2016
-- LPC commented on PA16/02117: Luxulyan Parish Council SUPPORTS this application. It is a reasonable improvement to the property that will support the owner's hobby. It does not affect neighbouring properties and the Council trusts that the case officer will ensure that the design is in keeping with its surroundings.

PA16/07890 (8 Sept'16) | Construction of new dwelling | Fairhaven Rosemelling Luxulyan Bodmin Cornwall PL30 5EQ. Case Officer Tracy Young.
-- Standard Consultation Expiry Date Wed 21 Sep 2016
-- Determination Deadline Thu 20 Oct 2016

PA16/07506 (8 Sept'16) | Listed building consent for removal of rear lean to roof and replacement with new flat roof to blockwork lavatory block to enable more effective weathering to original window and enhancement of window as a feature | Gunwen Chapel Luxulyan Bodmin Cornwall PL30 5DU.Case Officer Tracy Young
-- Standard Consultation Expiry DateFri 09 Sep 2016
-- Determination Deadline Fri 07 Oct 2016

ST BLAISE. PA16/06507.The Eden Project Bodelva Road Bodelva Par Cornwall PL24 2SG Variation of condition 1 in respect of decision notice PA14/03223 (change of use for the installation and service a 58 bedroom YHA Snoozebox Hostel, with a temporary planning permission for two years to run as a YHA youth hostel on Strawberry car park with a reception unit appropriate to servicing the Hostel) to enable an extension of the two year temporary consent.

LUXULYAN decision. PA16/04855 APPROVED with conditions. Ancillary accommodation - Penthorn Lane From Chimney Tops To The Grange Lockengate Bugle PL26 8RU

TYWARDREATH & PAR. PA16/06783 Land To The South Of Porcupine Road Porcupine Par Outline Planning for 8 self-build dwellings (4 affordable & 4 open market) with some matters reserved - Taylor, Taylor, and Chapman.

PA16/07148 (11 Aug'16) | Construction of a livestock barn | Methrose Farm Carne Cross St Blazey PL24 2SX.
Standard Consultation Expiry Date Wed 31 Aug 2016
Determination Deadline Tue 27 Sep 2016

LUXULYAN decision.  PA16/00007/NDP | 4 Aug 2016 | AGREED to formerly designate (NDP Only) | Designation request for undertaking a Neighbourhood Development Plan for the Parish of Luxulyan | Luxulyan Cornwall

PA16/05679 (11 Aug'16) | Demolition of bungalow and construction of a three bedroom house and garage | Middle Greadow Lanlivery Luxulyan Bodmin Cornwall PL30 5DH [Mainly in Lanlivery Parish, but consultee comments are requested from Luxulyan.]
Neighbour Consultation Expiry Date Thu 11 Aug 2016
Determination Deadline Tue 30 Aug 2016

APP/D0840/W/16/3145679. Appeal against the refusal of PA15/05168. APPEAL ALLOWED. Outline application with some matters reserved for construction of 4no. two bedroom houses - Beswetherick Field Luxulyan Bodmin PL30 5FB

Tues, 23 August 2016 at 10.00 am in the Committee Room at the Council Offices in St Austell. Hearing with an inspector from the Planning Inspectorate for APP/D0840/S/16/3143592. Modification or discharge of affordable housing requirements [request for change from 5 year delivery to 10 year delivery window] in relation to a planning (England) appeal Appeal by Quay Developments Luxulyan Ltd Site Address: Land off St. Cyriac, Luxulyan, BODMIN, PL30 5EF. Relating to:PA15/08298 | Application for variation of S106 planning obligation dated 23.11.2009 (relating to affordable housing) attached to decision 08/01791 | Land Adjacent St Cyriac St Cyriac Luxulyan Cornwall. Relating to: C2/08/01791. Proposed residential development of 13 Affordable and 6 speculative houses. 

PA16/06420.Submission of details to discharge condition 4 in respect of decision no. PA14/11789 Appeal ref: 3011500 - Land North West Of Carne Cottages Carne Cross St Blazey. Status: Pending Consideration.  [No consultee comments are requested.]

LUXULYAN decision. PA16/04323. Status: DISCH OF COND NOT ALL CONDITIONS AGREED. Submission of details to discharge conditions 3 and 4 in repsect of Decision Notice PA14/11789 allowed on Appeal 10th February 2016 - Land North West Of Carne Cottages Carne Cross St Blazey 

ROCHE. PA16/06033 Tregarrick Farm Fore Street Roche St Austell Cornwall PL26 8EP. Application for the modification or discharge of a planning obligation in respect of decision notice C2/08/00891 (the proposed residential development of 32 new dwellings) to allow payment of open space and education contributions in stages - RS Developments 2000 Ltd - (Case Officer - Simon Wagemakers).

LUXULYAN decision. PA16/02471. APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS. The siting of a ABI Arizona static caravan to be used as accommodation by a farm worker. - Trevanney Farm St Blazey PL24 2SU

PA16/04935. Erection of light industrial workshop - Land At Mandalay Rosemelling Luxulyan Bodmin Cornwall PL30 5EQ. Status: Withdrawn

PA16/00009/NDP (11 Aug'16).  Plan proposal and Strategic Environmental Assessment Report for Roche Parish Neighbourhood Development Plan.|Roche Cornwall

Neighbourhood Plan Open Day Saturday 9th July from 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm at the Village Hall. Everyone is welcome to discuss the way forward for planning in the parish.

PA16/05198 (14 Jul'16) | Certificate of lawfulness existing use: Useage of caravan as a dwelling - The Caravan Moorland Cottage Conce Moor Bugle Cornwall PL26 8RT

PA16/00007/NDP |Designation request for undertaking a Neighbourhood Development Plan for the Parish of Luxulyan - Luxulyan Cornwall. The Neighbourhood area designation consultation will run from 22nd June to 3rd August 2016. Received date: Wed 15 Jun 2016 | Status: Pending Consideration | Case Type: Planning Application

PA16/04935. WITHDRAWN. Erection of light industrial workshop | Land At Mandalay Rosemelling Luxulyan Bodmin Cornwall PL30 5EQ

ST BLAISE decision. PA16/00028 WITHDRAWN. Applicant: Mr Liam Webb. Location: Land East Of Mount Crescent Mount Crescent Par Cornwall. Proposal: Demolition of one existing dwelling and erection of 44 new dwellings and associated highway and landscape works, Together with the provision of open space, and associated infrastructure. (Revision to affordable housing allocation and house types relating to planning approval PA14/01614)

TREVERBYN. PA16/04788. DS1485 St Austell Enterprise Park Treverbyn Road Carclaze St Austell Cornwall Proposed change of use from B1, B2 and B8 to C2. Proposed 63 bedroom, Level 5+ dementia care unit with hospice and end of life wing. - Ashdown Company.

PA16/04855 (9 Jun'16) | Ancillary accommodation|Penthorn Lane From Chimney Tops To The Grange Lockengate Bugle PL26 8RU

LUXULYAN decision. PA16/01635. WITHDRAWN. Outline planning permission with all matters reserved: Construction of two semi detached dwellings | Moorland View Conce Moor Bugle Cornwall PL26 8RT

APP/D0840/W/15/3139576. APPEAL ALLOWED. PA15/03708 (14 May 2015)| Erection of cottage to be used for residential purposes | Land South East Of The Mill Prideaux Road St Blazey Cornwall.

PA15/08439 REFUSED.Mr Ian Wooders. Land Adjacent To Carne Cottages Carne Cross St Blazey Par Cornwall. Erection of an affordable dwelling. Luxulyan

TYWARDREATH & PAR decision. PA16/01244/PREAPP Closed - advice given. Daniel Tredgold. Land East Of Grove Parc Tywardreath Highway Par Cornwall PL24 2RW. Pre-application advice to erect 15 houses made up of 2 and 3 bedrooms under the affordable housing scheme.

ST BLAISE decision. PA15/06491 Failed to determine. Mr Liam Webb. Land Off Mountside Road Mountside Road Par Cornwall. Hybrid Planning Application Comprising: Outline Planning Application (All Matters Reserved apart from access) for 5.44ha of Land for approximately 103 dwellings, extension to Kingdom Hall for additional parking, 2,500m2 of allotments, provision of school drop off with turning facilities including additional parking for allotments, in addition to footpath / cycle connection from Mountside Road to Lamellyn Road and detailed application for 86 no residential dwellings with associated access roads, footways, parking, landscaping, drainage and open spaces.

A30 to St Austell Link Road exhibitions - two potential options for the new road. Cornwall Council has organised series of exhibitions on the potential new road link between St Austell and the A30.  CONSULTATION with the PUBLIC: 11 May until the 24 June 2016.  Schedule of exhibitions here.

PA16/03669 (12 May'16) | Application for amendments to existing planning consent (PA16-00379). Including dormer to west elevation, addition of chimney to south elevation and reconfiguration of windows on west and south elevations. Location: Tom’s Barn Nanscawen St Blazey Par. Applicant: Mr Mitchell Hart. Grid Ref: 205928 / 55409.

APP/D0840/W/16/3145679. Response available HERE by Luxulyan Parish Council.
APP/D0840/S/16/3143592. Response available HERE by Luxulyan PC in support of Luxulyan CLT response. 

Monday, 25th April, 7 pm, Luxulyan Memorial Institute. There will be a meeting of Luxulyan Community Land Trust (CLT). Luxulyan Parish Councillors are invited to attend to discuss APP/D0840/W/16/3145679 (details below).

PA16/02471 (12 May'16). |The siting of a ABI Arizona static caravan to be used as accommodation by a farm worker.|Trevanney Farm St Blazey Cornwall PL24 2SU

LANIVET. PA16/02988. Land South Of Lanivet Manor Rectory Road Lanivet Bodmin Cornwall Construction of two-storey building for football and other recreational/community facilities - amended application for previously approved Ref: PA13/04186 (Proposed sports facilities including changing rooms, parking area and car parking) - Mrs Julie Burdon

LUXULYAN decision. 12.04.2016 PA16/01613 Prior approval not req'd (AF/TEL/DEM).  Applicant: Miss Melissa Green Location: 30 St Julitta Luxulyan Bodmin Cornwall PL30 5ED  Proposal: Single storey kitchen extension to rear of property.

LUXULYAN decision. 13.04.2016  PA16/00796  APPROVED  Applicant: Mrs Barbara Fahey Location: Thunder Park Luxulyan Cornwall PL30 5QA Proposal: Change of use of rough/scrubland to D2 use (assembly and leisure) to include airsoft and paintball

TREVERBYN.  PA16/02970.  Land At OS Grid Ref 202241 55609 Carluddon St Austell Cornwall Non-material amendment to parking layout and retaining proposals for embankment to road. Increase in GIA within the existing building envelope by means of additional floors in proposed 2 storey spaces with non material amendments to elevations to reflect internal layout adjustments in respect of decision notice PA12/11546 - Hybrid application for a 2.8 ha technology park seeking:  1
(i) Construction of circa 2300 sqm gross internal floorspace employment building for B1 (business) and B2 (general industrial) purposes with associated access, parking and landscaping.
(ii) Outline permission for the remainder of the Technology Park (1.28 hectares) consisting of up to 6000 sqm of gross external floorspace for B1 (business), B2 (general industrial) and B8 (storage and distribution) purposes with associated access, parking and landscaping including full detail of development platforms and site servicing with associated landscaping - Mr Paul King.

TREVERBYN decision.  01.04.2016 PA16/01799 Screening Opinion - EIA Not Required.  Applicant: Nicole Stacey Location: Development Land At Carclaze Carclaze Road St Austell Cornwall Proposal: EIA screening opinion request relating to proposed residential development on land to the north of Carclaze

01.04.2016 PA16/00441 APPROVED Applicant: Zero Carbon Futures Location: Cornish Gateway A30 Victoria Roche Cornwall Proposal: Installation of 1 no. Electric Vehicle Quick Charging Point in main car park area. Parish : Roche

APP/D0840/W/16/3145679.  Appeal against the refusal of PA15/05168 | Outline application with some matters reserved for construction of 4no. two bedroom houses | Beswetherick Field Luxulyan Bodmin Cornwall PL30 5FB. Appellant: Mr Nick Witcomb. Relating to: C2/08/01791. Proposed residential development of 13 Affordable and 6 speculative houses. (CC case officer:Hannah Williams)  The appeal is to be decided on the basis of an exchange of written statements by the parties and a site visit (TBA) by an Inspector.  Appeal notice.

