Parish Council Committees

Parish Councillors page 

Luxulyan Parish Council (LPC)

Planning.  Most planning issues are considered at the ordinary Council meetings on the 2nd Thursday evening each month.  However, if there are planning issues to consider in between ordinary Council meetings, the council will hold an extraordinary meeting, usually on the 4th Thursday of the month, at the Memorial Institute at 6.00 pm. The agenda for all meetings will be posted on this website with 3 clear days' notice.

Highways. There is no committee or lead councillor for Highways.  Please go to the Cornwall Council Report It page to report a highway problem.  If it is not fixed in good time, please advise the Parish Council. 

Finance. The Audit Panel, with Internal Control Check, meets every quarter (July, October, January, April). The clerk serves as the Responsible Finance Officer (RFO) for the Parish Council, also known as the Section 151 Officer.

Staffing. The Staffing Committee meets each September and other meetings are called by the chair of the committee as and when necessary. 

Clerk. Mrs Christine Wilson, CiLCA. The Clerk is the Proper Officer of the Council, Responsible Finance Officer (RFO), and website manager. The clerk holds a Certificate in Local Council Administration.

LPC Audit Panel and Internal Control Check
Cllrs Higman (Chair), Kemp (Internal Control Check), Linfoot, Payne

LPC Staffing Committee
Cllrs Hatton (Chair), Higman, Linfoot and Tonkin

LPC Risk Assessment Working Party
Cllrs Francis, Grindley, Kemp, and the Clerk

LPC Projects Working Party
Cllrs Hatton, Kemp, Linfoot and Payne 

Luxulyan Memorial Institute Trustees
Cllrs Cordy, Higman, Linfoot and Tonkin (Trustees)

Luxulyan Valley Management Partnership
Cllrs Linfoot (LPC representative) and Cllr Tonkin as substitute 

Footpaths Committee (not a parish council body)
Cllr Francis (LPC representative), R James (Chair), J Farmer, E Harradence.

Cornwall Association of Local Councils
Cllr Linfoot (LPC representative)

Community Area Partnership – China Clay CAP 
Cllr Linfoot (Principal LPC representative) and Cllr Cordy or Cllr Kemp (Deputy LPC representative)
The parishes are: Luxulyan, Roche, Treverbyn, St Dennis, St Stephen-in-Brannel, St Enoder.

Luxulyan Parish Community Fund (LPCF) Panel
Cllrs Francis and Kemp (LPC representatives)
see the LPCF webpage for more information

Luxulyan Community Land Trust
Cllrs Grindley and Payne (LPC representatives)

Village Hall Committee
Cllr Higman (LPC representative)

Eden Community Geothermal Liaison Group
Cllr Grindley (LPC representative)

Councillor Advocate Scheme organised by the Office of the Police & Crime Commissioner
Ward Member Peter Guest will report to the council about matters concerning Luxulyan parish.