PA16/00600/PREAPP.   Decision: Closed - advice given/app submitted. Land Adjacent To Fairhaven Luxulyan Bodmin Cornwall PL30 5EQ Preapplication advice for construction of a new dwelling and associated works. - Mr A Rundle And Miss R Rowe-Best

PA16/02210 (14 Apr'16). | Construction of replacement dwelling | South Barn Road From Junction North Of Bodiggo To Cross Park Farm Luxulyan Cornwall PL30 5DR

PA16/02117 (14 Apr'16). | Demolition of the existing single block garage and replacement with a double width double block garage. | Savath Bungalow Savath Lane Lockengate Bugle St Austell Cornwall PL26 8SA

PA16/01613 | Single storey kitchen extension to rear of property. | 30 St Julitta Luxulyan Bodmin Cornwall PL30 5ED. Application Type: General Permitted Development Extensions. [There have been no consultations requested for this application.]

PA16/00600/PREAPP. Land Adjacent To Fairhaven Luxulyan Bodmin Cornwall PL30 5EQ Preapplication advice for construction of a new dwelling and associated works. - Mr A Rundle And Miss R Rowe-Best

ROCHE. PA16/01876.  Gilleys Mica Dam (disused) New Road Roche Cornwall.Variation of condition 15 (Removal of solar equipment within 25 years and six months following completion of construction of Development or within 6 months of the cessation of electricity generation by the solar PV facility, or within six months following a permanent cessation of construction works prior to the solar pv facility coming into operation use, whichever is the sooner) to allow the operation of the solar farm from 25 years to 30 years. Application no. PA11/03436 dated 05/08/11 relates.) - Mr Craig Miles.

TREVERBYN. PA16/01799.  Development Land At Carclaze Carclaze Road St Austell Cornwall EIA screening opinion request relating to proposed residential development on land to the north of Carclaze - Nicole Stacey - (Case Officer - Dean Mutton)

ST BLAISE. PA16/00441. Cornish Gateway A30 Victoria Roche Cornwall Installation of 1 no. Electric Vehicle Quick Charging Point in main car park area. - Zero Carbon Futures.

LUXULYAN decision. PA16/00379 | Decision: APPROVED (Statutory/one condition only)| Two storey extension to existing house including replacing existing sun room and enlarging residential curtilage. | Toms Cottage Nanscawen St Blazey Par Cornwall PL24 2SR.

LUXULYAN decision. PA15/10660 WITHDRAWN. Applicant: Mr John And Joe Orchard. Location: Apondarose Minorca Lane Bugle St Austell Cornwall. Proposal: Change of use of land for siting of 10 residential static caravans

PA16/01635 (14 Apr'16). Outline planning permission with all matters reserved: Construction of two semi detached dwellings | Moorland View Conce Moor Bugle Cornwall PL26 8RT

PA16/00796 (10 Mar'16). |Change of use of rough/scrubland to D2 use (assembly and leisure) to include airsoft and paintball|Thunder Park Luxulyan Cornwall PL30 5QA

PA15/10078 | Decision: Withdrawn | Application Received: 27 Oct 2015 | Submission of details to discharge condition 6 in respect of Decision Notice PA13/03710 dated 25th February 2014, allowed on Appeal APP/D0840/A/14/2217727 dated 24th March 2015 | Land South Of A391 Near Bodwen Bugle Cornwall.  Condition 6) No development shall be commenced until a Landscape and Ecological Management Plan addressing landscape and biodiversity protection and enhancement during the pre-construction, construction, operational and decommissioning periods has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved plan. The Landscape and Ecological Management Plan shall include:- (a) the retention of existing hedges and trees; (b) the location and widths of undeveloped hedgerow buffers which shall exclude all inverters/substations, cable runs and access tracks; (c) the line and design of security fencing to allow free movement of mammals across the site; (d) the location and type of new planting and other biodiversity enhancements (bird/dormouse boxes); (e) management proposals for hedges, including proposals to allow hedgerow trees to develop; (f) management proposals for the buffer strips, the grass sward between the panels and pre-construction management proposals to deter ground nesting birds; and (g) details of how the development/site has been optimised for sheep grazing.

ST BLAISE decision.  PA16/01558.  Land Off Mountside Road Mountside Road Par Cornwall Screening Opinion - EIA Not Required. - Hybrid Planning Application Comprising: Outline Planning Application (All Matters Reserved apart from access) for 5.44ha of Land for approximately 103 dwellings, extension to Kingdom Hall for additional parking, 2,500m2 of allotments, provision of school drop off with turning facilities including additional parking for allotments, in addition to footpath / cycle connection from Mountside Road to Lamellyn Road and detailed application for 86 no residential dwellings with associated access roads, footways, parking, landscaping, drainage and open spaces - Mr Liam Webb - (Case Officer - Stephen Kirby).

Appeal APP/D0840/W/15/3011500 ALLOWED WITH CONDITIONS. Land opposite Carne Cottages, Trethurgy, St Blazey, Cornwall. Ref PA14/11789, dated 11 December 2014, was refused by notice dated 9 February 2015. The development proposed is the Change of use of land to 3no. Romani Gypsy pitches and associated works including 3no. mobile homes, 3no. touring caravans, 3no. day rooms, 1no. septic tank and hard standing.

LUXULYAN decision.  PA15/08421. APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS. Conversion of barn and erection of extension to form residential dwelling (amended design) - Trescoll Farm Barn Trescoll Farm Lockengate St Austell Cornwall

Appeal: APP/D0840/W/15/3139576.  PA15/03708 (14 May 2015) Erection of cottage to be used for residential purposes Planning Application Land South East Of The Mill Prideaux Road St Blazey Cornwall.

PA16/00386 (11 Feb'16). Heywards Heath New Road St Blazey Par Cornwall PL24 2SB Replacement of existing dwelling - Mr Derek Heyward

PA16/00379 (11 Feb'16). Toms Cottage Nanscawen St Blazey Par Cornwall PL24 2SR Two storey extension to existing house including replacing existing sun room and enlarging residential curtilage. - Mr Mitchell Hart

ST BLAISE.  PA16/00028.  Land East Of Mount Crescent Mount Crescent Par Cornwall Demolition of one existing dwelling and erection of 44 new dwellings and associated highway and landscape works, Together with the provision of open space, and associated infrastructure. (Revision to affordable housing allocation and house types relating to planning approval PA14/01614) - Mr Liam Webb

PA15/10660 (11 Feb'16). Apondarose Minorca Lane Bugle St Austell Cornwall PL26 8QN - Change of use of land for siting of 10 residential static caravans - Mr John And Joe Orchard - (Case Officer - Jonathan Luker)

PA15/08421 (14 Jan'16) | Conversion of barn and erection of extension to form residential dwelling (amended design) | Trescoll Farm Barn Trescoll Farm Lockengate St Austell Cornwall

TREVERBYN decision.  08.01.2016 PA15/10995 APPROVED Applicant: Ms Bryony Fowler Location: Land At West Carclaze Carluddon St Austell Cornwall Proposal: Non-material amendment for amendment of Site Location Plan and Panel Elevation drawing with supporting updated Desktop Noise Assessment to (PA15/03922) Installation of a ground mounted PV array and associated substation on West Carclaze Mica Dam, St Austell

LANLIVERY. PA15/11722.  Land At Rew Farm Woodlands Lane Redmoor Bodmin Cornwall PL30 5AW Non-material amendment: The transformer fencing is 0.5m wider than the approved, CCTV cameras have small junction boxes attached to the poles, panels are 0.8m lower in height than approved, deer fencing, which is 0.43m lower than the approved mesh fencing is installed and the inclusion of a composting toilet in the northern field to (PA12/08097) Proposed solar PV development to include the installation of ground based racking systems, mounted solar panels, power inverter stations, transformer stations, sub station, fencing and associated access gates, CCTV security cameras mounted on free standing support poles and associated infrastructure - Yata Power Limited

Luxulyan decision.  PA15/07648  REFUSED 23/12/15 | Ancillary accommodation | Penthorn Lane From Chimney Tops To The Grange Lockengate Bugle PL26 8RU

TREVERBYN decision. 17.12.2015 PA15/04796 APPROVED Applicant: Mr Jason Keveth Location: Land To The East Of Cargwyn Cargwyn Penwithick Cornwall Proposal: Reserved matters application (appearance, landscaping, layout and scale) for 20 dwellings following outline approval PA10/04678

The Draft of Roche Parish Neighbourhood Plan (14 Jan'16) has been submitted to Luxulyan PC for comment. "It is important thatyou have an opportunity to review the policies in the Plan at this draft stage, so that your comments can be considered before our final submission." The documents are here: Roche NP DRAFT FINAL; Roche NP DESIGN GUIDE FINAL; Roche NP_Environmental Report.  The council will decide on its comments at the 14 Jan meeting.  Please attend Luxulyan PC's meeting or contact the clerk if you wish to discuss the Roche Draft Neighbourhood Plan.

Parish Planning 2013-2015


ROCHE.  PA15/10987 Gilleys Mica Dam (disused) New Road Roche Cornwall Non-material amendment for approval of final technical design and layout, security fence design, revised design of ground-mounting frame and reduction in power output to (PA11/03436) proposed solar farm, comprising the erection of solar arrays, equipment housing, fencing and ancillary equipment - Mr Colin Hammond - (Case Officer - Tim Warne).

TREVERBYN.  PA15/10995 Land At West Carclaze Carluddon St Austell Cornwall Non-material amendment for amendment of Site Location Plan and Panel Elevation drawing with supporting updated Desktop Noise Assessment to (PA15/03922) Installation of a ground mounted PV array and associated substation on West Carclaze Mica Dam, St Austell - Ms Bryony Fowler - (Case Officer - Gavin Smith)

LUXULYAN decision. PA15/09578 | GRANTED | Certificate of Lawful Development for existing use of continued occupation of the Old Walled Gardens without compliance with conditions 6, 7 and 8 of planning permission reference C2/01/01364, dated 14 May 2002 in respect of holiday and seasonal occupancy|Old Walled Gardens Prideaux St Blazey Cornwall PL24 2SS

TREVERBYN decision. PA15/07033. REFUSED. Old Kerrow Farm Holiday Park Stenalees St Austell Cornwall PL26 8GD To build 18 residential retirement units (9 pairs), amendment to original toilet block, additional area for gymnasium, extension to existing kitchen and roof lantern over new entrance. - Mr William Sanders

TREVERBYN decision. PA15/06796 APPROVED.Land At Bowling Green Bugle St Austell Cornwall PL26 8RN Proposed change of use of land to 10 Romani Gypsy pitches and associated works including 10 No. mobile homes, 10 No. touring caravans, associated parking spaces, hardstandings, 10 No. ancillary utility/dayrooms, the provision of an internal access road, the installation of a sewage treatment plant and improvements to the existing access - Mr And Mrs Nelson Richards

ROCHE decision. PA15/06648. APPROVED. Land South East Of Kengarthy Minorca Lane Bilberry Bugle St. Austell Cornwall Use of land for the retention of six residential caravans - Mr AJ Donnelly

TREVERBYN decision. PA15/02510 APPROVED 11.11.2015 Applicant: Ocean Housing Location: Land Surrounding West Carclaze Cottage Scredda St Austell Cornwall Proposal: Residential development of 34 dwellings including 76% affordable units.

PA15/08439 (12 Nov'15) | Erection of an affordable dwelling | Land Adjacent To Carne Cottages Carne Cross St Blazey Par Cornwall PL24 2SX

PA15/09578 (12 Nov'15) Certificate of Lawful Development for existing use of continued occupation of the Old Walled Gardens without compliance with conditions 6, 7 and 8 of planning permission reference C2/01/01364, dated 14 May 2002 in respect of holiday and seasonal occupancy - Old Walled Gardens Prideaux St Blazey Cornwall PL24 2SS

TREVERBYN. PA15/09294 Palace Close Farm Trenance Downs St Austell PL25 5RG Construction of 50KW photovoltaic solar array - Mr Rodger Barton - (Case Officer - Matthew Sleeman).

ROCHE. PA15/08886 Scoping Opinion Decision. Applicant: Woodland Barton Wind Ltd. Location: Land Adjacent To Victoria Business Park, Near Roche Roche Cornwall. Proposal: Scoping for the installation of a single wind turbine

LUXUYAN decision. PA15/07273 APPROVED. Applicant: Mr Justin Williams. Location: Woodmill Farm Prideaux Road St Blazey Cornwall PL24 2SR. Proposal: Extension to the existing agricultural outbuilding store for the storage of agricultural machinery

LUXUYAN decision. PA15/08298 | Tue 25 Aug 2015 | REFUSAL - One reason for refusal |Application for variation of S106 planning obligation dated 23.11.2009 (relating to affordable housing) attached to decision 08/01791 - Land Adjacent St Cyriac St Cyriac Luxulyan Cornwall.

PA15/02335/PREAPP | Pre-application advice for change of use to equine school and holiday accommodation. | Land Adj The Mowhay Luxulyan Bodmin Cornwall PL30 5DU

LUXULYAN decision. Condition Number 10 Discharged on 23 Sept 15. PA15/07604 | Submission of details to discharge condition 10 (programme of archaeological work) in respect of decision PA13/03710 | Land To The West Of Bodwen Bugle Cornwall PL26 8RP.

PA15/08298 (8 Oct'15).Land Adjacent St Cyriac St Cyriac Luxulyan Cornwall Application for variation of S106 planning obligation dated 23.11.2009 (relating to affordable housing) attached to decision 08/01791 - Quay Developments Luxulyan Ltd - (Case Officer - Tracy Young) 

ST BLAISE. PA15/06491. Land Off Mountside Road Mountside Road Par Cornwall Hybrid Planning Application Comprising : Outline Planning Application (All Matters Reserved apart from access) for 5.44ha of Land for up to 103 dwellings and detailed application for 90 no. residential dwellings with associated access roads, footways, parking, landscaping, drainage & open spaces. - Mr Liam Webb - (Case Officer - Mr Stephen Kirby)

PA15/08421(10 Sep'15) | Proposed first floor extension. | Trescoll Farm Barn Trescoll Farm Lockengate St Austell Cornwall.  [ The clerk apologises for adding this here after our meeting, but it came in on 10 Sept and the council dealt with it immediately, as it is uncontroversial. ]

PA15/07604. Submission of details to discharge condition 10 (programme of archaeological work) in respect of decision PA13/03710 (solar photovoltaic park near Bodwen) - Land To The West Of Bodwen Bugle Cornwall PL26 8RP

PA15/02335/PREAPP. Pre-application advice for change of use to equine school and holiday accommodation. - Land Adj The Mowhay Luxulyan Bodmin Cornwall PL30 5DU

PA15/07648 (10 Sep'15). Ancillary accommodation.Penthorn Lane From Chimney Tops To The Grange Lockengate Bugle PL26 8RU - Mr Norman Harrington - (Case Officer - Samuel Dunn)

TREVERBYN decision. 28.08.2015 PA15/03935 APPROVED Applicant: Miss Bryony Fowler Location: Lower Ninestones Mica Dam Carbean St Austell Cornwall Proposal: Installation of a ground mounted PV array and associated substation on Lower Ninestones Mica Dam, St Austell.

TREVERBYN decision. 28.08.2015 PA15/03922 APPROVED Applicant: Miss Bryony Fowler Location: Land At West Carclaze Carluddon St Austell Cornwall Proposal: Installation of a ground mounted PV array and associated substation on West Carclaze Mica Dam, St Austell.

ROCHE decision. 03.09.2015 PA15/06205 APPROVED Applicant: Mrs R Buckland Location: Site 11 Minorca Lane Bugle St Austell Cornwall Proposal: Use of land for stationing of caravans

LUXULYAN decision. 03.09.2015 PA15/05168 REFUSED Applicant: Mr Nick Witcomb Location: Beswetherick Field Luxulyan Bodmin Cornwall PL30 5FB Proposal: Outline application with some matters reserved for construction of 4 no. two bedroom houses

LUXULYAN decision.  03.09.2015 PA15/04692 APPROVED Applicant: Elgin Energy EsCo Ltd Location: Land South Of A391 West Of Bodwen Bugle Cornwall Proposal: Proposed development of a new temporary construction access to serve the approved Solar Farm on land to the west of Bodwen (PA13/03710). The new access point (at its junction with the public highway) would be to the south of the properties known as Fair View, Lockengate and the new access would then be aligned in a south westerly direction (cross field) in order to service the construction of the Solar Farm

TREVERBYN. PA15/07033. Old Kerrow Farm Holiday Park Stenalees St Austell Cornwall PL26 8GD To build 18 residential retirement units (9 pairs), amendment to original toilet block, additional area for gymnasium, extension to existing kitchen and roof lantern over new entrance. - Mr William Sanders - (Case Officer - Michelle Billing)

PA15/07273 (10 Sep15) Woodmill Farm Prideaux Road St Blazey Cornwall PL24 2SR Extension to the existing agricultural outbuilding store for the storage of agricultural machinery - Mr Justin Williams - (Case Officer - Samuel Dunn)

TREVERBYN. PA15/06796 (10 Sep15) Land At Bowling Green Bugle St Austell Cornwall PL26 8RN Proposed change of use of land to 10 Romani Gypsy pitches and associated works including 10 No. mobile homes, 10 No. touring caravans, associated parking spaces, hardstandings, 10 No. ancillary utility/dayrooms, the provision of an internal access road, the installation of a sewage treatment plant and improvements to the existing access - Mr And Mrs Nelson Richards -(Case Officer - Simon Wagemakers)

LUXULYAN decision. 12.08.2015 PA15/05998 APPROVED Applicant: Mr Paul Solway Location: Luxulyan School Road From Hill Bunkers To Post Office At Luxulyan Luxulyan Cornwall PL30 5EE Proposal: Removal of existing mobile class room, extending the existing external timber covered play area and the erection of a new twin class mobile classroom

LUXULYAN decision. 10.08.2015 PA15/05789 REFUSED Applicant: Mr D Allen Location: Land Opposite Carne Cottages Trethurgy St Blazey Cornwall Proposal: Change of use of land to 3 No romani gypsy pitches and associated works including 3 No mobile homes, 3 No touring caravans, 3 No day rooms, 1 No septic tank and hard standing.

APP/D0840/W/15/3011500. Ref: PA14/11789. Change of use of land to 3no Romani Gypsy pitches and associated works including 3no mobile homes, 3no touring caravans, 3no day rooms, 1no septic tank, and hard standing. Land North West Of Carne Cottages Carne Cross St Blazey Cornwall. An Inspector has been appointed by the Secretary of State to determine this appeal. The Informal Hearing will commence at 10:00 am on 9 September 2015 in the Roche Victory Hall, Victoria Road, Roche, St Austell, PL26 8JF.

ROCHE. PA15/06648. Land South East Of Kengarthy Minorca Lane Bilberry Bugle St. Austell Cornwall Use of land for the retention of six residential caravans - Mr AJ Donnelly - (Case Officer - Simon Wagemakers)

LANIVET. PA15/06250. Rosewarrick Lanivet Bodmin PL30 5JS 50kW photovoltaic solar array - Mr Mick Vincent - (Case Officer - Julie Mitchell).

TREVERBYN decision. 30.07.2015 PA15/04757 APPROVED Applicant: Mr Sean Simpson Location: Goonvean Works Road From Hensbarrow Hill To Greensplat Road Greensplat St Austell PL26 8XY Proposal: Vary condition 3 of PA14/07230 from 20 years to 25 years.

LUXULYAN decision. 27.07.2015 PA15/05049 APPROVED Applicant: Mr & Mrs Martin & Yoko Karkeek Location: The Lodge South Barn Luxulyan Bodmin Cornwall Proposal: Removal of condition 3 in relation to Application Reference Number: 92/12/00394 dated 06/05/1993: Occupancy restrictions.

EN15/00956 | Trees removed and hardstanding created owner has moved on to this land and is residing here | Land To The South Of Luxulyan Quarry Luxulyan Bodmin Cornwall PL30 5DX

EN15/01568 | Unauthorised works on main river bank | Riverbank NW Of Wayside House Bridges Luxulyan Bodmin Cornwall PL30 5EF

PA15/02094/PREAPP | Pre application advice to build a new storey and a half, 3 bedroom dwelling in a traditional timber frame style of construction | Rosemullion Farm Rosemelling Luxulyan Bodmin Cornwall PL30 5EQ.

LANIVET decision.  20.07.2015 PA15/05946 S52/S106 and discharge of condition apps Applicant: Mr A Harris Location: Higher Woodley Farm Road From Crosslane To Old Coach Road Lanivet Bodmin PL30 5JW Proposal: Submission of details to discharge condition 5 in respect of decision notice number PA14/03078. (Cond.5. The Local Planning Authority shall be notified, in writing, of the date when electricity from the development is first supplied to the grid. The development hereby permitted shall be removed from the site following the expiration of 25 years from that date or within 6 months of the cessation of use of the wind turbine, whichever is the sooner, and the turbine and associated infrastructure on the site shall be removed and the site reinstated to its former condition.) [PA14/03078 | Installation and operation of a single 250kW wind turbine | Higher Woodley Farm Lanivet Bodmin Cornwall PL30 5JW]

ROCHE. PA15/06205  Site 11 Minorca Lane Bugle St Austell Cornwall PL26 8QN Use of land for stationing of caravans - Mrs R Buckland - (Case Officer - Matthew Sleeman)

TREVERBYN decision.  10.07.2015 PA15/03042 Screening Opinion - EIA Not Required Applicant: Ocean Housing Location: Land Surrounding West Carclaze Cottage Scredda St Austell Cornwall Proposal: EIA screening opinion for residential development of 34 dwellings including 76% affordable units

TREVERBYN decision. 10.07.2015 PA15/02901 APPROVED Applicant: D and A Philp Limited Location: Land North East Of Rockhill Business Park Higher Bugle Bugle Cornwall Proposal: Proposed development of ten semi-detached dwellings.

TREVERBYN decision.  14.07.2015 PA15/02103 WITHDRAWN Applicant: Mr And Mrs M Chadwick Location: Land South Of Mount Stamper Farm Scredda St. Austell Cornwall PL25 5RX Proposal: Installation and erection of single 100Kw wind turbine with a maximum hub height of 25 metres

ST BLAISE decision. 13.07.2015 PA15/03363 APPROVED Applicant: Mrs Hayley Stevens Location: The Eden Project Bodelva Road Bodelva Par PL24 2SG Proposal: Proposal to use amenity land adjacent to existing Youth Hostel operation for the temporary provision of a 60 pitch camp site including toilet and shower blocks (4 x toilets and 4 x showers). Pitches are to be unserviced. Toilet and shower block will be connected to mains power, waste and water via above ground service connections from the adjacent hostel site. YHA currently operates camping under a Camping Exemption Licence and this application is to enable YHA to extend camping from the permitted 60 days per year. Proposed operation is from March to October (inclusive) ending on the 31st October 2016. Temporary planning permission is sought for this period.

LUXULYAN decsion.  14.07.2015 PA15/04610 "Disch of cond not all conditions agreed".  Applicant: Elgin Energy EsCo Ltd Location: Land South West Of Bodwen Bugle Cornwall PL26 8RP Proposal: Submission of details to discharge condition 10 in respect of Decision Notice PA13/03710 (allowed on appeal - reference APP/D0840/a/14/2217727)

LUXULYAN decision.  16.07.2015 PA15/02837 APPROVED Applicant: Mr Robert Blackmore Location: 6 The Cross Road From Junction North Of Bodiggo To Cross Park Farm Luxulyan Cornwall PL30 5DP Proposal: Demolition of existing garage and erection of new garage with guest accommodation over. Extension to existing cottage.

LANIVET. 15.07.2015 PA15/06224 Screening Opinion - EIA Not Required Applicant: Mr Donna Copper Location: Land South Of Stephen Gelly Bodmin Cornwall Proposal: Screening Opinion: Endurance E-4660 wind turbine with an overall tip height of 48.35m, hub height of 36.6m and rotor diameter of 23.5m.

TREVERBYN. PA15/04796. Land To The East Of Cargwyn Cargwyn Penwithick Cornwall Reserved matters application (appearance, landscaping, layout and scale) for 20 dwellings following outline approval PA10/04678 - Mr Jason Keveth - (Case Officer - Mark Ball)

LANIVET.  PA15/06224. Land South Of Stephen Gelly Bodmin Cornwall Screening Opinion: Single Endurance E-4660 wind turbine - Mr Donna Copper - (Case Officer - Miss C Pitt)

PA15/02033/PREAPP | Pre-application advice for replacement of existing vacant industrial/warehouse building with a smaller build single house | Land Adj To Southernhay Lockengate Bugle St Austell Cornwall PL26 8RZ

PA15/05998 (9 Jul'15) | Removal of existing mobile class room, extending the existing external timber covered play area and the erection of a new twin class mobile classroom |Luxulyan School Road From Hill Bunkers To Post Office At Luxulyan Luxulyan Cornwall PL30 5EE.Consultation Expiry Date:30 Jul 2015

PA15/05168 (9 Jul'15) | Outline application with some matters reserved for construction of 4no. two bedroom houses | Beswetherick Field Luxulyan Bodmin Cornwall PL30 5FB.  Applicant Name:Mr Nick Witcomb. Consultation Expiry Date: 28 Jul 2015

Original application: C2/08/01791|Proposed residential development of 13 Affordable and 6 speculative houses.|Land Off St Cyriac Luxulyan Bodmin.  (The application documents are available online.)

Original decision Dec 2009

PA15/04692 (9 Jul'15) | Proposed development of a new temporary construction access to serve the approved Solar Farm on land to the west of Bodwen (PA13/03710). The new access point (at its junction with the public highway) would be to the south of the properties known as Fair View, Lockengate and the new access would then be aligned in a south westerly direction (cross field) in order to service the construction of the Solar Farm | Land South Of A391 West Of Bodwen Bugle Cornwall

PA15/05789 (9 Jul'15)  Land Opposite Carne Cottages Trethurgy St Blazey Cornwall Change of use of land to 3 No romani gypsy pitches and associated works including 3 No mobile homes, 3 No touring caravans, 3 No day rooms, 1 No septic tank and hard standing - Mr D Allen - (Case Officer - Tracy Young)

TREVERBYN decision.  02.07.2015 PA15/04207 APPROVED Applicant: Premier Inn Hotels Ltd Location: Premier Travel Inn Carclaze St Austell Cornwall PL25 4EJ Proposal: Extension to hotel comprising 23 guest rooms over two floors with ground floor undercroft car parking. Parish : Treverbyn

ROCHE decision. 30.06.2015 PA15/03174 APPROVED Applicant: Mr Gareth Davies Location: Land Adjacent To Trebilcock Farm Roche Cornwall PL26 8LF Page 21 of 33 Proposal: Installation of a 650kW ground mounted PV array and associated substation

LUXULYAN decision. 01.07.2015 PA15/04234. APPROVED. Applicant: Ms C Davies Location: Lower Gurtla Farm Luxulyan Bodmin Cornwall PL30 5DU Proposal: Change of use of land for siting of a single unit of holiday accommodation (tin tabernacle)

PA15/05693  Prior notification of agricultural development - extension to the existing agricultural outbuilding store |Woodmill Farm Prideaux Road St Blazey Cornwall PL24 2SR  [Planning Authority DECISION: needs planning approval.]

TREVERBYN decision. PA15/03874 Screening Opinion - EIA Not Required.   Bryony Fowler.   Lower Ninestones Mica Dam Carbean St Austell Cornwall.  Formal EIA screening opinion for a solar array at Lower Ninestones Mica Dam with a total area of 3.7ha

TREVERBYN decision. PA15/03872 Screening Opinion - EIA Not Required.  Bryony Fowler.  Land At West Carclaze Mica Dam St Austell Cornwall.  EIA Screening Opinion request for proposed solar array with a total area of 12.0 ha.

ST BLAISE decision. PA15/02059 APPROVED Mrs Chris Coonick The Eden Project Bodelva Road Bodelva Par PL24 2SG. Proposed installation of solar arrays supporting a maximum installed capacity of 64.25kWp and associated infrastructure for the purpose of testing and research of smart solar technologies on an area of unused low grade land on the rim of the Eden Project pit.

ST BLAISE decision. PA15/01671 APPROVED Mr David Harland Land South Of Vounder Farm Garker St Austell Cornwall 115 bed hotel.

ROCHE decision. PA15/03853 WITHDRAWN Mrs R Buckland Site 11 Minorca Lane Bugle Cornwall PL26 8QN Certificate of existing lawful use of land for siting of static caravans and chalet.

TREVERBYN. PA15/03784 WITHDRAWN. Mr D Crowley. Land East Of Hillcrest Treverbyn Road Stenalees Cornwall Application for change of use of land to 3 No Romani Gypsy Pitches and associated works including 4 No mobile homes, 3 No touring caravans, 3 No day rooms, 3 No septic tanks and hard standing

LUXULYAN decision. PA15/03708 REFUSED. Mr Peter Hume. Land South East Of The Mill Prideaux Road St Blazey Cornwall. Erection of cottage to be used for residential purposes.

TREVERBYN decision. PA14/10759 REFUSED.Ashdown And Company. St Austell Business Park Carclaze St Austell Cornwall.Proposed 63 bedroom level 5 plus dementia care unit with a hospice and end of life wing and doctors healthcare centre.

PA15/05049 (25 Jun'15) |Removal of condition 3 in relation to Application Reference Number: 92/12/00394 dated 06/05/1993: Occupancy restrictions |The Lodge South Barn Luxulyan Bodmin Cornwall PL30 5DR

APP/D0840/W/15/3011500 Appeal for PA14/11789 | Change of use of land to 3no Romani Gypsy pitches and associated works including 3no mobile homes, 3no touring caravans, 3no day rooms, 1no septic tank, and hard standing | Land North West Of Carne Cottages Carne Cross St Blazey Cornwall.

EN15/00653 |Works being carried not in accordance with PA14/10783 - raising of levels |Tulip Ltd Ebenezer Bugle St Austell Cornwall PL26 8RR. Decision: No Further Action.  Decision Reason: Justification from Officer.  Close Reason: No Breach Found.

TREVERBYN. PA15/04757. Goonvean Works Road From Hensbarrow Hill To Greensplat Road Greensplat St Austell PL26 8XY Removal of condition 10 in relation to decision notice PA14/07230 dated 26/09/2014: Duration of permission from 20 years to 25 years - Mr Sean Simpson - (Case Officer - James Hills)

LUXULYAN decision. PA15/03838 APPROVED. Mr And Mrs Miller. Tortoise Shell Barn Bodiggo Park Luxulyan Bodmin Cornwall Single Storey Extension.

PA15/04610 | Submission of details to discharge condition 10 in respect of Decision Notice PA13/03710 (allowed on appeal - reference APP/D0840/a/14/2217727) | Land South West Of Bodwen Bugle Cornwall PL26 8RP [Condition 10: programme of archaeological work]

PA15/03853 (11 Jun'15) Site 11 Minorca Lane Bugle Cornwall PL26 8QN. Certificate of existing lawful use of land for siting of static caravans and chalet. - Mrs R Buckland - (Case Officer - Miss J Jasper). Roche Parish.

LUXULYAN decision. PA15/02760 APPROVED. Mr Clive Garrett. Gwel Ryan Croft Farm Park Luxulyan Cornwall PL30 5EH Installation of white UPVC conservatory.

TREVERBYN. PA15/04207 Premier Travel Inn Carclaze St Austell Cornwall PL25 4EJ Extension to hotel comprising 23 guest rooms over two floors with ground floor undercroft car parking. - Premier Inn Hotels Ltd - (Case Officer - Matthew Sleeman)

TREVERBYN. PA15/02103 Land South Of Mount Stamper Farm Scredda St. Austell Cornwall PL25 5RX. Installation and erection of single 100Kw wind turbine with a maximum hub height of 25 metres - Mr And Mrs M Chadwick - (Case Officer - Miss C Pitt)

TREVERBYN. PA15/03935 Lower Ninestones Mica Dam Carbean St Austell Cornwall Application for the installation of a 2MW ground mounted PV array and associated substation. - Miss Bryony Fowler - (Case Officer - Gavin Smith)

LUXULYAN decision. PA15/02760 APPROVED. Mr Clive Garrett. Gwel Ryan Croft Farm Park Luxulyan Cornwall PL30 5EH Installation of white UPVC conservatory.

ROCHE. PA15/03650 Land North Of Roche Road At OS Grid Ref 201063 59358 Roche Road Bugle Cornwall. Development of 4 affordable houses and 4 open market houses with garages - Mr And Mrs Buckland - (Case Officer - Claire Broughton)

ROCHE. PA15/03829 Tregarrick Fields Farm Edgcumbe Road Roche St Austell Cornwall PL26 8JH. Change of use of domestic kennels to county holding kennels - Mr Adrian Fitzgerald - (Case Officer - Matthew Sleeman)

PA15/04234 (11 Jun'15) Lower Gurtla Farm Luxulyan Bodmin Cornwall PL30 5DU Change of use of land for siting of a single unit of holiday accommodation (tin tabernacle) - Ms C Davies - (Case Officer - Julie Mitchell)

LANIVET. PA15/04015 Telecommunications Base Station Rectory Road Lanivet Bodmin Cornwall. Replacement of headframe incorporating 3 antennas with a headframe supporting 6 antennas, 3 RRU's and ancillary equipment to the mast including an additional - CTIL And Vodafone Ltd - (Case Officer - Mark Wigley)

TREVERBYN. PA15/03922 Land At West Carclaze Carluddon St Austell Cornwall Installation of a 6.5MW ground mounted PV array and associated substation - Miss Bryony Fowler - (Case Officer - Gavin Smith)

TREVERBYN. PA15/03784. Land East Of Hillcrest Treverbyn Road Stenalees Cornwall Application for change of use of land to 3 No Romani Gypsy Pitches and associated works including 4 No mobile homes, 3 No touring caravans, 3 No day rooms, 3 No septic tanks and hard standing - Mr D Crowley - (Case Officer - Claire Broughton)

TREVERBYN decision 07.05.2015. PA15/01479 REFUSED.Mr Noel McDermott. Land At OS Grid Ref 204361 55434 Land At Trethurgy Par St Austell Cornwall. Erection of a single wind turbine 79.6m to blade tip height, two associated metering units and access track.

LUXULYAN decision. PA15/02652 APPROVED.Mr Jushua James. Pendeen Ebenezer Bugle Cornwall PL26 8RR. Demolition of existing conservatory and construction of a single storey extension.

ROCHE decision. PA15/02154 Scoping Opinion Decision. HMU Cornwall Ltd. Land North Of Woodlands Barton Wireless Road Tremoddrett Roche Cornwall. Scoping Opinion request for a single wind turbine.

PA15/03708 (14 May 2015) Erection of cottage to be used for residential purposes Planning Application Land South East Of The Mill Prideaux Road St Blazey Cornwall

PA15/02837 (14 May 2015)  6 The Cross Road From Junction North Of Bodiggo To Cross Park Farm Luxulyan Cornwall PL30 5DP.  Demolition of existing garage and erection of new garage with guest accommodation over. Extension to existing cottage. - Mr Robert Blackmore - (Case Officer - Matthew Sleeman)

PA15/03838 (14 May 2015)  Tortoise Shell Barn Bodiggo Park Luxulyan Bodmin Cornwall PL30 5DR Single Storey Extension. - Mr And Mrs Miller - (Case Officer - Myra Trust)

Decision LUXULYAN. PA15/02427 Granted (CAADs and LUs only).  Mr & Mrs Martin & Yoko Karkeek South Barn Bodiggo Luxulyan Cornwall PL30 5DR. Certificate for Lawful Development for the existing use of the land for the stationing of a mobile home for self contained residential use.

Decision LUXULYAN. PA15/02709 APPROVED. Demolish and rebuild kitchen with conservatory and master bedroom with studio under. - Carveighe Road From Hill Bunkers To Post Office At Luxulyan Luxulyan Cornwall PL30 5EE. | Status: Approved with conditions |

All parishioners are invited to attend the Community Network meeting, Mon 27 April 2015, 7pm, Burrows Centre, Lamellyn Road, Park, PL24 2DD. Cornwall Councillor Edwina Hannaford (Cabinet Member for Planning) and Phil Mason (Head of Planning and Enterprise), Cornwall Council will be attending the meeting to talk about the planning service and to seek views on how processes could be improved for communities.

PA15/01175/PREAPP.  Pre-application advice for proposed provision of temporary classroom unit for min. 7 yrs - Luxulyan Junior & Infant School Luxulyan Bodmin Cornwall PL30 5EE.

TREVERBYN. PA15/02510 Land Surrounding West Carclaze Cottage Scredda St Austell Cornwall Residential development of 34 dwellings including 76% affordable units - Ocean Housing - (Case Officer - Gavin Smith).

TREVERBYN. PA15/03042. Land Surrounding West Carclaze Cottage Scredda St Austell Cornwall EIA screening opinion for residential development of 34 dwellings including 76% affordable units - Ocean Housing - (Case Officer - Gavin Smith).

TREVERBYN. PA15/02901. Land North East Of Rockhill Business Park Higher Bugle Bugle Cornwall Proposed development of ten semi-detached dwellings. - D and A Philp Limited - (Case Officer - Michelle Billing).

TREVERBYN. PA15/03437. 4 Larcombe Road St Austell Cornwall PL25 3EZ Deed of discharge to enable the owner to sell his shared ownership home on the open market and meet his changed housing needs. Staircasing receipts will be recycled into new affordable homes - Devon And Cornwall Housing Ltd - (Case Officer - Sarah Wetherill).

ROCHE. PA15/03063 Cornish Gateway Services Victoria Interchange Victoria Roche Cornwall Display of illuminated totem sign - Cornish Gateway Services Ltd - (Case Officer - Matthew Sleeman).

Decision LUXULYAN. 07.04.2015 PA15/00917 APPROVED. Applicant: Mrs K Hoskin. Location: Trescoll Farm Lockengate Bugle PL26 8SB. Proposal: Conversion of range of traditional barns to two dwellings.

Decision LUXULYAN. 08.04.2015 PA15/01602 APPROVED. Applicant: Mr And Mrs Cottrill. Location: The Old Vicarage Luxulyan Bodmin Cornwall PL30 5EE. Proposal: Demolish garage and erect single storey kitchen extension.

ROCHE. 01.04.2015 PA15/01416 Granted (CAADs and LUs only). Applicant: Mr A L Crocker. Location: 4A Minorca Lane Bugle St Austell Cornwall PL26 8QN. Proposal: Certificate of lawfulness for existing and continued use of land for stationing of caravans.

PA15/02760 (14 May 15) |Installation of white UPVC conservatory|Gwel Ryan Croft Farm Park Luxulyan Cornwall PL30 5EH

PA15/02652 (9 Apr 15 -not discussed; documents did not arrive) |Demolition of existing conservatory and construction of a single storey extension. |Pendeen Ebenezer Bugle Cornwall PL26 8RR. [Cornwall Council “experienced a backlog in registering applications because of sickness coinciding with leave” and therefore the consultation time was shorter and LPC did not have the opportunity to comment.]

Appeal ALLOWED and planning permission granted. Appeal ref: APP/D0840/A/14/2217727. PA13/03710 Proposal: Construction of solar photovoltaic park with attendant infrastructure. Applicant: Elgin EsCo Limited. Location: Land South Of A391 Near Bodwen Bugle Cornwall.

ST BLAISE:   PA15/02059. The Eden Project Bodelva Road Bodelva Par PL24 2SG Proposed installation of solar arrays supporting a maximum installed capacity of 64.25kWp and associated infrastructure for the purpose of testing and research of smart solar technologies on an area of unused low grade land on the rim of the Eden Project pit. - Mrs Chris Coonick - (Case Officer - Michelle Billing)

ST BLAISE:  PA15/01671. Land South Of Vounder Farm Garker St Austell Cornwall 115 bed sustainable accommodation - Mr David Harland - (Case Officer - Michelle Billing)

PA15/02709 (9 Apr 15) Carveighe Road From Hill Bunkers To Post Office At Luxulyan Luxulyan Cornwall PL30 5EE Demolish and rebuild kitchen with conservatory and master bedroom with studio under. - Mr And Mrs B Ellis - (Case Officer - Myra Trust)

PA15/02427 (9 Apr 15) South Barn Bodiggo Luxulyan Cornwall PL30 5DR Certificate for Lawful Development for the existing use of the land for the stationing of a mobile home for self contained residential use. - Mr & Mrs Martin & Yoko Karkeek - (Case Officer - David Tapsell)

Decision TREVERBYN. 18.03.2015 PA15/02308 S52/S106 and discharge of condition apps. Applicant: Mr Sean Simpson. Location: Gunheath China Clay Works Carbean St Austell Cornwall PL26 8XS. Proposal: Submission of details to discharge conditions 4 and 13 attached to decision notice PA14/12172. [COND. 4 height, design, colour; COND 13 not on decision notice.]

Decision TREVERBYN: 05.03.2015 PA14/12172 APPROVED. Applicant: Mr Sean Simpson. Location: Gunheath Quarry St Austell Cornwall PL26 8XS. Proposal: A single wind turbine of maximum 77m to tip, along with associated infrastructure including an access track and electrical housing.

PA15/01602 (12 Mar 15).  Demolish garage and erect single storey kitchen extension.  The Old Vicarage Luxulyan Bodmin Cornwall PL30 5EE.

PA15/00917 (12 Mar 15) | Conversion of range of traditional barns to two dwellings | Trescoll Farm Lockengate Bugle PL26 8SB

TREVERBYN. PA15/01479  (12 Mar 15) . Land At OS Grid Ref 204361 55434 Land At Trethurgy Par St Austell Cornwall Cornwall Erection of a single wind turbine 79.6m to blade tip height, two associated metering units and access track - Mr David Kingdon - (Case Officer - C Pitt)

Decision ROCHE. 09.02.2015 PA15/00778 Screening Opinion - EIA Required.  Applicant: HMU Cornwall Ltd.  Location: Land North Of Woodlands Barton Wireless Road Tremoddrett Roche Cornwall.  Proposal: Screening Opinion request for a single wind turbine.

Decision LUXULYAN. 09.02.2015 PA14/11789 REFUSED  Applicant: Mr D. Allen.  Location: Land North West Of Carne Cottages Carne Cross St Blazey Cornwall.  Proposal: Change of use of land to 3no Romani Gypsy pitches and associated works including 3no mobile homes, 3no touring caravans, 3no day rooms, 1no septic tank, and hard standing.

ROCHE. PA15/01416  4A Minorca Lane Bugle St Austell Cornwall PL26 8QN Certificate of lawfulness for continued use of land for stationing of 7 residential caravans - Mr A L Crocker - (Case Officer - J Jasper)

Decision ST BLAISE:  16.02.2015  PA14/10204  REFUSED  Applicant: Wainhomes (Southwest) Holdings Ltd Location: Land East Of Mount Crescent Mount Crescent Par Cornwall.  Proposal: Demolition of existing dwelling, Erection of 44 New Dwellings, associated Highway and Landscape works together with provision of Open Space and associated infrastructure.

Decision ROCHE: 17.02.2015  PA14/07518  APPROVED  Applicant: McDonald's Restaurant Ltd Location: Unit 10 Cornish Gateway Services Victoria Roche St Austell.  Proposal: Installation of a 600W Micro Wind Turbine with an overall height of 5 metres

Decision LUXULYAN: 17.02.2015  PA14/12149  APPROVED  Applicant: Miss C Davies  Location: Lower Gurtla Farm Luxulyan Cornwall PL30 5DU  Proposal: Change of use of field shelter to holiday unit

05.02.2015 PA15/00321 S52/S106 and discharge of condition apps  Applicant: Tulip Ltd.   Location: Tulip Ltd Ebenezer Bugle St Austell Cornwall.  Proposal: Submission of details to discharge conditions 4, 5 and 6 in respect of decision PA14/07273 [     ]

TREVERBYN. PA14/12186 (12 Feb 15) [Because of the size and impact of this application, Luxulyan PC's comments are sought as a courtesy.] |Outline application for 'West Carclaze Eco-community' comprising the demolition, site clearance and associated earthworks and the phased development of up to 1500 dwellings, a local centre, incorporating local retail, health and community facilities, a primary school, employment floorspace and associated areas of open space, renewable energy provision and energy centre(s), drainage and associated infrastructure. All matters reserved with points of access from the A391 only to be agreed.|Land At West Carclaze And Baal Carluddon St Austell Cornwall (Case Officer, Principal Development Officer, Gavin Smith)

TREVERBYN. PA14/10759. St Austell Business Park Carclaze St Austell Cornwall Proposed 63 bedroom level 5 plus dementia care unit with a hospice and end of life wing and doctors healthcare centre - Ashdown And Company - PA14/10759 (Case Officer - Gemma Dunn)

PA14/12149 (12 Feb 15) |Change of use of field shelter to holiday unit/annexe|Lower Gurtla Farm Luxulyan Cornwall PL30 5DU

Decision LUXULYAN: 15.01.2015 PA14/09238 Part Approved/Part Refused. Applicant: Mr Brian Ellis. Location: Carveighe, Old Vicarage And Kings Acre Luxulyan Bodmin PL30 5EE. Proposal: Notification of works to trees subject to a Tree Preservation Order namely sufficient pruning of the beech tree marked 1B to clear the telephone cable removal of the sycamore tree marked as 1S, removal of the limb on the west side of the beech tree marked 2B, the removal of the two two smaller branches of the london plane marked 5S which overhang the applicants garden, the removal of the overhanging limb on the beech tree marked 6B. Aso to carry out works to a beech marked B5 and to two horse chestnuts marked C1 and C2.

PA14/11789 (8 Jan 2015). Land North West Of Carne Cottages Carne Cross St Blazey Cornwall Change of use of land to 3no Romani Gypsy pitches and associated works including 3no mobile homes, 3no touring caravans, 3no day rooms, 1no septic tank, and hard standing - Mr D. Allen - (Case Officer - Tracy Young)


TREVERBYN. PA14/11657 | EIA screening request for a wind turbine on land within Gunheath Quarry | Land Within Gunheath Quarry Cocksbarrow Cornwall PL26 8XH. Agent Name: Clean Earth Energy Ltd. DECISION: Screening Opinion - EIA Not Required.

LUXULYAN. 22.12.2014 PA14/05407 REFUSED. Applicant: Mr Ian Wooders. Location: Land Adjacent To Nos 1 & 2 Carne Cottages Carne Cross St Blazey Par Cornwall. Proposal: Proposed detached affordable dwelling.

TREVERBYN. 18.12.2014. PA14/08574. REFUSED. Applicant: Mr D Crowley. Location: Land East Of Hillcrest Treverbyn Road Stenalees Cornwall. Proposal: Application for change of use of land to 3 No Romani Gypsy Pitches and associated works including 4 No mobile homes, 3 No touring caravans, 3 No day rooms, 3 septic tanks and hard standing.

ROCHE.16.12.2014 PA14/10569 Granted (CAADs and LUs only). Applicant: Mr A J Donnelly. Location: Kengarthy Minorca Lane Bugle St. Austell Cornwall. Proposal: Certificate of lawfulness for existing use of land for stationing of six residential mobile homes.

TREVERBYN. 04.12.2014 PA14/06276 APPROVED. Applicant: Ms J Orchard Location: Land North Of Mount Stamper Cottage Scredda St Austell Cornwall Proposal: Change of use of land to 1 No Romani Gypsy Pitch and associated works including 1 No mobile home, 1 No touring caravan, 1 No day room and hard standing.

PA14/10774 (11 Dec '14) | Siting of chalet mobile home in the garden (infill between the bungalow, the road and two other mobile homes already sited on the residential mobile home site) | Atwell Farm Luxulyan Bodmin Cornwall PL30 5DW

Decision LUXULYAN. 25.11.2014 PA14/09669 APPROVED. Applicant: Mrs Christina Roberts. Location: Land East Of Moorland View Conce Moor Bugle St Austell Cornwall. Proposal: Use of land for the siting of two mobile homes 

Decision LUXULYAN: 25.11.2014 PA14/08273 WITHDRAWN Applicant: Mr Richard Golley. Location: Land North Of Parc Dellen Luxulyan Cornwall. Proposal: Installation of permeable hardcore lane to give access to the woodland area. Erection of barn to act as livestock shelter and hay store. Retrospective permission for removable 8ft x 4ft timber feed store. Construction of traditional hedge at the entrance to the land. 

ROCHE. PA14/10569 Kengarthy Minorca Lane Bugle St. Austell Cornwall PL26 8QT Certificate of lawfulness for existing use of land for stationing of ten residential mobile homes - Mr A J Donnelly - (Case Officer - J Jasper). 

TREVERBYN. PA14/11020. Site 11 Rocks Farm Minorca Lane Bugle St Austell Cornwall Site managers accomodation (Plot 1) - Mr J Buckland - (Case Officer - Samuel Dunn) 

TREVERBYN. PA14/11030. Site 11 Rocks Farm Minorca Lane Bugle St Austell Cornwall Site managers accommodation (Plot 2) - Mr S Buckland - (Case Officer - Samuel Dunn)

Decision ROCHE: 19.11.2014 PA14/09296 Granted (CAADs and LUs only) Applicant: Mr D. Wilton Location: 5 Minorca Lane Bugle St. Austell PL26 8QNProposal: Certificate of lawfulness for existing use of land for stationing of static caravans. 

Decision ROCHE: 19.11.2014 PA14/09295 Granted (CAADs and LUs only) Applicant: Mrs K. Crowley Location: 5 Minorca Lane Bugle St. Austell PL26 8QN Proposal: Certificate of lawfulness for existing use of land for stationing of static caravans. 

Decision LUXULYAN: 19.11.2014. PA14/10783 APPROVED Applicant: Tulip Ltd. Location: Tulip Ltd Ebenezer Bugle St Austell Cornwall. Proposal: Non-Material Amendment for proposals involving raising of surface levels to the centre of the site and to the west of the site only in respect of decision notice (PA14/07273) Formation of new car park with associated works, including provision of new access, motorbike/bicycle shelter, lighting and landscaping. 

PA14/09238 (13 Nov '14) Carveighe, Old Vicarage And Kings Acre Luxulyan Bodmin PL30 5EE. Notification of works to trees subject to a Tree Preservation Order namely remove South west limb, 2m from ground, limb length 14m and West limb, 3.5m from ground, 10m length to one Beech tree (1B). Remove two Sycamores (4S, 1S). Remove tree one Beech Tree (2B) and plant replacement Beech. South east limb, 21m from ground, 20m long ,crown top heavy to one Beech Tree (3B). Remove two Beech (5B and 6B). Remove one Ash (A1). 8 limbs leave main truck at 3m from ground, remove south west limb, 20m long and remove two west limbs 13m long and 13m long to one Sycamore (5S). Remove Crown top by 8m to Horse Chestnuts (1C and 2C). - Mr Brian Ellis - (Case Officer - Myra Trust)

ROCHE:  PA14/09295  5 Minorca Lane Bugle St. Austell PL26 8QN Certificate of lawfulness for existing use of land for stationing of 3No. residential mobile homes. - Mrs K. Crowley - (Case Officer - Ben Bassett)

ROCHE: PA14/09296  5 Minorca Lane Bugle St. Austell PL26 8QN Certificate of lawfulness for existing use of land for stationing of 2No. residential mobile homes. - Mr D. Wilton - (Case Officer - Ben Bassett)

PA14/09669 (13 Nov '14) Land East Of Moorland View Conce Moor Bugle St Austell PL26 8RT. Use of land for the siting of two mobile homes - Mrs Christina Roberts - (Case Officer - Tracy Young)

Parish:  ROCHE. 15.10.2014 PA14/07869 GRANTED (CAADs and LUs only) Applicant: J Orchard, L Wilton R Crowley, D Orchard And S Knowles Location: 2 Minorca Lane Bugle St Austell Cornwall PL26 8QN Proposal: Certificate of lawfulness for existing use of land for stationing of caravans

14.10.2014 PA14/07754 APPROVED. Applicant: Mrs Nicola Dorkins. Location: 4 Beswetherick Field Luxulyan Bodmin Cornwall PL30 5FD. Proposal: Decking to rear of property.

Parish:  ROCHE. 03.10.2014 PA14/07732 GRANTED (CAADs and LUs only) Applicant: Mrs Sarah Jane Smith Location: Travellers Rest 1A Minorca Lane Bugle St Austell Cornwall Proposal: Certificate of lawfulness for existing use of land for the stationing of caravans

PA14/07273. APPROVED Applicant: Tulip Ltd Location: Tulip Ltd Ebenezer Bugle St. Austell PL26 8RR Proposal: Formation of new car park with associated works, including provision of new access, motorbike/bicycle shelter, lighting and landscaping.

PA14/07432.  GRANTED (CAADs and LUs only) Applicant: Mr Tony Lee Location: Rock View Rosemelling Luxulyan Bodmin Cornwall Proposal: Application for a lawful development certificate for existing use of caravan for family use.

PA14/08273 (9 Oct '14).  Land North Of Parc Dellen, Luxulyan.  Installation of permeable hardcore lane to give access to the woodland area.  Erection of barn to act as livestock shelter and hay store.  Retrospective permission for removable 8ft x 4ft timber feed store.  Construction of traditional hedge at the entrance to the land. - Mr Richard Golley. Case Officer - Matthew Sleeman.

PA14/07754 (9 Oct '14). 4 Beswetherick Field Luxulyan Bodmin Cornwall PL30 5FD.  Decking to rear of property. - Mrs Nicola Dorkins - (Case Officer - Myra Trust).

PA14/08186.  Prior notification for a proposed storage building. Land To The North Of Wheal Par St Blazey Cornwall.  Application Type: Agricultural/Forestry prior notification.  Decision: Prior approval not req'd (AF/TEL/DEM).  Actual Decision Level: Delegated Decision

16.09.2014 PA14/07240 APPROVED Applicant: Mr Ian Thomson Location: Water Meadow Luxulyan Bodmin Cornwall PL30 5DW Proposal: Erection of double car port and erection of porch.

Appeal Ref: APP/D0840/A/13/2208456. DISMISSED. Decision date: 10 September 2014. Installation and operation of a single 500kW wind turbine (maximum hub height 50m, maximum blade tip 74m). Kernick Farm, Luxulyan, Bodmin, Cornwall PL30 5DX. The application Ref PA13/00824, dated 10 October 2012, was refused by Cornwall Council, notice dated 4 July 2013.

Cornwall Council is making changes to the planning section of the Local Plan -- Strategic Policies.  Consultation for these changes is from 4 September -- 16 October 2014.  Info can be found on their website:  Schedule of Focused Changes, and the large PDF document can be found here.

PA14/07273 (11 Sept '14).Tulip Ltd Ebenezer Bugle St. Austell PL26 8RR Formation of new car park with associated works, including provision of new access, motorbike/bicycle shelter, lighting and landscaping - Tulip Ltd - PA14/07273 (Case Officer - Miss Michelle Billing)

PA14/07240 (11 Sept '14).Water Meadow Luxulyan Bodmin Cornwall PL30 5DW Erection of double car port and erection of porch. - Mr Ian Thomson - (Case Officer - Miss Myra Trust).

PA14/07432 (11 Sept '14). Rock View Rosemelling Luxulyan Bodmin Cornwall PL30 5EQ Application for a lawful development certificate for existing use of caravan for family use. - Mr Tony Lee - (Case Officer - Ben Bassett)

Parish: ROCHE. PA14/07569. Orchard View Minorca Lane Bugle Cornwall Certificate of lawfulness for existing use of land for stationing of residential caravans - Mr David And Mrs Tina Orchard -  (Case Officer - Miss J Jasper)

Parish: ROCHE. PA14/07518 Unit 10 Cornish Gateway Services Victoria Roche St Austell Cornwall Installation of a 600W Micro Wind Turbine with an overall height of 5 metres - (Case Officer - Matthew Sleeman).

Parish: ROCHE. 12.08.2014 PA13/07671 Granted (CAADs and LUs only). Applicant: Mrs Buckland. Location: 11 Minorca Lane Bugle St Austell Cornwall PL26 8QN. Proposal: Certificate of lawfulness for existing use/development for stationing of caravans.

Parish: Treverbyn. PA14/06457 Scoping Opinion Decision.  Applicant: Cornwall Council.Location: Land At West Carclaze And Baal Carluddon St Austell Cornwall.Proposal: Scoping Opinion for proposed West Carclaze/Baal Eco-Community.

Parish: Treverbyn. PA14/05256 APPROVED. Applicant: Mr Steve Gudge. Location: Land At Carluddon Between Scredda And Penwithick St. Austell Cornwall. Proposal: Re-design of 66 metre section of ramp embankment for new footway to the west of the approved A391 Road Improvements (PA12/11542) through the excavation of existing bunding to enable the embankment to be self supporting.

TREVERBYN.  PA14/07230.  Goonvean Works Greensplat Road Greensplat St. Austell PL26 8XY A single wind turbine of max 61m to tip, along with associated infrastructure including an access track and electrical housing. - Mr Sean Simpson - (Case Officer - Mr Ellis Crompton-Brown)

TREVERBYN.  PA14/06697 Screening Opinion - Decision:  EIA Not Required.  Applicant: Clean Earth.  Location: Greensplat China Clay Works Greensplat St Austell Cornwall PL26 8XX.  Proposal: Screening Opinion: Erection of a three rotor single wind turbine development (hub height 35m and maximum tip height of 61m)

PA14/04947 Decision:  Planning Permission required. Applicant: Mrs Carol Davies. Location: Lower Gurtla Farm Luxulyan Bodmin Cornwall PL30 5DU. Proposal: Change of use of building from agricultural to dwelling.

PA14/04756 WITHDRAWN.  Applicant: Mr Tony Lee.Location: Rockview Rosemelling Luxulyan Bodmin Cornwall.  Proposal: Certificate of lawfulness for existing use of a caravan as ancillary accommodation to main dwellinghouse.

Parish: Tywardreath & Par. PA14/05070 REFUSED. A single wind turbine of max 77m to tip, along with associated infrastructure including an access track and electrical housing | Polharmon Farm Par Cornwall PL24 2RY

Parish: Lanivet.  PA14/05732. (S52/S106 and discharge of condition apps). Applicant: Mr Harris.  Location: Higher Woodley Farm Lanivet Bodmin Cornwall PL30 5JW.  Submission of details to discharge condition 4 in respect of decision notice PA14/03078, for Installation and operation of a single 250kW wind turbine on land at Higher Woodley.  Condition 4: No development shall be begun until a Construction Traffic Management Plan has been submitted.

Parish: Roche.  PA14/06155 APPROVED Mr Colin Hammond.Gilleys Mica Dam (disused) New Road Roche Cornwall.  Non-material amendment for 1. Detailed final technical design and layout of solar arrays; 2. Fencing - use of an alternative manufacturer; 3. Location of CCTV monitoring; 4. Design and location of transformer/inverter station; 5. Re-surfacing of access track and 6. Power output of site is 7MWp to PA11/03436 Proposed solar farm, comprising the erection of solar arrays, equipment housing, fencing and ancillary equipment.

PA14/05407 (14 Aug'14) | Proposed detached affordable dwelling | Carne Cottages St. Blazey Par PL24 2SX. Agent Name: Alan Leather Associates. Case Officer: Matthew Sleeman

Parish: Treverbyn. PA14/06697 | Screening Opinion: Erection of a three rotor single wind turbine development (hub height 35m and maximum tip height of 61m) | Greensplat China Clay Works Greensplat St Austell Cornwall PL26 8XX. Clean Earth (Case Officer - Mr Ellis Crompton-Brown).

The Case Officer explains:  "[The site] is approximately 4.5km from your Parish boundary [and] this submission is a screening opinion request by the applicant to ascertain if a subsequent planning application would need to be accompanied by an environmental statement. In accordance with standard procedure, I am not planning to carry out any formal consultations and neither will the screening opinion request be advertised on site or in the press. For your information there is already a planning permission in place on this site for a 53m turbine."

PA13/06039 WITHDRAWN.Mr Michael Clemo And Mrs Jennifer Hall.Land South East Of Sunnyside Lockengate Bugle Cornwall Construction of 2 No 3 bedroom Affordable Houses and 1 No Open market 3 bedroom bungalow.

PA14/05070 (10 Jul'14) | A single wind turbine of max 77m to tip, along with associated infrastructure including an access track and electrical housing | Polharmon Farm Par Cornwall PL24 2RY

Though in the parish of Tywardreath and Par, Luxlulyan Parish Council will comment at the request of members of the public. 

PA14/05740 (10 Jul'14) | Demolition of existing house and construction of new house in a different position on the site, using same access with enlarged parking area and improved access visibility | Colaba Prideaux Road St Blazey Par Cornwall PL24 2SR

This is in the parish of St Blaise, but Luxulyan has been consulted as it is on the border.

PA14/04947 Lower Gurtla Farm Luxulyan Bodmin Cornwall PL30 5DU Change of use of building from agricultural to dwelling - Mrs Carol Davies - (Case Officer - Tracy Young)

This will no longer be discussed by Luxulyan Council.

The case officer states: This application is a prior notification and whilst the parish were consulted (in error) it is not a matter for consideration by the local councils. We just have to determine whether the application accords with the new Permitted Development regulations which came into force in April 2014. The works are deemed permitted development provided they comply with the conditions of Class MB of the new regs. These applications are dealt with the same as agricultural prior notifications – the parishes are not consulted in these cases.

10.06.2014 PA14/03551 APPROVED Applicant: Mr And Mrs Peter Hume Location: The Mill (adj Woodmill Farm) Prideaux Road St Blazey Par Cornwall Proposal: Conversion of redundant farm buildings to holiday accommodation (decision 01/01545) without complying with conditions 2 and 3 regarding use of properties for full time residential accommodation.

05.06.2014 PA14/02429 APPROVED Applicant: Mr David Retallick Location: Highway Garage Tywardreath Highway Par Cornwall PL24 2RN Proposal: Construction of MOT and service bay

03.06.2014 PA14/02824 APPROVED Applicant: Mrs P Hancock Location: Lestoon Farm Treskilling Luxulyan Bodmin Cornwall Proposal: Erection of steel framed building to cover silage storage area

02.06.2014 PA14/03632 APPROVED Applicant: Mr Jason Welsh Location: 14 Rosevale Gardens Luxulyan Bodmin PL30 5EP Proposal: Retention of Conservatory

29.05.2014 PA14/02396. APPROVED. Applicant: Mr Andrew Cottrill. Location: The Old Vicarage Luxulyan Bodmin Cornwall PL30 5EE. Proposal: Works to trees covered by a Tree Preservation Order namely Fell a Sycamore tree, shorten stem to branch on a beech tree,, top off an Ash tree by approximately 40%, Fell one Beech tree, Fell one Sycamore tree, Remove lower limb of Beech tree.

19.05.2014 PA14/02921 APPROVED. Applicant: Mr Neal Barnes. Location: Little Carne Farm St. Blazey Par PL24 2SX. Proposal: Kitchen/Diner extension with utility area.

19.05.2014 PA14/03455 S52/S106 and discharge of condition apps. Applicant: Mr Clive Coney. Location: Treskilling Farm Treskilling Luxulyan Bodmin Cornwall. Proposal: Discharge of conditions 4, 5 and 6 of PA13/06656 for conversion of single storey barn to 2 bedroom residential dwelling.

14.05.2014 PA14/02959 APPROVED Applicant: Mrs Christine Roberts.  Location: Moorland View Conce Moor Bugle St Austell Cornwall.  Proposal: Siting of 2 mobile homes under gypsy status for brother and children

EN14/00553. Enforcement case at Lestoon Farm. Alleged widening of access road over CL626 Treskilling Downs.

PA14/03632. 14 Rosevale Gardens Luxulyan Bodmin PL30 5EP.  New Conservatory - Mr Jason Welsh -  (Case Officer - Miss Myra Trust)

PA14/02634 S52/S106 and discharge of condition apps. Applicant: Mr And Mrs J Dunk. Location: Trevillyn Manor Farm Trevellyn Bugle St Austell Cornwall. Proposal: Application to discharge condition 3 in respect of decision notice PA13/08788.

PA14/03551 The Mill (adj Woodmill Farm) Prideaux Road St Blazey Par Cornwall PL24 2SR. Conversion of redundant farm buildings to holiday accommodation (decision 01/01545) without complying with conditions 2 and 3 regarding use of properties for full time residential accommodation. - Mr And Mrs Peter Hume. Case Officer - Matthew Sleeman.

PA14/02396 | Works to trees covered by a Tree Preservation Order namely Fell one Sycamore tree, shorten stem to branch, top off approximately 40%, Fell one Beech tree, Fell one Sycamore tree, Remove lower limb of Beech tree, Top off 3 Beech Trees. | The Old Vicarage Luxulyan Bodmin Cornwall PL30 5EE

PA14/02824 Lestoon Farm Treskilling Luxulyan Bodmin Cornwall PL30 5EL Erection of steel framed building to cover silage storage area - Mrs P Hancock -  (Case Officer - Tracy Young)

PA14/02921  Little Carne Farm St. Blazey Par PL24 2SX.  Kitchen/Diner extension with utility area. Mr Neal Barnes.  Case Officer - Miss Myra Trust.

11.12.2013 PA13/06904 APPROVED Applicant: Mr Stephen Allen Location: Rock Mill Prideaux St. Blazey Par PL24 2SS Proposal: Construction of unit as holiday accommodation and associated works Parish : Lanlivery (!). 

As the approval notice was listed under Lanlivery, Luxulyan has just become aware of the notice.  Luxulyan Council is investigating the loss of Protocol for Local Councils.

PA14/02959 | Moorland View Conce Moor Bugle St Austell Cornwall PL26 8RT | Siting of 2 mobile homes under gypsy status for brother and children. Mrs Christine Roberts | Case Officer - Tracy Young.

PA14/02429 | Construction of MOT and service bay | Highway Garage Tywardreath Highway Par Cornwall PL24 2RN

EN14/00432 | Alleged breach of condition 5 (carriageways and footways) | Land Adjacent St Cyriac, St Cyriac Luxulyan Cornwall

12.03.2014  PA14/00380  S52/S106 and discharge of condition apps. Applicant: Mr Robbie Brady. Location: Lestoon Farm Luxulyan Bodmin PL30 5EL. Proposal: Submission of details to discharge conditions 5, 7 and 9 of decision no. PA13/08209.

PA14/01652 S52/S106 and discharge of condition apps. Applicant: Mr Alan McGillivray. Location: Luxulyan Church Bridges Luxulyan Bodmin Cornwall. Proposal: Submittion of details to discharge Condition 5 in respect of decision notice PA11/07968

PA13/03710 REFUSED Applicant: Elgin EsCo Limited.  Location: Land South Of A391 Near Bodwen Bugle Cornwall.  Proposal: Construction of solar photovoltaic park with attendant infrastructure (application accompanied by an environmental statement)

PA14/01652. S52/S106 and discharge of condition apps.  Applicant: Mr Alan McGillivray.  Location: Luxulyan Church Bridges Luxulyan Bodmin Cornwall.  Proposal: Submission of details to discharge Condition 5 in respect of decision notice PA11/07968

PA14/01399 | Proposed erection of 1 day room and new mobile home including relocation of mobile home | Chavestan Carne Cross St Blazey Par Cornwall PL24 2SX

13.02.2014 PA14/01094 S52/S106 and discharge of condition apps Applicant: Mr Nick Witcombe Location: Land Adjacent St Cyriac St Cyriac Luxulyan Cornwall Proposal: Discharge of condition 20 of 08/01791 for proposed residential development of 13 Affordable and 6 speculative houses.

Strategic Planning Committee decision Thurs, 20 Feb 2014. 10.00 am. County Hall, Truro.
PA13/03710 | Construction of solar photovoltaic park with attendant infrastructure (application accompanied by an environmental statement) | Land South Of A391 Near Bodwen Bugle Cornwall

EN14/00114; Case Officer : David Tapsell.  NATURE: Alleged Non-compliance with C2/09/00029, the garage has been demolished and a huge four bedroomed detached building erected.Site Address: The Barn Lower Gurtla Farm Luxulyan Bodmin Cornwall PL30 5DU. Reason Closed: Not Expedient.

APPROVED 31.01.2014 PA14/00252 Applicant: Mrs Sharon Goodwin; Location: 2 Carne Cottages Carne Cross St Blazey Par Cornwall; Proposal: Application for non material amendment to PA12/06124, for erection of 2 storey rear/side extension, to allow change to external wall finish from rendered and painted cream to rendered and dry dashed in cream/white chippings and change sun tunnel above first floor corridor to a velux window.


CLOSED.  EN13/02850.  Case Officer: David Tapsell. NATURE: 2 Storey extension not being built inaccordance with approved plans PA12/06124. Site Address: Carne Cottages Carne Cross St Blazey Par Cornwall PL24 2SX. Reason Closed: Application Received

CLOSED. EN13/02289.  Case Officer:  David Tapsell.  NATURE:  Extension built allegedly without PP.  Site Address:  3 Treskilling Luxulyan Bodmin Cornwall PL30 5EJ.  Reason Closed:  Not Expedient.

EN13/02850 Case Officer: David Tapsell.  Nature: 2 Storey extension not being built in accordance with approved plans.  PA12/06124.  Address:  Carne Cottages Carne Cross St Blazey Par Cornwall PL24 2SX.

PA13/10692 APPROVED.  Applicant: Mrs Pamela Hancock.  Location: Lestoon Farm Treskilling Luxulyan Bodmin Cornwall.  Proposal: Erection of extension to existing building to cover manure storage area

 PA13/08209APPROVED Mr Gareth Davies Lestoon Farm Luxulyan Bodmin PL30 5EL Erection of a wind turbine of max 77m to tip. Along with associated infrastructure including an electrical switchgear house and temporary access track.

PA13/08634 APPROVED Mr And Mrs J Dunk Trevillyn Manor Farm Bugle St Austell Cornwall PL26 8RT Planning permission for redevelopment of curtilage listed store to annexe/ancillary to main dwelling with associated works.

PA13/08788 APPROVED Mr And Mrs J Dunk Trevillyn Manor Farm Bugle St Austell Cornwall PL26 8RT Listed building consent for redevelopment of curtilage listed store to annexe/ancillary accommodation to main dwelling with associated works

EN13/02800 Case Officer:  David Tapsell.  NATURE:  Alleged erection of balcony to the rear of the property and extension to side of the property over patio doors.  Site Address:  14 Rosevale Gardens Luxulyan Bodmin Cornwall PL30 5EP

PA13/03710 |Construction of solar photovoltaic park with attendant infrastructure (application accompanied by an environmental statement).  Land South Of A391 Near Bodwen Bugle Cornwall

PA13/10692  Erection of extension to existing building to cover manure storage area.  Lestoon Farm Treskilling Luxulyan Bodmin Cornwall PL30 5EL

21.11.2013 PA13/07854 APPROVED Applicant: Mrs A Thomas. Location: Chavestan Carne Cross St Blazey Par Cornwall. Proposal: Siting of three mobile homes, erection of three day rooms including blocking up existing vehicular access and formation of new vehicular access.

PA13/00824 |Installation and operation of a single 500kW wind turbine (maximum hub height 50m, maximum blade tip 74m)|Kernick Farm Luxulyan Bodmin Cornwall PL30 5DX
Status: Appeal In Progress – Ref. No: 13/00360/REF

Cornwall Council’s Planning, Housing and Regeneration Service is interested in your opinion in 3 different areas. See their website at:

PA13/08634 Trevillyn Manor Farm Bugle St Austell Cornwall PL26 8RT. Planning permission for redevelopment of curtilage listed store to annexe/ancillary to main dwelling with associated works. Mr And Mrs J Dunk. (Case Officer - Miss Myra Trust)

PA13/08788 Trevilyn Manor Farm Bugle St Austell Cornwall PL26 8RT. Listed building consent for redevelopment of curtilage listed store to annexe/ancillary accommodation to main dwelling with associated works. Mr And Mrs J Dunk. (Case Officer - Miss Myra Trust)

28.10.2013 PA13/08257 WITHDRAWN Mr and Mrs RC Keam. Land At Treskilling Treskilling Luxulyan Bodmin Cornwall. Outline application with some matters reserved (access) for an affordable dwelling.

11.10.2013 PA13/07501 APPROVED. Applicant: Mr Justin Williams. Location: Woodmill Farm Prideaux Road St Blazey Par Cornwall. Proposal: Extension and improvements to existing dwelling

Public Consultation re: PA13/08209 - Erection of a wind turbine 77m to tip at Lestoon farm PL305EL.  Tuesday 8th October between 16.00 – 18.00 at Luxulyan Village Hall.

03.10.2013 PA13/08596 No objections (OHL/HG apps). Applicant: Mr P Stockman. Location: Lestoon Farm Treskilling Luxulyan Bodmin Cornwall. Proposal: Installation of overhead line 3rd wire only in connection with the proposed. WPD has been asked to provide an electricity connection to the above wind farm for which the council has already granted permission under reference PA1. WPD have a statutory duty to provide connections to the electricity network and in order to do this it will be necessary to erect a 3rd conductor to the existing 2 wire over head line for approximately 420m. The other works to supply the turbine will be under ground with approximately 370m of under ground cable.

PA13/08257. (Case Officer - Ms Tracy Young). Land At Treskilling Treskilling Luxulyan Bodmin Cornwall PL30 5EL. Outline application with some matters reserved (access) for an affordable dwelling - Mr And Mrs R C Keam.

Reconsideration: PA13/07501|Extension and improvements to existing dwelling|Woodmill Farm Prideaux Road St Blazey Par Cornwall PL24 2SR

Case Ref: EN13/02228.  Case Officer: David Tapsell.  NATURE: Building works incluidng extension toside of property allegedly without PP.  Site Address: Little Carne Farm Carne Cross St Blazey Par Cornwall PL24 2SX.

Case Ref: EN13/01823.  Case Officer: Donna Paull.  NATURE:  Siting of 2 caravans for residential purposes.  Site Address: Moorland View Conce Moor Bugle St Austell Cornwall PL26 8RT.  Reason Closed: Not Expedient.

20.09.2013 PA13/06656 APPROVED. Applicant: Mr Clive Coney. Location: Treskilling Farm Luxulyan Bodmin PL30 5EL. Proposal: Conversion of single storey barn to 2 bedroom residential dwelling

30.09.2013.Central Sub-area Planning Committee meeting. Ref. No: PA13/06039.  Construction of 2 No 3 bedroom Affordable Houses and 1 No Open market 3 bedroom bungalow.  Address:  Land South East Of Sunnyside Lockengate Bugle Cornwall.  Status:  pending consideration.

10.09.2013 PA13/07711 Screening Opinion - EIA Not Required; Applicant: C/o Agent; Location: Land North East Of Trenince Farm Luxulyan Cornwall; Proposal: Screening opinion proposal for a solar PV ground mounted system

18.09.2013 PA13/02690/PREAPP Closed - advice given/app submitted; Applicant: David Truscott; Location: 31 Rosevale Gardens Luxulyan Bodmin Cornwall PL30 5EP; Proposal: Do I Need Planning Enquiry conversion of part of integral garage to be used as study. Garage door to be replaced by window in keeping with rest of property

PA13/08209 (Case Officer - Mr Ellis Crompton-Brown). Lestoon Farm Luxulyan Bodmin PL30 5EL. Erection of a wind turbine of max 77m to tip. Along with associated infrastructure including an electrical switchgear house and temporary access track. - Mr Gareth Davies.

03.09.2013 PA13/02441/PREAPP Closed - advice given/app submitted. Applicant: Danny Crawley. Location: Castle Towers Conce Bugle St Austell Cornwall. Proposal: Do I need planning permission for replacement of 4 caravans with 4 chalets/huts

PA13/07854 |Siting of three mobile homes, erection of three day rooms including blocking up existing vehicular access and formation of new vehicular access|Chavestan Carne Cross St Blazey Par Cornwall PL24 2SX

28.08.2013 PA13/04954. S52/S106 and discharge of condition apps. Applicant: Mr A Higman. Location: Higher Menadew Farm Bugle St Austell Cornwall PL26 8QW. Proposal: Discharge of conditions 4,5,6,7,8,9,11 and 12 in respect of decision notice PA12/04643.

PA13/05345 APPROVED.Applicant: Mr David Stacey.Location: Polgoda Farm Bugle St Austell Cornwall PL26 8RT. Proposal: New agricultural shed for cattle during winter months

PA13/07501 | Extension and improvements to existing dwelling | Woodmill Farm Prideaux Road St Blazey Par Cornwall PL24 2SR. Status: Pending Consideration.

Case closed 28-8-13. EN13/01827. Change of use of outbuilding to recording studio. Moorland View Conce Moor Bugle St Austell PL26 8RT. Not Expedient

Delegated Decision. Decision Date 19.08.2013. PA13/05274 (Decision: Screening Opinion - EIA [Environmental Impact Assessment] Not Required). Applicant: Clean Earth Energy. Location: Lestoon Farm Treskilling Luxulyan Bodmin Cornwall. Proposal: EIA screening opinion request for proposed single wind turbine of maximum hub height 60m and maximum tip height 87m with a 3 bladed rotor design.

PA13/07711. Application Received:19 Aug 2013. Address:Land North East Of Trenince Farm Luxulyan Cornwall. Proposal: Screening opinion proposal for a solar PV ground mounted system of up to 2.62MW. Status:Pending Consideration

PA13/06904 | Construction of unit as holiday accommodation and associated works | Rock Mill Prideaux St. Blazey Par PL24 2SS | Validated: Wed 21 Aug 2013 | Status: Pending Consideration.

PA13/06656 | Conversion of single storey barn to 2 bedroom residential dwelling | Treskilling Farm Luxulyan Bodmin PL30 5EL. Validated: Fri 26 Jul 2013 | Status: Pending Consideration.

Enforcement cases closed, 15-8-13.
EN13/01821  Case Officer:  Donna Paull. NATURE: levelling and redistribution of china clay spoil and creation of bund. Site Address: Land West Of Higher Menadue Bugle Cornwall. Reason Closed: No Breach Found
EN13/01825  Case Officer:  Donna Paull. NATURE: Construction of a seperate unit of residential accommodation.  Site Address:  Moorland View Conce Moor Bugle St Austell Cornwall PL26 8RT. Reason Closed: Not Expedient
EN13/01826  Case Officer:  Donna Paull. NATURE: Installation of Hydro-pool. Site Address: Moorland View Conce Moor Bugle St Austell Cornwall PL26 8RT Reason Closed: No Breach Found

A public meeting has been arranged for the following planning application. PA13/03710 - Land South Of A391 Near Bodwen Bugle Cornwall Construction of solar photovoltaic park with attendant infrastructure (application accompanied by an environmental statement). Thursday, 12 September, 6 PM, Bugle Village Hall

NOTES for the Strategic Planning Committee (SPC) invitation to hear the views of the public about PA13/03710:

This is the opportunity for the public to state their support/concerns/opinions about the application. The points raised will be noted at the meeting and form part of the officer’s report, which will be considered by the full SPC committee at a future meeting. The earliest date for the SPC to consider PA13/03710 could be 26th September. The report of the 12th September public meeting will be published and available on the Cornwall Council website 5 clear working days before the SPC consideration.

1) When you enter the meeting, people wishing to speak will be asked to register their names. Then, during the meeting speakers will be called by the Chairman.
2) The Chairman of the SPC will chair this meeting and will introduce the Planning Case Officer.
3) The Planning Case Officer will do a short presentation outlining the application including photographs and plans.
4) The Chair will then ask for the public to speak in turn.
5) The speaker can speak about the overall impact of the application, or, if he/she wishes, identify which aspect of the planning application he is referring to; for example, landscape, agricultural land use, traffic, visual impact, infrastructure, etc., and then explain his support/objection for that part of the application.
6) Questions may be asked about the application, but answers will be given within the report and not at this public meeting.
7) Democratic Services will take notes of the points raised and these will form part of the report to the SPC.

Further information about the CC's policy for planning can be found at this link, at the bottom of the list, numbers 25 and 26.

Ref. No: PA13/01153/PREAPP  Pre-application advice for proposed residential development.  Land Adjacent St Cyriac St Cyriac Luxulyan Cornwall.  Validated: Mon 22 Apr 2013.  Status: Closed - advice given

Enforcement cases received, 8-8-13.
EN13/01821. Case Officer: Donna Paull. NATURE: levelling and redistribution of china clay spoil and creation of bund. Site Address: Land West Of Higher Menadue Bugle Cornwall.
EN13/01823. Case Officer: Donna Paull. NATURE: Siting of 2 caravans for residential purposes. Site Address: Moorland View Conce Moor Bugle St Austell Cornwall PL26 8RT.
EN13/01825. Case Officer: Donna Paull. NATURE: Construction of a seperate unit of residential accommodation. Site Address: Moorland View Conce Moor Bugle St AustellCornwall PL26 8RT.
EN13/01826. Case Officer: Donna Paull. NATURE: Installation of Hydro-pool. Site Address: Moorland View Conce Moor Bugle St Austell Cornwall PL26 8RT.
EN13/01827. Case Officer: Donna Paull. NATURE: Change of use of outbuilding to recording studio. Site Address: Moorland View Conce Moor Bugle St Austell Cornwall PL26 8RT.

Case Ref: EN13/00923 Case Officer: Donna Paull. NATURE: Caravans on land used for residential purposes. Site Address: Land At Moorland View Conce Moor Bugle St Austell PL26 8RT.  Reason Closed: Breach Resolved.

30.07.2013 PA13/05160 APPROVED Applicant: Mr John Penny Location: Luxulyan Quarry Luxulyan Bodmin Cornwall PL30 5DX Proposal: Application for postponement of periodic review date 

PA13/05345  Polgoda Farm, Bugle, St Austell, Cornwall PL26 8RT.  New agricultural shed for cattle during winter months - Mr David Stacey -  Status:  pending consideration.

Ref. No: PA13/06039.  Construction of 2 No 3 bedroom Affordable Houses and 1 No Open market 3 bedroom bungalow.  Address:  Land South East Of Sunnyside Lockengate Bugle Cornwall.  Status:  pending consideration.

Case Ref: EN13/01607  NATURE:Property directly behind - Roof trusses are allegedly higher than allowed. SITE ADDRESS: Land Adjacent St Cyriac St Cyriac Luxulyan Cornwall.  REASON CLOSED:  Not Expedient
11.07.13.  Case Ref: EN13/01607. Case Officer: Donna Paull.  Site Address: Land Adjacent St Cyriac St Cyriac Luxulyan.   NATURE: Property directly behind - R oof trusses are allegedly higher than allowed.
PA13/00824 REFUSED
Applicant:  Mr Cliff Fox
Location:  Kernick Farm Luxulyan Bodmin Cornwall PL30 5DX
Proposal:Installation and operation of a single 500kW wind turbine (maximum hub height 50m, maximum blade tip 74m)

SITE MEETING re:  PA13/03710  Construction of solar photovoltaic park with attendant infrastructure (application accompanied by an environmental statement)  Land South Of A391 Near Bodwen Bugle Cornwall
Thursday 4th July at 7 pm. Meet at Bodwen.
Simon Rix CC will attend

Change of use from garage to ancillary accommodation
Rock View Luxulyan Bodmin PL30 5EQ
Ref. No: PA13/03962 | Received: Tue 07 May 2013 | Validated: Fri 28 Jun 2013 | Status: Pending Consideration

APPEAL.  PA12/08624 Conversion of horticultural building to two holiday units for short term letting
Pentire Farm Lanivet Bodmin PL30 5HU
Status:  Refusal - One reason for refusal
Appeal Status:  Appeal In Progress

Variation of condition no. 2 (relating to time allowed for submission of reserved matters) on decision notice PA10/04671 dated 16.12.2010 (Hybrid planning application for an engineered deep Geothermal Energy Facility. Full planning application for hardstanding, two 4.5km deep wells, drilling rig and ancillary plant, mud lagoon, cuttings pit, means of access, and ancillary infrastructure. Outline planning application for power plant and ancillary infrastructure, office, storage, water supply connection, electricity and heating connection to The Eden Project Energy Centre, landscape and habitat strategy, and ancillary infrastructure)
The Eden Project Bodelva Road Bodelva Par Cornwall PL24 2SG
Ref. No: PA13/05057 | Received: Thu 06 Jun 2013 | Validated: Thu 06 Jun 2013 | Status: Pending Consideration

Ref No: PA12/10295   APPROVED    Applicant: Mr Ben Oliver    Location: Treskilling Dry Luxulyan Cornwall PL30 5EF    Proposal: Proposed splitting up of existing Unit 3 to form 2 x units.Construction of 6 new units (commercial) and 3 garages (domestic or commercial). Use of buildings B1a, B1c, and B8 (business/general industrial/storage)

Ref No: PA13/03573   REFUSED    Applicant: Mrs A Thomas    Location:Chavestan Carne Cross St Blazey Par Cornwall    Proposal: Proposed siting of three mobile homes and erection of three day rooms

Construction of solar photovoltaic park of up to 5.52MW with attendant infrastructure (application accompanied by an environmental statement)  Land South Of A391 Near Bodwen Bugle Cornwall

Ref. No: PA13/03710 | Received: Mon 29 Apr 2013 | Validated: Wed 22 May 2013 | Status: Pending Consideration

14.06.2013  PA13/01574/PREAPP  Closed - advice given/app
submitted Applicant:Mr G D Stewart.
Location:21 Rosevale Gardens Luxulyan Bodmin Cornwall PL30 5EP
Proposal:Do I need planning permission for 2 storey rear extension
Parish :Luxulyan

14.06.2013  PA13/01709/PREAPP  Closed - advice given/app
submitted Applicant:Mr I Thomson.
Location:Water Meadow Luxulyan Bodmin Cornwall PL30 5DW
Proposal:Installation of roof mounted solar panels Parish :Luxulyan

Proposed siting of three mobile homes and erection of three day rooms Planning Application Chavestan Carne Cross St Blazey Par Cornwall PL24 2SX

Ref. No: PA13/03573 | Received: Wed 24 Apr 2013 | Validated: Wed 24 Apr 2013 | Status: Pending Consideration

St Austell China Clay ROMP review Planning Application St Austell China Clay Mining Site St Austell Cornwall PL25 5AG

Ref. No: PA13/01142 | Received: Thu 07 Feb 2013 | Validated: Thu 21 Mar 2013 | Status: Pending Consideration


LUXULYAN. OOOOOOO (0000000) | __________________________.

LUXULYAN decision. OOOOOOO | _______________ | __________________________.